• adf

    From Frank Linhares@39:902/502 to All on Sun Feb 14 22:32:07 2010
    Does anyone know of any way to convert adf images to real floppies using a
    PC floppy drive to do the conversion?

    I have some adf's that I really need converted to a physical floppy so I can install the software on my 1200.

    [=! frank aka netsurge
    [=! misery bbs . telnet://miserybbs.com . netsurge@miserybbs.com

    --- Zeus BBS 1.5
    * Origin: Misery BBS - Amiga BBSin At It's Best (39:902/502.0)
  • From Stephen Walsh@39:901/280 to Frank Linhares on Mon Feb 15 21:17:25 2010
    Hello Frank.

    14 Feb 10 22:32, you wrote to all:

    Does anyone know of any way to convert adf images to real floppies
    using a PC floppy drive to do the conversion?
    I have some adf's that I really need converted to a physical floppy so
    I can install the software on my 1200.

    The only way is to transfer the adf file to your Amiga and then write it out with a adf writing/creating program on the Amiga.

    (Transadf comes to mind)


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
    * Origin: -:--- Dragon's Lair ---:- telnet: bbs.vk3heg.net (39:901/280)
  • From Benny Pedersen@2:23/0 to Frank Linhares on Mon Feb 15 16:09:30 2010
    Hello Frank!

    14 Feb 10 22:32, Frank Linhares wrote to All:

    Does anyone know of any way to convert adf images to real floppies
    using a PC floppy drive to do the conversion?

    I have some adf's that I really need converted to a physical floppy so
    I can install the software on my 1200.

    xadmaster can extract adf, another way is to make AFFS and amiga partion table in linux kernel native, and then just the following:

    mount -t affs -o loop file.adf /path/to/mount/point


    why is this still no linux bbs that can be very geek here ?

    Regards Benny

    +++ http://lists.junc.info/mailman/listinfo/
    ooo http://lite.facebook.com/ would fidonet come there ?
    ... there can only be one way of life, and it works :)

    --- Msged/LNX 6.2.0 (Linux/2.6.32-gentoo-r4 (i686))
    * Origin: http://www.facebook.com/xpoint (2:23/0)
  • From Benny Pedersen@2:23/0 to Stephen Walsh on Mon Feb 15 16:13:58 2010
    Hello Stephen!

    15 Feb 10 21:17, Stephen Walsh wrote to Frank Linhares:

    (Transadf comes to mind)

    and frank have linux :)

    Regards Benny

    +++ http://lists.junc.info/mailman/listinfo/
    ooo http://lite.facebook.com/ would fidonet come there ?
    ... there can only be one way of life, and it works :)

    --- Msged/LNX 6.2.0 (Linux/2.6.32-gentoo-r4 (i686))
    * Origin: http://www.facebook.com/xpoint (2:23/0)
  • From Frank Linhares@39:902/502 to Stephen Walsh on Mon Feb 15 20:04:00 2010

    On Monday February 15, 2010, Stephen Walsh said to Frank Linhares...

    The only way is to transfer the adf file to your Amiga and then write
    it out with a adf writing/creating program on the Amiga.

    (Transadf comes to mind)

    Perfect. That will work.

    [=! frank aka netsurge
    [=! misery bbs . telnet://miserybbs.com . netsurge@miserybbs.com

    --- Zeus BBS 1.5
    * Origin: Misery - telnet://miserybbs.com (39:902/502.0)
  • From Stephen Walsh@3:633/280 to Benny Pedersen on Tue Feb 16 14:53:29 2010
    Hello Benny.

    15 Feb 10 16:13, you wrote to me:

    15 Feb 10 21:17, Stephen Walsh wrote to Frank Linhares:

    (Transadf comes to mind)

    and frank have linux :)

    Frannk's amiga has network support, so linux isn't the problem.


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
    * Origin: -:--- Dragon's Lair ---:- telnet: bbs.vk3heg.net (3:633/280)
  • From Stephen Walsh@39:901/280 to Frank Linhares on Tue Feb 16 14:54:37 2010
    Hello Frank.

    15 Feb 10 20:04, you wrote to me:

    The only way is to transfer the adf file to your Amiga and then
    write it out with a adf writing/creating program on the Amiga.
    (Transadf comes to mind)

    Perfect. That will work.

    I would have thought that you would have known that the pc can't write amiga disk's... The only machine atm that can do it is an Amiga....

    There's also a few gui based ones... Have a look on aminet.


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5
    * Origin: -:--- Dragon's Lair ---:- telnet: bbs.vk3heg.net (39:901/280)
  • From Benny Pedersen@39:14/0 to Frank Linhares on Tue Feb 16 12:38:16 2010
    Hello Frank!

    15 Feb 10 20:04, Frank Linhares wrote to Stephen Walsh:

    The only way is to transfer the adf file to your Amiga and then write
    it out with a adf writing/creating program on the Amiga.

    (Transadf comes to mind)

    Perfect. That will work.

    mount in linux wont ? :)

    lets say one have 1000 adf files on linux, mount each of them in linux so linux fs have them all with full content, now it should be possible from amiga to ftp mount each disk as a disk where the mount on amiga is the floppy disk name

    but i hope some amiga devs one day make envoy work with linux

    Regards Benny

    +++ http://lists.junc.info/mailman/listinfo/
    ooo http://lite.facebook.com/ would fidonet come there ?
    ... there can only be one way of life, and it works :)

    --- Msged/LNX 6.2.0 (Linux/2.6.32-gentoo-r5 (i686))
    * Origin: http://www.facebook.com/xpoint (39:14/0)
  • From Benny Pedersen@39:14/0 to Stephen Walsh on Tue Feb 16 12:42:40 2010
    Hello Stephen!

    16 Feb 10 14:53, Stephen Walsh wrote to Benny Pedersen:

    Frannk's amiga has network support, so linux isn't the problem.

    yep, and even sending from linux netmail to amiga netmail is possible :)

    Regards Benny

    +++ http://lists.junc.info/mailman/listinfo/
    ooo http://lite.facebook.com/ would fidonet come there ?
    ... there can only be one way of life, and it works :)

    --- Msged/LNX 6.2.0 (Linux/2.6.32-gentoo-r5 (i686))
    * Origin: http://www.facebook.com/xpoint (39:14/0)
  • From Benny Pedersen@39:14/0 to Stephen Walsh on Tue Feb 16 12:44:28 2010
    Hello Stephen!

    16 Feb 10 14:54, Stephen Walsh wrote to Frank Linhares:

    I would have thought that you would have known that the pc can't write amiga disk's... The only machine atm that can do it is an Amiga....

    catweasel on pc can (hardware pci card) where it uses amiga floppy or pc drive if i remember the specs for it

    There's also a few gui based ones... Have a look on aminet.

    i would like to have a gui on pc for aminet :)

    anyway see http://amy.fido.dk/mailman/listinfo/ it begins to be complete :)

    Regards Benny

    +++ http://lists.junc.info/mailman/listinfo/
    ooo http://lite.facebook.com/ would fidonet come there ?
    ... there can only be one way of life, and it works :)

    --- Msged/LNX 6.2.0 (Linux/2.6.32-gentoo-r5 (i686))
    * Origin: http://www.facebook.com/xpoint (39:14/0)
  • From Frank Linhares@39:902/502 to Stephen Walsh on Tue Feb 16 11:40:49 2010

    On Tuesday February 16, 2010, Stephen Walsh said to Frank Linhares...

    I would have thought that you would have known that the pc can't write amiga disk's... The only machine atm that can do it is an Amiga....

    There's also a few gui based ones... Have a look on aminet.

    I do know that a pc can't write to an Amiga disk silly I just wasn't sure if someone had rigged up some sort of hardware to make it possible.

    [=! frank aka netsurge
    [=! misery bbs . telnet://miserybbs.com . netsurge@miserybbs.com

    --- Zeus BBS 1.5
    * Origin: Misery - telnet://miserybbs.com (39:902/502.0)
  • From Benny Pedersen@39:14/0 to Frank Linhares on Tue Feb 16 22:04:06 2010
    Hello Frank!

    16 Feb 10 11:40, Frank Linhares wrote to Stephen Walsh:

    I do know that a pc can't write to an Amiga disk silly I just wasn't sure if
    someone had rigged up some sort of hardware to make it possible.

    i have seen sernet parnet and another nullmodem style software on amiga and a program to the pc side to make a simple null modem cable work

    in adpro there was a file splitter if some graphics file could not be on a single disk to split the file out on multiple disk so the complete file could be assembled again on the other side :)

    Regards Benny

    +++ http://lists.junc.info/mailman/listinfo/
    ooo http://lite.facebook.com/ would fidonet come there ?
    ... there can only be one way of life, and it works :)

    --- Msged/LNX 6.2.0 (Linux/2.6.32-gentoo-r5 (i686))
    * Origin: http://www.facebook.com/xpoint (39:14/0)
  • From Stephen Walsh@39:901/280 to Benny Pedersen on Tue Feb 23 22:43:08 2010

    On Monday February 15, 2010, Benny Pedersen said to Stephen Walsh...

    15 Feb 10 21:17, Stephen Walsh wrote to Frank Linhares:

    (Transadf comes to mind)

    and frank have linux :)

    Is this going to be a 'who has the most os's' type of thing?

    --*= Stephen - Vk3heg =*--

    --- Zeus BBS 1.5
    * Origin: -:-- Dragon's Lair BBS --:- Telnet: bbs.vk3heg.net (39:901/280.0)
  • From Stephen Walsh@39:901/280 to Frank Linhares on Tue Feb 23 22:44:02 2010

    On Monday February 15, 2010, Frank Linhares said to Stephen Walsh...

    On Monday February 15, 2010, Stephen Walsh said to Frank Linhares...

    The only way is to transfer the adf file to your Amiga and then write
    it out with a adf writing/creating program on the Amiga.

    (Transadf comes to mind)

    Perfect. That will work.


    Now have you got it working, and was the disk what you wanted expected?

    --*= Stephen - Vk3heg =*--

    --- Zeus BBS 1.5
    * Origin: -:-- Dragon's Lair BBS --:- Telnet: bbs.vk3heg.net (39:901/280.0)
  • From Benny Pedersen@39:140/100 to Stephen Walsh on Tue Feb 23 18:13:23 2010

    On Tue 23 Feb 2010 09:43:08 PM CET, Stephen Walsh wrote
    Is this going to be a 'who has the most os's' type of thing?


    xadUnDisk FROM file.adf TO DF0:

    get xadmaster from aminet :-)


    --- DayDream BBS/Linux 2.15a (via NNTP)
    * Origin: The Night Express BBS, Korsoer, nightexp.no-ip.org (39:140/100.0)
  • From Frank Linhares@39:902/502 to Stephen Walsh on Wed Feb 24 15:25:19 2010

    On Tuesday February 23, 2010, Stephen Walsh said to Frank Linhares...


    Now have you got it working, and was the disk what you wanted expected?

    Yes and yes. Thanks.

    [=! frank aka netsurge
    [=! misery bbs . telnet://miserybbs.com . netsurge@miserybbs.com

    --- Zeus BBS 1.5
    * Origin: Misery BBS - Amiga BBSin At It's Best (39:902/502.0)