• Prescribed burns encourage foul-smelling

    From ScienceDaily@1:317/3 to All on Tue May 23 22:30:24 2023
    Prescribed burns encourage foul-smelling invaders

    May 23, 2023
    University of California - Riverside
    Though prescribed burns reduce wildfire threats and even improve
    habitat for some animals, new research shows these fires also spread
    stinknet, an aptly named weed currently invading superblooms across
    the Southwestern U.S.

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    FULL STORY ========================================================================== Though prescribed burns reduce wildfire threats and even improve habitat
    for some animals, new research shows these fires also spread stinknet,
    an aptly named weed currently invading superblooms across the Southwestern

    Stinknet, also called globe chamomile, is native to South Africa, but
    is commonly seen in photos of California's colorful superblooms. "Not
    all flowering plants are indicative of a healthy ecosystem," said Loralee Larios, UC Riverside assistant botany professor and study co-author. "This
    one isn't." In addition to its unpleasant odor, each of its tiny yellow ball-shaped flowers can hold hundreds of seeds. While expanding across
    entire parks, it crowds out native plants on which endangered local
    animals rely.

    The invader also reduces the overall health of the soil. In some cases,
    if an invasive plant changes the composition of the landscape enough,
    the soil can release stored carbon into the atmosphere, accelerating
    the negative effects of climate change.

    For these reasons, the researchers looked more closely at how stinknet

    They found that after a prescribed burn, many unburned patches of
    stinknet remain in what is otherwise bare ground, free of competition
    from other plants.

    "In fact, patches of stinknet left over after a burn create focal points
    for more invasions," Larios said.

    This finding is detailed in the journal Restoration Ecology. To obtain
    it, the researchers observed plant behavior on a burned plot of land in Southern California's Lake Perris State Park. Over two years, starting in
    2020, they saw that the unburned stinknet patches had double the number
    of viable seeds, as compared to the areas that were completely burned
    and had no leftover stinknet.

    It appears that singed patches create favorable microclimates for
    stinknet, creating soil temperature, light, and moisture conditions that
    help it spread.

    Additionally, they found that adding native plant seeds back into
    the burned area did not significantly increase the presence of native
    species. "Stinknet likely releases chemicals through its roots that
    kill soil fungi essential for native plant growth," said Stuart Schwab,
    a doctoral candidate in plant sciences at UCR and lead study author.

    Because prescribed burns offer so many benefits for the landscape,
    including removing highly flammable invasive grasses, the researchers
    are not suggesting that land managers end the practice. Rather, they
    are calling for more targeted, secondary stinknet treatments after burns.

    "Options could include pulling patches of remaining stinknet out of the
    ground by hand, or doing something called solarizing, where you put a
    dark tarp on an area to heat and kill any remaining seeds underneath,"
    Schwab said. "As a last resort they could use herbicides." Going forward,
    the research team would like to conduct similar studies to understand
    how fire impacts the spread of other invasive species.

    In the meantime, hikers and nature lovers can do a lot to help stop
    stinknet spread. "Clean your boots if you go on hikes. That's a major
    vector," Schwab said. "The seeds are less than a millimeter wide. They're
    tiny specks and easy to miss. Just brushing your shoes periodically can
    really minimize how far they travel." Finally, the researchers want non-scientists to feel empowered in the fight to minimize the impact of
    plants like stinknet on local ecosystems.

    "The majority of invasive plants were originally discovered by

    UC Riverside undergraduates were the first to find stinknet," Larios said.

    "Sharing with others through sites like iNaturalist is so important! Researchers can't cover that much space by themselves."
    o Plants_&_Animals
    # Endangered_Plants # Seeds # Nature # Ecology_Research
    o Earth_&_Climate
    # Exotic_Species # Ecology # Rainforests # Wildfires
    o Weed o Wildfire o Agronomy o Bushfire o Controlled_burn o
    Jaguar o Fire_fighting o Veterinary_medicine

    ========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by
    University_of_California_-_Riverside. Original written by Jules
    Bernstein. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

    ========================================================================== Journal Reference:
    1. Stuart T. Schwab, G. Darrel Jenerette, Loralee Larios. Prescribed
    may produce refugia for invasive forb, Oncosiphon
    pilulifer. Restoration Ecology, 2023; DOI: 10.1111/rec.13922 ==========================================================================

    Link to news story: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/05/230523123834.htm

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