On 06-29-23 09:22, Ib Joe <=-
spoke to All about Good Guy with a Gun Stops <=-
You might have to be over 18 to view
This is why we should support the 2nd amendment
That was a wasted seven minutes listening to a partially incoherent guy rambling on about a eleven second video showing a guy with a shotgun
going out from some place. The "good guy with a gun" may well have been only in the narrator's mind because he certainly was not shown in the video played in a loop.
On 07-01-23 11:42, Ib Joe <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Good Guy with a Gun <=-
HAHAHA.... I forgot I posted that... I love Salty Cracker's take on
the situation... You don't have to like his view... But seeing
a evil person wanting to shoot up a bunch of unarmed people
be rightfully shot buy a legal gun owner is good.
BTW, a day after that happened someone tried to start some
BS with a couple, wife visibly pregnant...
Both husband and
pregnant wife open fire on the man who was perpetrating a
crime... Mowed down the criminal with a barrage of
gunfire... The getaway car took off and left their cohort
behind to die.
You would have a point if what you say were true, but that 10 second
video did not show any legal gun owner shooting anyone. That may be
what happened, but it is not what was shown.
BTW, a day after that happened someone tried to start some
BS with a couple, wife visibly pregnant...
What sort of BS?
What crime? Was he threatening the couple with bodily harm? Was there some reason that they feared for their life?
On 07-02-23 07:54, Ib Joe <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Good Guy with a Gun <=-
BTW, a day after that happened someone tried to start some
BS with a couple, wife visibly pregnant...
What sort of BS?
You'll see in the first few seconds of this video and see
the "BS"... I don't think this guy survived
What crime? Was he threatening the couple with bodily harm? Was there some reason that they feared for their life?
Yup... My state anyway... Florida Stand Your Ground... All
you need is a reasonable fear... you can meet that with a
greater force, including deadly force, and you don't have
to back down either.
IMO, she was justified. He walked up and cold cocked the man.
Yup... My state anyway... Florida Stand Your Ground... All
you need is a reasonable fear... you can meet that with a
greater force, including deadly force, and you don't have
to back down either.
That law has led to some unjustified killings.
On 07-03-23 09:34, Ib Joe <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Good Guy with a Gun <=-
That law has led to some unjustified killings.
This is not true... Blacks and other minorities use stand
your ground more than any other group, in Florida anyway...
Rules with carrying a gun for self defense are simple... 1)
DO NOT START a fight. You can't be the cause of an
altercation... then you pull out a gun and use it....
Actually that's about it...
On 07-04-23 10:20, Ib Joe <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Good Guy with a Gun <=-
I know you can search and find the case where someone
shouldn't have did something...
If I recall correctly, and I think I do, all the people you
talked about are in jail or are facing prison time. Once
you use your gun in a criminal fashion you are no different
then the criminals you fear.
I don't know whether or not that is true for them. The sad thing is
that those people were educated to think that they could use a gun on
the slightest provocation or feeling of fear. What they should have
done was to take a breath and evaluate the situation better. Instead
they were good people who end up becoming criminals.
I recall some cases that fit my use of unjustified. In one, a young male (black, possibly 14 or less) got lost and rang the wrong doorbell. The occupant of the house (white, 80+) shot and killed him through the door, claiming stand your ground. A second case was a woman pulled into the
wrong drive way and was shot. I don't believe she even got out of her
car. Then there were two other white against black case that made the
news some time ago. First one was where three men chased down a jogger
in their pickup truck and shot him to death.
If I recall correctly, and I think I do, all the people you
talked about are in jail or are facing prison time. Once
you use your gun in a criminal fashion you are no different
then the criminals you fear.
I don't know whether or not that is true for them. The sad thing is
that those people were educated to think that they could use a gun on
the slightest provocation or feeling of fear. What they should have
done was to take a breath and evaluate the situation better. Instead
they were good people who end up becoming criminals.
On 07-05-23 07:57, Mike Powell <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Good Guy with a Gun <=-
I heard about the wrong driveway... was that in Florida? That was
The jogger case was in Georgia. They were charged, found guilty, and
will serve hefty time. I am not sure that one would fit "stand your ground" because they pursued him. He didn't stop them or stop at their houses.
That one was also sad, and stupid, but at least they won't be doing it again for a while (if ever).
On 07-05-23 10:19, Ib Joe <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Good Guy with a Gun <=-
If I recall correctly, and I think I do, all the people you
talked about are in jail or are facing prison time. Once
you use your gun in a criminal fashion you are no different
then the criminals you fear.
I don't know whether or not that is true for them. The sad thing is
that those people were educated to think that they could use a gun on
the slightest provocation or feeling of fear. What they should have
done was to take a breath and evaluate the situation better. Instead
they were good people who end up becoming criminals.
I find what you say hard to believe.... Can you show me
some evidence these people where educated in someway ....
Maybe there's an interview somewhere that the person
says.... Government told me I can shoot first an ask
questions later.
BTW, good people don't become criminals. Ignorance of the law doesn't excuse you. There is a high level of responsibility if you choose
to carry or use a weapon at home for self defense.
BTW again, I know Florida's Stand Your Ground.... ands
nowhere in there does it say that you can shoot people
turning around in the driveway... or does it say you can
shoot someone that is just knocking on your door....
There is a statistic out there, I have heard it quoted a
few times... Paraphrase... That legal law abiding gun
owners are less likely to commit a crime than a police
officer would be....
Interesting.... He's why I believe it... and that is... Anyone who
carries on a daily basis avoids breaking the law because they don't
want to loose their right to carry. Made sense to me when
I heard it...
BTW again again... I have a restricted gun permit in Canada, that
means I can own a handgun in Canada... I have a carry permit for
the state of Florida... this permit is recognized in ~ 35
other states. The mandatory training I received in Canada
was 1000 times better than the training I received in
Florida... I was hoping that my Florida training would be
better than it was... it wasn't... but I have put in
countless hours educating myself on this topic and that's
what everyone should do... It's on you and not the public.
Does not have to be Government told me. It could be media, friends,
etc. People get educated simply by hearing the same thing said over and over again -- whether or not it is accurate.
I could believe that, at least for the majority. It is the unstable who are the ones who are committing most of the mass shootings. Most of them are white males under 25 years old.
Does Florida even require any training these days? I think I read that anyone can open carry without any permit. Is that true?
The jogger case was in Georgia. They were charged, found guilty, and will serve hefty time. I am not sure that one would fit "stand your ground" because they pursued him. He didn't stop them or stop at their houses.
That one was also sad, and stupid, but at least they won't be doing it again for a while (if ever).
It was also sad because the initial response was not to charge them.
On 07-06-23 10:31, Ib Joe <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Good Guy with a Gun <=-
On 07-06-23 15:22, Mike Powell <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Good Guy with a Gun <=-
The jogger case was in Georgia. They were charged, found guilty, and will serve hefty time. I am not sure that one would fit "stand your ground" because they pursued him. He didn't stop them or stop at their houses.
That one was also sad, and stupid, but at least they won't be doing it again for a while (if ever).
It was also sad because the initial response was not to charge them.
It had to be investigated, which I am sure was more difficult as the victim was alone and died. Once they pieced it together, the perps
were charged.
BTW again, I know Florida's Stand Your Ground.... ands
nowhere in there does it say that you can shoot people
turning around in the driveway... or does it say you can
shoot someone that is just knocking on your door....
I hope your knowledge is better than theirs, and expect that it is.
There is a statistic out there, I have heard it quoted a
few times... Paraphrase... That legal law abiding gun
owners are less likely to commit a crime than a police
officer would be....
I could believe that, at least for the majority. It is the unstable who are the ones who are committing most of the mass shootings. Most of them are white males under 25 years old.
Interesting.... He's why I believe it... and that is... Anyone who
carries on a daily basis avoids breaking the law because they don't
want to loose their right to carry. Made sense to me when
I heard it...
I would hope that you are not in the minority with that philosophy.
Does Florida even require any training these days? I think I read that anyone can open carry without any permit. Is that true?
You present that you have a decent knowledge of the laws with respect to guns, and I am not troubled by people like you who do have that
knowledge and intentions. It is the suicidal young male who decides he wants to go out in a blaze of "glory" that I have a problem with -- plus that AR15 semi-automatic weapon of war that he carries.
I do have a question after reading your post. Define, with examples,
the difference between concealed carry and open carry. Is it nothing
more than whether or not the weapon is visible to others, or is there
more to it?
Back to Open Carry... I'd rather people not know I'm carrying... If shit got
real... and the perpetrator know I had a gun... He'd shoot me first!!!
Move to Florida. No need for a permit to carry concealed weapons.
Just pack as many as you want, hide them from sight. and shoot on
sight. No experience necessary.
It had to be investigated, which I am sure was more difficult as the victim was alone and died. Once they pieced it together, the perps
were charged.
I may be confused, but I recall that the initial response was made by a "good-old-boy" sheriff. When he was replaced by a new sheriff, the
event was investigated, charges were filed, and they were found guilty.
On 07-07-23 12:20, Lee Lofaso <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Good Guy with a Gun <=-
I hope your knowledge is better than theirs, and expect that it is.
Point and shoot. That is all you need to know.
On 07-07-23 08:23, Ib Joe <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Good Guy with a Gun <=-
That's it... Do you recall Kyle Rittenhouse?? The young 18 year old
who used an AR to defend himself... Shot 3 people, killing 2... Wisconsin is an Open Carry state.
mass killings are from white men, aged 18 to 25, who decide to go out in
a blaze of glory using an AR15 with a large magazine. Can anything be
done about this or do we just have to live (or die) with it?
My problem is how do we cut down on those like Kyle, and others who are even worse, from obtaining and mis-using guns -- usually AR15s. Most
mass killings are from white men, aged 18 to 25, who decide to go out in
a blaze of glory using an AR15 with a large magazine. Can anything be done about this or do we just have to live (or die) with it?
Move to Florida. No need for a permit to carry concealed weapons.
Just pack as many as you want, hide them from sight. and shoot on
sight. No experience necessary.
There are 27 States that are constitutional carry. AND you can't shoot on sight...
The 2nd amendment says... Shall not be infringed...
It's funny... I have never heard you talk about criminals in the same way as
you do about law abiding citizens....
If a criminal pulls out a gun...
You don't say...
did you get a background check??
Do you have a permit??
How about your experience??
<<SNIP>> Thanks for the discussion. You sound like a responsible gun owner.
That's it... Do you recall Kyle Rittenhouse?? The young 18 year old
who used an AR to defend himself... Shot 3 people, killing 2...
Wisconsin is an Open Carry state.
My problem is how do we cut down on those like Kyle, and others who are even worse, from obtaining and mis-using guns -- usually AR15s.
Most mass killings are from white men, aged 18 to 25, who decide to go out in a blaze of glory using an AR15 with a large magazine. Can anything be done about this or do we just have to live (or die) with it?
I hope your knowledge is better than theirs, and expect that it is.
Point and shoot. That is all you need to know.
Far from it. One needs to know how and when to use that deadly weapon. That takes training.
On 07-08-23 09:26, Mike Powell <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Good Guy with a Gun <=-
So I don't really understand how law enforcement can know these people have a mental issue that may include murderous tendencies and yet
nothing is said or done until it is too late. I don't understand what
is "too difficult" about that.
On 07-08-23 15:34, Ib Joe <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Good Guy with a Gun <=-
There is a stat that says there are hundreds hundreds of
mass shootings each year... Hundreds and hundreds... with
thousands and thousands of victims...
Where the get this number from.... the include all shootings where
there are more than4 people involved. This covers all the shootings
in the south side of Chicago... If someone was being shot
at and there were 10 people standing around at the corner
store... they include those 10 people.... If this shooting
happened at 3 in the morning and it was close to a
school... it was drug related and had nothing to do with
the school...they'll call it a school shooting... All of
Here's my point... If you go with the above method of mass
shooting... They use hand guns...
There is a stat that is out... Where they look at mass
shooting... like they should... Someone walks into a
school, mall or church with the intent to kill as many
people as they can...
Those people use AR style rifles... and there has only been
~150 of those in the past40 or 50 years...
My problem is how do we cut down on those like Kyle, and others who are
even worse, from obtaining and mis-using guns -- usually AR15s. Most
mass killings are from white men, aged 18 to 25, who decide to go out
a blaze of glory using an AR15 with a large magazine. Can anything be
done about this or do we just have to live (or die) with it?
To tell you the truth Kyle Rittenhouse was within his rights...
My guess might be that for 100 people registering such tendencies, only
one actually acts out on them. If true, then the difficulty is reducing
the 99 false positives down to only a few. That and a basic lack of resources to handle the problem by looking at the problem from that
To tell you the truth Kyle Rittenhouse was within his rights...
Nobody is within their rights to murder people in cold blood.
We are talking about Florida. Where it is legal for anybody who is
age 18 or over to pack a gun and shoot whoever the hell they want -
even if they are fucking blind as a bat. No need for any permit.
No need to display or flash your gun around. Just point and shoot.
The accepted statistic is not with 4 or more people involved -- it is
with 4 or more people killed or wounded (right now I am not certain on
the exact definition).
To tell you the truth Kyle Rittenhouse was within his rights...
Nobody is within their rights to murder people in cold blood.
You have to admit that protesting is stupid and only causes more harm.
It was cute in the 1920s but now it's domestic terrorism.
Timothy McVeigh and his group didn't use guns.
Neither did the 9/11 terrorists.
Neither do several other folks in other countries who don't
have access to guns.
The only way you stop them is by stopping them.
You know the red that is on our flag? It represents blood. Do you
know why? This country was born in blood. So much so, we had to do
it twice. Once to rid King George. And once again to rid slavery.
That was the real domestic terrorism that existed then.
On 07-09-23 13:32, Ib Joe <=-
spoke to Dale Shipp about Re: Good Guy with a Gun <=-
Here's a solution to the situation.... and it will work perfectly...
See how it works... the people who legally own their guns
are not affected... but the criminals who are the problem
will see consequences to what they are doing...
We are talking about Florida. Where it is legal for anybody who is
age 18 or over to pack a gun and shoot whoever the hell they want -
even if they are fucking blind as a bat. No need for any permit.
No need to display or flash your gun around. Just point and shoot.
The Florida law says...
"You must be at least 21 years of age unless you are a servicemember, as defined in Section 250.01, Florida Statutes, or you are a veteran of the United States Armed Forces who was discharged under honorable conditions."
You cannot carry a gun under 21 unless you are in the military...
Constitutional Cary is in the majority of states now, with more coming on board now.
Your on crack, or you are the source of the cocaine found at the White House, if you think this all means you can flash a gun around at will.
IB Joe wrote to Lee Lofaso <=-
Your on crack, or you are the source of the cocaine found at the White House, if you think this all means you can flash a gun around at will.
I can agree with what you propose, at least in principle. There are already some such penalties on the books -- for example armed robbery has more serious penalties than robbery.
Add to that something to cut down on the ability for people to get guns illegally.
See how it works... the people who legally own their guns
are not affected... but the criminals who are the problem
will see consequences to what they are doing...
Send that to your congress person.
You cannot carry a gun at WalMart. Regardless of age. Whether
concealed or not. Not really sure about military or police, unless
this country is under invasion or something. Krogers also joined
WalMart on this. And also other places. Something about shoppers
not being too happy about having armed folks threatening to steal
their groceries ...
Concealed carry without a permit in Florida. That is not the majority
of states, but only one of a small handful. Some have concealed carry,
but only with permit. Others have both. California and New Jersey do
not give residents any choice, their own versions of gun control thus saving thousands of lives. Alabama is more libertarian, having almost
no gun control laws at all to speak of.
The Florida law makes no mention of drugs of any kind.
It's not crack. It's Elitists indoctrination.
People like Lee cannot think for themselves and actually work from
facts. All they do is accept, without proof, the Narrative fed to them
by their masters and quote it back to people.
I like it. Only problem is that the gun laws on the books now are not enforced often enough. Schiesters would find their way around any new ones, I am sure.
If you are caught with a gun that you legally should not have... automatic 5utomatic
r sentence in jail...
If you use that gun in a criminal offense, without hurting anyone...
0 years.... hurt some one automatic 15 years... Here's one for you... If youarole..
an extended magazine 20 years... Kill someone automatic life without
Kill more than one... death penalty.oi
Give the cops a bonus for every illegal gun they get off the street...
See how it works... the people who legally own their guns are not affected... t the criminals who are the problem will see consequences to what they are
IB Joe wrote to Dale Shipp <=-
Mandatory minimums.... Take the discretion away from the prosecutors
and judges....
IB Joe wrote to Lee Lofaso <=-
You keep talking about people who uses guns Willy-Nilly to rob and
steal at random... in Walmart and whatnot. These people are criminals
and they didn't need the Governor to sign a bill for Constitutional
Carry so that they can wave a gun around... Criminals were doing that before Ron was voted into office.
People who carry a gun for self defense are not the people you need to worry about... it's the criminals and they do care much about what laws say.
ex: You have a felon who has served his time. It's a crime for him to even hold a gun. I sees some kids playing with a (hopefully unloaded)
I think it would be better if we kept statistics on judges and prosecutors. ex: Number of people who were released who commit more crimes. If that number gets too high, the judge or prosecutor is
removed from office, fined and not allowed to hold public office
anymore. Now it's a job performance issue.
You cannot carry a gun at WalMart. Regardless of age. Whether
concealed or not.
Actually you can carry a gun at Walmart...
In Florida anyway...
There are a handful of places I can't take my gun...
You cannot carry a gun at WalMart. Regardless of age. Whether
concealed or not. Not really sure about military or police, unless
this country is under invasion or something. Krogers also joined
WalMart on this. And also other places. Something about shoppers
not being too happy about having armed folks threatening to steal
their groceries ...
Actually you can carry a gun at Walmart...
In Florida anyway...
There are a handful of places I can't take my gun...
Schools, federal buildings... such as a post office...
Hospitals that have a mental facility attached to it...
I can go to a restaurant, but not a bar...
When I go to out to eat I ask not to be seated in the bar area...
I can take my gun, concealed, into an Airport...
not in part part of the airport where you've been screened...
the clean area...
but the part where you would greet someone and go pick their luggage up....
In Florida I can go into Walmart with my gun.
Even if there is a sign on the doors that says No Guns Allowed...
NOW, if I'm in the store and the manager asked me to leave because he thinks
I have one....
I am required to leave.
You keep talking about people who uses guns Willy-Nilly to rob and steal at
random... in Walmart and whatnot.
These people are criminals and they didn't need the Governor to sign a bill
for Constitutional Carry so that they can wave a gun around...
Criminals were doing that before Ron was voted into office.
People who carry a gun for self defense are not the people you need to worry
it's the criminals and they do care much about what laws say.
Concealed carry without a permit in Florida. That is not the majority
of states, but only one of a small handful. Some have concealed carry,
but only with permit. Others have both. California and New Jersey do
not give residents any choice, their own versions of gun control thus
saving thousands of lives. Alabama is more libertarian, having almost
no gun control laws at all to speak of.
Let me help you with the math... Florida was the 27th state to go Constitutional Carry... There are 50 states... 25 being 1/2... 27 being more than half... ergo... a majority. There are at least a dozen more states coming on board with Constitutional Carry. Soon...
There are 2 major reasons I will renew my permit for the state of Florida...
1) if I buy a gun I do not have to wait 3 days before I can take it home. I can buy it and walk out the store 15 minutes later.
2) Florida's permit is respected in ~35 other states...
If my name was Billy Joe Jim Bob and I never wanted to leave the state and I
wanted to legally carry a gun for self defense why get a permit... if you don't have to.
The Florida law makes no mention of drugs of any kind.
They don't have to mention it....
in that new law...
because it is illegal already to carry a gun wile in possession of illegal drugs...
WalMart banned guns inside their stores years ago.
Then WalMart decided it was okay to carry them concealed.
Later deciding to allow folks to do whatever they want,
as long as it is within state law. But asked shoppers to
not carry their guns in open sight.
You cannot carry a gun at WalMart. Regardless of age. Whether
concealed or not. Not really sure about military or police, unless
this country is under invasion or something. Krogers also joined
WalMart on this. And also other places. Something about shoppers
not being too happy about having armed folks threatening to steal
their groceries ...
Actually you can carry a gun at Walmart...
Not legally.
Concealed carry with no permit. That is the category Florida is in.
No training required. Just being of legal age, and not an ex-convict.
Not all states are concealed carry with no permit. Not nearly
as many as those you cite. Nor even a majority of states.
Fortunately, nobody in their right mind in Louisiana would
name themselves Billy Joe, Jim Bob, or any combination thereof.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
We can start with holding Hunter Biden accountable with his gun transaction... and charge him like he was a regular citizen and not the son of a sitting president.
HAHAHAHA.... I always request for a mail in ballot... and the reason is
so that I can research judges on the ballot... Judges will not have a party affiliation attached to their name.... But who appointed them is
a big indicator. I search to see if they had any controversial decisions... maybe they flew to Epstein's Island....
Anyway, I do my homework....
IB Joe wrote to Lee Lofaso <=-
Lee you have google you should look things up
IB Joe wrote to Lee Lofaso <=-
Lee FOCUS... you can look this up!!! stop being lazy!!!!
But how will the Elitists maintain their two-tiered system of justice?
I do pretty much the same. They have to publish the ballot somehow
ahead of time. We have a local paper that will print it for everyone. Then I do my homework as well. The local paper will also print blurbs
by each candidate. I never trust them, but what they say and how they
say it tells a great deal about them.
hLee FOCUS... you can look this up!!! stop being lazy!!!!
He's (probably) not lazy. He's scared to death that he might be wrong. In
world of the Ignorant Elitists, the Narrative is True - no matter how many facts you bring to show that it's false.
They can prove that there isn't one by holding Hunter Biden responsible for bringing the cocaine into the White House
and holding him responsible for the gun violations he's being confronted with....
And lets not forget all the crimes against America he's accused of doing...
Lets have a trial... lets see the evidence.
and holding him responsible for the gun violations he's being confronted >> > with....
He was held accountable.
He actually was not... not to the level of most people who are charged with similar violations.
and holding him responsible for the gun violations he's being confronted with....
He was held accountable.
Was Hunter Biden even at the White House at the time?
He was held accountable.
Accused by who? What crimes?
Why are you still carrying on about Hunter Biden?
Yes he was... they left @ ~ 6 or 7 PM on Friday night, they found it a little later... There were videos of him acting like he was high after they came home. Apparently cocaine doesn't stay in your system for a long time.... BUT... a hair sample will prove if he's clean...
Accused by who? What crimes?
Selling out America..
Less than a minute of your time...
https://twitter.com/DailyCaller/status/1679172019680690190?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw >7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1679172019680690190%7Ctwgr%5E04284d6018bac0fb >39888bab781be8ed9091d1e%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thegatewayp >ndit.com%2F2023%2F07%2Ffireworks-matt-gaetz-reads-infamous-hunter-biden-whatsa
Why are you still carrying on about Hunter Biden?
Because he sold the country out to our adversaries and I believe in justice
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
But how will the Elitists maintain their two-tiered system of justice?
They can prove that there isn't one by holding Hunter Biden responsible
for bringing the cocaine into the White House and holding him
responsible for the gun violations he's being confronted with.... And
lets not forget all the crimes against America he's accused of doing... Lets have a trial... lets see the evidence.
I can actually download the ballot off the site in citrus county... I can't use it to vote but I can use it to research.
I see. Hunter needs to prove his innocence.
But they can't do that since there **IS** a two-tiered system of justice.
The Elitists can do whatever they want and get away with it, while if the plebes do it, they get punished.
We won't see anything like that until the people in power are forced
out. Hence why the Elitists are terrified of the idea of Trump getting back in office.
The ballot is usually available via the Secretary of State web site.
But in my state (Michigan) I can't trust the Secretary of State. She's guilty of violating the laws of voting rules too many times - and not
held accountable - to be trusted.
and holding him responsible for the gun violations he's being confron >> > with....
He was held accountable.
He actually was not... not to the level of most people who are charged w similar violations.
He was treated just like others in the same situation.
and holding him responsible for the gun violations he's being confronted >> > with....
He was held accountable.
He actually was not... not to the level of most people who are charged with similar violations.
He was treated just like others in the same situation.
That is a factless narrative.
He actually was not... not to the level of most people who are charged w >> > similar violations.
He was treated just like others in the same situation.
You'd have to have been there to say that, and, you'd have to have been there when others were "treated," to say that.
That is a factless narrative.
Go back and read the messages between Dale and I regarding his text conversations, keeping in mind that Hunter's lawyer does NOT discount the validity of the texts, but whether or not it was legal for someone to
divulge them, and whether or not Hunter was high at the time.
He clearly threatens a Chinese businessman and another member of the CCP
with reprocussions from his father, the then-VP, if they do not accept Hunter's business deal. He infers that his father is there and they are discussing the issue.
He actually was not... not to the level of most people who are charge >> > similar violations.
He was treated just like others in the same situation.
You'd have to have been there to say that, and, you'd have to have been when others were "treated," to say that.
No, I don't have to be there. I am sure that Hunter has been treated the same as someone else in that situation.
How has Hunter be "treated" differently?
How has Hunter be "treated" differently?
I wasn't there, so I don't know. All I know is what the media says, and clearly the media is full of it.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
Thank you for using the word Plebe... It made me look it up... and
Every time Andrew talked poorly of the US policies and current admin... He'd look into the camera and say that he doesn't want to kill
himself... Interesting.
Maybe I'm naive... but I am hopeful
That is a factless narrative.
Go back and read the messages between Dale and I regarding his text
conversations, keeping in mind that Hunter's lawyer does NOT discount the
validity of the texts, but whether or not it was legal for someone to
divulge them, and whether or not Hunter was high at the time.
He clearly threatens a Chinese businessman and another member of the CCP
with reprocussions from his father, the then-VP, if they do not accept
Hunter's business deal. He infers that his father is there and they are
discussing the issue.
Those texts were manipulated. That is a known fact now.
Hunters laptop was stolen at best. It is not evidence of anything at all.
Go back and read the messages between Dale and I regarding his text conversations, keeping in mind that Hunter's lawyer does NOT discount the validity of the texts, but whether or not it was legal for someone to divulge them, and whether or not Hunter was high at the time.
He clearly threatens a Chinese businessman and another member of the CCP with reprocussions from his father, the then-VP, if they do not accept Hunter's business deal. He infers that his father is there and they are discussing the issue.
Those texts were manipulated. That is a known fact now.
Hunters laptop was stolen at best. It is not evidence of anything at all.
No, I don't have to be there. I am sure that Hunter has been treated the same
someone else in that situation.
How has Hunter be "treated" differently?
ediEvery time Andrew talked poorly of the US policies and current admin... He'd look into the camera and say that he doesn't want to kill himself... Interesting.
Reinforcing the idea that certain people didn't "commit suicide" like the
and DOJ claim. Plus making it harder for the Elitists to off Tate and maket
look like "suicide".
Every time Andrew talked poorly of the US policies and current admin. He'd look into the camera and say that he doesn't want to kill himself... Interesting.
Reinforcing the idea that certain people didn't "commit suicide" like
the Media and DOJ claim. Plus making it harder for the Elitists to off Tate and make it look like "suicide".
Maybe I'm naive... but I am hopeful
Same here.
Those texts were manipulated. That is a known fact now.
Is it?
Hunters laptop was stolen at best. It is not evidence of anything at all.
These didn't come from the laptop.
Fixing it for you again....
Hunter has been treated the same as others who are rich and connected who were in that situation.
How has Hunter be "treated" differently?
He did not go to jail, which is what has happened to other, less connected persons.
He did not go to jail, which is what has happened to other, less AI> > connect
Many have been in a sitation like Hunter. They didn't go to jail. What good would that do?
Many have been in a sitation like Hunter. They didn't go to jail. What
good would that do?
There are some nutty people out there who think that criminals should be punished for their crimes.
Obviously we're smart enough to just forgive everyone for every illegal thing they do, right? It would be a mistake to hold a grudge against a person ;)
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
The Clinton body count is now ~71 People... I'm not sure if I know person... if I do I'll give them that. It's funny how the elites can
make some problems disappear...
The Clinton body count is now ~71 People... I'm not sure if I know person... if I do I'll give them that. It's funny how the elites can make some problems disappear...
Yes, it's very funny. But it's also very alarming that they can
literally get away with murder like the Mafia.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
Yes, it's very funny. But it's also very alarming that they can
literally get away with murder like the Mafia.
Its been going on for some time now...
Yup, but it's getting more and more blatent and that's alarming.
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