New Ukrainian children's playgrounds now have blackboards which say
what is not allowed there: ;-)
Probably you still don't understand that people won't love you if you
kill their parents. Too much reading of Putin's propaganda? :)
Probably you still don't understand that language != people, as well
as nation != government. In other words, the fact that I am speaking Russian language doesn't make me a killer and the fact that I was born
in Russia doesn't make me an invader.
It's kind of stupid to hate people just because of their nationality
or language they speak.
Until world leaders realize something as simple as that, there will
never be peace anywhere.
Probably you still don't understand that language != people, asYes, but in Soviet Union during WW2 and wasn't a very good idea to
well as nation != government. In other words, the fact that I am
speaking Russian language doesn't make me a killer and the fact
that I was born in Russia doesn't make me an invader.
talk in German to each other publicly.
People were very much angry and had to intention to think
It's kind of stupid to hate people just because of theirYeah, but we (Russia and Ukraine) came from the same cultural
nationality or language they speak.
background so this is how wea re (ordinary people) are reacting to the war.
Until world leaders realize something as simple as that, thereThe problem is not with leaders, the problem is with people :(
will never be peace anywhere.
Yes, but in Soviet Union during WW2 and wasn't a very good idea
to talk in German to each other publicly.
That's true. But do you believe that it was the right thing? Do
Germans also believe so? Many of them suffered because of that, as far
as I know.
People were very much angry and had to intention to think
Are you attempting to justify overall hysteria and herd effect by emotions?
primitive way, but I cannot understand why world leaders do - they are
Ukraine would loose DPR and LPR but save countless lives of Ukrainians (isn't that what matters the most?) and also win support of a lot of
Russian government for the invasion. But instead world leaders waged a
war against all Russian nationals. Did any good come from this? No.
Most Russians now hate EU and US, and even those who initially didn't
support Putin now do. Good job.
The problem is not with leaders, the problem is with people :(
World leaders are there to direct their people. And world leaders
chose to support overall hysteria and hatred agains Russian nationals instead of doing the right thing.
That's true. But do you believe that it was the right thing? DoThe "Right Thing" is to switch to IPv6 and to drink above Putin's
grave. But is it possible? Yes :)
Germans also believe so? Many of them suffered because of that,We've sent many Germans in USSR during 1941 to Siberia, where many of
as far as I know.
them died. They believed in communism, BTW :)
Are you attempting to justify overall hysteria and herd effect byYes. Imagine that someone killed your mother.
primitive way, but I cannot understand why world leaders do -Because they are humans?
they are
Or you mean Putin? He is just a cheap clone of Hitler ;)
Ukraine would loose DPR and LPR but save countless lives ofNo. Putin wanted to stop Ukraine from from joining the EU.
Ukrainians (isn't that what matters the most?) and also win
support of a lot of
Russian government for the invasion. But instead world leadersRussian nationalists?
waged a war against all Russian nationals. Did any good come from
this? No.
That's true. But do you believe that it was the right thing? Do
The "Right Thing" is to switch to IPv6 and to drink above Putin's
grave. But is it possible? Yes :)
If you have a working plan, please go ahead and execute it. A lot of
people will be greatful to you for that. But if you are just
pretending to be brave, then please stop.
We've sent many Germans in USSR during 1941 to Siberia, where
many of them died. They believed in communism, BTW :)
That's what I am talking about. And not only that. Germans were hated
all around the world just because they were Germans. And my question
I don't need to imagine, a have seen death. And I never hated whole
nation or profession because of that. Only people who are directly
responsible are to be blamed. And if I was Ukrainian, I would blame Zelenskiy, who preferred to use his people as cannon fodder when it
was possible to agree to peace and then solve territory disputes politically.
Because they are humans?
That's not an explanation. Like I said, they are supposed to be smart.
And smart people are not driven by emotions.
Everyone already knows that you don't like him, so why keep giving
silly jokes about him? And whether you like him or not, you have to
admit that of all world leaders, he at least gets what he wants and
acts very smart on most events. And please don't make the wrong
assumption that I might support him. I just can see the picture after discarding emotions.
No. Putin wanted to stop Ukraine from from joining the EU.
Putin doesn't care about Ukraine being part of EU. Putin wanted to
This particular war could end with a peace agreement in which Ukraine would loose DPR and LPR. Ukraine could accept peace offer and see what
intentinally replaced the word. I am not going to continue this conversation because there is no point.
It is well known that more than
40% people in Ukraine speak Russian in their homes.
Germans in the USSR were not prohibited speak German during the war.
you not once -- tirany better than imbecility. It is well known that
more than 40% people in Ukraine speak Russian in their homes.
tyrant is better than a pack of idiots, and that pack has had all
If sometimes it would have enough force to cut Donbass rebels' throats. they had not been idiots they would have understood that Russia would
never allow them to do those dirty plans, and the Minsk agreements had
to be implemented.
Russia would never allow them to do those dirty plans, and the Minsk agreements had
to be implemented.
BTW, yesterday we saw real Pogrom in Russia. With thousands of
people in Dagestan looking for jews to kill them. This is how
Putin fighting nazism? :)
Do you know, BTW, Jews have never been puzzled thinking why they are
hated so much by so many people. I think they probably do something
deadly wrong.
intentinally replaced the word. I am not going to continue this
conversation because there is no point.
Fuck Putin! :) I am gonna drink for week when he'll die.
Belgian beer or French wine, not sure for now :)
tyrant is better than a pack of idiots, and that pack has had all
Tyrant is worse than anyone, because you cannot replace him.
And our tyrant is really a very stupid person, who belives in "killer mosquitos", "genetic weapon" and even don't know how to use a computer :)
BTW, yesterday we saw real Pogrom in Russia. With thousands of people in Dagestan looking for jews to kill them. This is how Putin fighting nazism? :)
If sometimes it would have enough force to cut Donbass rebels' throats.
they had not been idiots they would have understood that Russia would
never allow them to do those dirty plans, and the Minsk agreements had
to be implemented.
Russia, at least its current leadership, shits on any agreement which doesn't suit their purpose.
Let's start with the universal declaration of human rights ... the international court of justice ... others ...
;-) Tell me at least one reason why Russia or the rebels should violate ceasefire in Donbass? If Ukraine had taken away its troops and heavy artillery from Donbass there would be not aims for the rebels.
Now banker give credits using a client voice as a signiture. Voice is as good as finger prints.
You do realize the real Putin died last week at his Valdai
residence, having body doubles now in the Russian president's
palace. The "understudy" has carried out official duties and
held phone calls with global leaders ...
Autocracies have elections. It doesn't matter who votes.
It matters who counts.
Now banker give credits using a client voice as a signiture. Voice is
as good as finger prints.
You can note that after stopping fighting Mariupol has been quickly rebuilding.
And now you telling those fake stories, that our state propaganda is producing :) Funny!
Is there any proof that "alexander koryagin" is even real? Perhaps he is just a V0.01 AI-bot beta-release Kremlin-style? 8-)
And now you telling those fake stories, that our state propaganda
is producing :) Funny!
Maybe he "is" the propaganda ... :-)
Is there any proof that "alexander koryagin" is even real? Perhaps he
is just a V0.01 AI-bot beta-release Kremlin-style? 8-)
Best regards,
Best regards,
So when are you coming to visit your sister ?
So when are you coming to visit your sister ?
After NY, second part of January. English beer is terrible; I need a pint of Belgian ;)
After NY, second part of January. English beer is terrible; I need
a pint of Belgian ;)
Say no more, please come and look me up..
Well, all the West now admits the right of Izrael to defend... the criminally occupied lands. So Russia has not invented anything new.
Now bankers give credits using a client voice as a
signiture. Voice is as good as finger prints.
That's why we have a lot of cases in Russia when people see
that someone took loan from bank without their approval :)
Tell me at least one case of credit taken by voice falsification.
But thousands were killed and thousands are disabled. And what
for? For some moron in Kremlin?
I believe the Nazi idiots who captured powert in Kiev wanted it more.
The reason is simple -- in Mariupol is populated by Russian people.
Russian army was in Donbass region since second part of 2014,
since you deny that - you cannot be trusted.
Don't tell a lie about the Russian army. If it was there in 2014 the
full scale war started right then.
No doubt Russia helped with military equipment, as NATO does now for Ukraine.
And now you telling those fake stories, that our state
propaganda is producing :) Funny!
I have not told fake stories, and liked Putin -- I just try to be
objective. You are not.
I believe the Nazi idiots who captured powert in Kiev wanted it more.
The reason is simple -- in Mariupol is populated by Russian people.
No doubt Russia helped with military equipment, as NATO does now for Ukraine.
I have not told fake stories, and liked Putin -- I just try to be objective. You are not.
The main reason why many Russian civilians in Ukraine refused to
evacuate into the deep of Ukraine during the Russian troops assault is simple -- they waited for them. Unfortunately they were shamelessly used
as a live shield by Ukrainian troops. Thousands died indeed, but
majority died from the fire of Ukrainian troops.
Nazi -- is people of a nation who do violent acts of assimilation or elimination, deprivation of civil rights of other nation(s).
Haven't you heard what HATO chief Stoltenberg says many times on the Ukraine issue? He says that NATO would provide Ukraine with weapon in unlimited quantity.
I assure you Zelensky in Ukraine also will cancel elections as he has cancelled democracy there.
Is there any proof that "alexander koryagin" is even real? WD>Perhaps heis just a V0.01 AI-bot beta-release Kremlin-style? 8-)
It seems like they (the Saint Petersburg troll factory, Тролли из Ольгино)
deactivated "him" for some time, but now "he" is active again.
Are you joking? It's NOT possible to get credit in Russia with
voice authorization because it's very easy to spoof the system
- you just need to call a victim and record his voice. That's
why banks tried to launch it several years ago and all of them
failed. Just google it.
In any way you cannot make a dead person to speak with its own voice.
You mean - was populated? Thousands were killed during Siege.
"Liberate" by killing is a very bad idea, sounds like some nazi
agenda, ah? :)
The main reason why many Russian civilians in Ukraine refused to
evacuate into the deep of Ukraine during the Russian troops assault is
The main reason why many Russian civilians in Ukraine refused to
evacuate into the deep of Ukraine during the Russian troops assault is
simple -- they waited for them. Unfortunately they were shamelessly used
as a live shield by Ukrainian troops. Thousands died indeed, but
majority died from the fire of Ukrainian troops.
You really are special to keep on spewing that nonsense ...
All of our independant news organizations had/have journalists on the ground
in the Ukrainian side ... they are allowed there.
No western free press allowed on the eastern side ...
it says a lot.
Ukrainians used no live shields ... simple ...
Nazi -- is people of a nation who do violent acts of assimilation orelimination, deprivation of civil rights of other nation(s).
Bollocks, also the remainder of that message.
Nazism is a form of socialism where the party ascends in importance by regular elections and once they are in absolute power, laws are enacted that elections are not necessary anymore because the party acts in the benefit of all the people ... so why would you want to elect someone else ... you already have the best of everything. Aka Putin-ism.
Haven't you heard what HATO chief Stoltenberg says many times ak>on theUkraine issue? He says that NATO would provide Ukraine with weapon ain
unlimited quantity.
So? NATO has no foot on the ground, Russia has.
I assure you Zelensky in Ukraine also will cancel elections as ak>he hascancelled democracy there.
I assure you that when this unfortunate episode comes to an end, there will
be again elections in Ukraine and chances are that Zelensky will be voted out of office eventually ...
The same that happened to Winston Churchill in 1945 who was voted out of office nearly immediately after WW2 ended.
That's called 'democracy'.
Putin however will remain in office until he dies, that is Nazism.
Same with Belarus, North-Korea, even the People's Republic of China nowadays.
My parents fought against Nazis, real Nazis. My father killed some of them ... real Nazis.
Time for Ward D. to do his own part, on Belgium's special day,
what needs to be done.
If you ask me I say that Putin before the February 2022 should have
given an ultimatum to Zelensky first, with a demand to stop the civil
war in Donbass.
Nazism is a form of socialism where the party ascends in importance
First of all Nazism must be derived from the word "nation". And it is
not important at all do they like Communism or Socialism of hate them.
I never seen the claims of the western press that they are prohibited to
be in Russian Donbass. It very likely your invention.
Very easy. Voice recording devices were invented many years ago
(19th century).
You can falsify a short trivial talk, but not a person who must look
alive and talk something.
Nazism is the common name for "National Socialism", it is a
far-right totalitarian political ideology.
The notion "Nazism" has been distorted, ...
Repeated requests by western journalists, camera-crews etc is
denied in the war zone from the Russian side.
Give me the URL of this complaining.
Very easy. Voice recording devices were invented many years ago
(19th century).
You can falsify a short trivial talk, but not a person who must look
alive and talk something.
Nazism is a form of socialism where the party ascends in importance
First of all Nazism must be derived from the word "nation". And it is
not important at all do they like Communism or Socialism of hate them.
Nazism is the common name for "National Socialism", it is a far-right totalitarian political ideology.
I swear to God this holy oath
You didn't understand my point. I don't deny that they can make a good video fakes. I said that it is impossible to show a live, speaking Putin
if he is dead. There is no technology to make fake in real time.
Well, Google translated it to me, the situation is not new. The story
with journalists follows closely to mutual expelling diplomats, closing consulate etc. A cold war. It is an additional factor why Russia-support journalists and bloggers cannon be in Ukraine and vice versa.
I swear to God this holy oath
God is not a part of Nazism.
PS: Although NASA like to do fakes. When I saw recently Xcargo29
docking with ISS I saw that NASA add fake stars to the video when it thinks that the picture will be more believable. ;-) Check it out:
Fake news about NASA's fake live report. Cool. ;-)
You need to wait for feedback in RU.SPACE before spreading fake
news ;)
Fake news about NASA's fake live report. Cool. ;-)
I read your naive explanation, but doesn't cost a cent. The proof that
the video is not a simulation is easy -- the camera on the ISS was
fixed and the astronaut, who took the video, constantly and
irregularly corrected the camera direction when the spaceship left
camera field of vision. It would not have been the case in the case of simulation.
PS: read more about Sherlock Sholmes! ;-)
You need to wait for feedback in RU.SPACE before
spreading fake news ;)
Fake news about NASA's fake live report. Cool. ;-)
You've already got very detailed explanation in RU.SPACE, do
you really think that your lame comment deserves a discussion
I read your naive explanation, but doesn't cost a cent. The proof that
the video is not a simulation is easy -- the camera on the ISS was fixed and the astronaut, who took the video, constantly and irregularly corrected the camera direction when the spaceship left camera field of vision. It would not have been the case in the case of simulation.
If you were knowledgeable in the matter, you would not need WikiPedia to prove a point.
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