Good toothbrushing habits in children linked to mother's wellbeing
July 28, 2021
Tohoku University
Researchers have shown that postpartum depression can inhibit
a mother's ability to instill healthy tooth brushing habits in
children. The study demonstrates the need to foster greater mental
support and management for mothers and incorporate these factors
when assessing children's oral health.
FULL STORY ==========================================================================
A mother's mental health may play a larger role in a child's toothbrushing habits than previously thought.
It is no secret that brushing your teeth twice a day is highly effective
in promoting healthy teeth and gums. The International Association of
Pediatric Dentistry advocates brushing with toothpaste containing fluoride
to prevent decayed, missing, or filled teeth -- known as childhood dental caries (ECC) - - in children.
Parents are instrumental in instilling good dental habits in their
In Japan, there is a worryingly high prevalence of ECC among children
aged 3 years old. Postpartum depression and/or lack of affection caused
by bonding disorders hamper a mother's ability to cultivate healthy dental practices in children, and researchers were keen to explore this link.
Dr Shinobu Tsuchiya from Tohoku University Hospital led a research group
that analyzed approximately 80,000 mother-infant pairs from the Ministry
of Environment's Japan Environment and Children's Study.
They found children with mothers suffering from postpartum depression or bonding disorders brushed their teeth less often. Likewise, the frequency
with which children brushed their teeth increased when mothers showed
strong affection towards their children.
The research group hopes their research will foster greater mental
support and management for mothers and that doctors will incorporate
these factors when assessing children's oral health.
"A mother's psychological well-being provides valuable screening
information for identifying children at a high risk of ECC," said
Tsuchiya In future studies, Tsuchiya and her team hope to examine other environmental influences on poor oral health.
========================================================================== Story Source: Materials provided by Tohoku_University. Note: Content
may be edited for style and length.
========================================================================== Journal Reference:
1. Shinobu Tsuchiya, Masahiro Tsuchiya, Haruki Momma, Ryoichi Nagatomi,
Takahiro Arima, Nobuo Yaegashi, Kaoru Igarashi. Influence
of maternal postpartum depression on children's toothbrushing
frequency. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 2021; DOI:
10.1111/cdoe.12672 ==========================================================================
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