Sent off the ballot today!!!!
Florida wants to approve personal use marijuana... To use it now,
legally, you need to have a medical permit.
Not everyone is like Hunter Biden when it comes to their drug use.
The other option worth noting Florida had the citizens vote on a constitutiona
amendment on limiting Government control on abortion...
I voted to have the State control/regulate abortions.
I am pro-life but I do
feel there should be some regulations.... I don't know... You can't have any more that 10 in one year...
I recall when the Supreme Court was a lefty that intentionally got pregnant so
that she could abort the baby... There needs to be a law stopping stupid people having an abortion.
Sent off the ballot today!!!!
When did early voting begin? I don't think we're open for it yet in NY.
Florida wants to approve personal use marijuana... To use it now,
legally, you need to have a medical permit.
Here's the bad thing about it:
People have no decency, and they will smoke it everywhere.
Kids and other people who don't like the smell will be forced to smell it in
public, a lot.
Good luck with your elections! I hope Florida always remains red!
When did early voting begin? I don't think we're open for it yet in NY.
Here's the bad thing about it: People have no decency, and they will
smoke it everywhere. Kids and other people who don't like the smell will be forced to smell it in public, a lot.
Good luck with your elections! I hope Florida always remains red!
When did early voting begin? I don't think we're open for it yet in N
I am sure it is available. If only you bother to look.
There is nothing bad about it. Those who want to smoke pot
can do so. Those who do not can never be forced against their
own will to do so.
As do smokers of tobacco, who figure they can smoke their stuff
anywhere and at any time of their own choosing? As if non-smokers
have no rights to be free of such pollution?
Isn't that what we have now, in public places, where smokers
of tobacco products are free to light up and do their stuff no
matter who or how many people (including children and babies)
they annoy?
If the polls close at 9 in Florida they can call the race by 9:05.
Glad to see you still with us after the hurricane. Hope you didn't have too many difficulties.
Ballots are counted when they are received.
As that is currently the Supreme Court stance, what was the other choice?
That should probably set off some sort of red flag there if someone is having that many. May be a victim of sex trafficing or some other crime against women.
Aaron Thomas wrote to IB Joe <=-
Sent off the ballot today!!!!
When did early voting begin? I don't think we're open for it yet in NY.
Here's the bad thing about it: People have no decency, and they will
smoke it everywhere. Kids and other people who don't like the smell
will be forced to smell it in public, a lot.
IB Joe wrote to Aaron Thomas <=-
I always do a mail in ballot. Sometimes judges and whatnot are on the ballot and I can research those... any liberal f%^ks I get to vote no.
IB Joe wrote to Aaron Thomas <=-
People want to act stupid there should be some legal consequences...
That's cool. It used to be that way in every state, at least for the US elections. Certain states, like Nevada, are playing games bigtime.
Ballots are counted when they are received.
I like this approach, but I wonder how they prevent the people who are counting the early votes from divulging who is leading?
I always do a mail in ballot. Sometimes judges and whatnot are on th ballot and I can research those... any liberal f%^ks I get to vote no
That's why my wife and I love it when we see a house with a Kamala sign
in it. We just write down the names on all the other signs to know who NOT to vote for.
in NWhen did early voting begin? I don't think we're open for it yet
I am sure it is available. If only you bother to look.
Google says it's open in NY on October 26. I'm not a lazy guy. You have me all wrong.
There is nothing bad about it. Those who want to smoke pot
can do so. Those who do not can never be forced against their
own will to do so.
People are now forced against their will to smell not only weed burning everywhere, but they're also being forced to smell half-burnt joints from all the gross people who butt out their joints and then go inside public places carrying that stinky stuff. It smells like a lack of decency.
As do smokers of tobacco, who figure they can smoke their stuff
anywhere and at any time of their own choosing? As if non-smokers
have no rights to be free of such pollution?
You can't smoke in a public building in New York or in Pennsylvania.
You're right.
It's the non-smokers who are suffering.
Isn't that what we have now, in public places, where smokers
of tobacco products are free to light up and do their stuff no
matter who or how many people (including children and babies)
they annoy?
Yea but weed just bothers people more.
I smoke weed, I don't smoke cigarettes, but smelling weed where it doesn't belong annoys me.
Here's the bad thing about it: People have no decency, and they will smoke it everywhere. Kids and other people who don't like the smell will be forced to smell it in public, a lot.
Local regulations about smoking areas should be applied to weed smokers too. At least here in Michigan, most places are non-smoking and you
can't smoke within 500 feet of an entryway (so non-smokers don't have to go through the toxic haze to get to work).
That's cool. It used to be that way in every state, at least for the elections. Certain states, like Nevada, are playing games bigtime.
There are a lot of states playing games. There was a county in
Wisconsin that sent out 10 times the number of ballots needed... She
said Oooops my bad.
in NWhen did early voting begin? I don't think we're open for it yet
I am sure it is available. If only you bother to look.
Google says it's open in NY on October 26. I'm not a lazy guy. You ha all wrong.
Each state and commonwealth has its own rules, etc.
People are now forced against their will to smell not only weed burni everywhere, but they're also being forced to smell half-burnt joints all the gross people who butt out their joints and then go inside pub places carrying that stinky stuff. It smells like a lack of decency.
Either you want anarchy, with no rules of any kind, or you want
some sort of KONTROL, with god only knows who is in charge. So what
will it be? Anarchy and chaos, or KONTROL and obedience?
You can't smoke in a public building in New York or in Pennsylvania.
Sure I can. So can you. And everybody else.
It's the non-smokers who are suffering.
Non-smokers can join the club, thus putting an end to their suffering.
Nobody is forcing anybody to go to nude beaches. So why does
public nudity bother some people? Why is it there are so few nude
beaches in the USA, while in Europe it is commonplace? Is it that
we are a bunch of prudes, here the land of the free and the home
of the brave?
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
We vote in the local Dog Catcher... For the love of GOD... Sometimes research is needed.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
But do people follow those kinds of rules? Not here.
And what if they're vaping weed right in front of an entryway? Does
that mean that they're following the rules?
IB Joe wrote to Mike Powell <=-
Anyway, the Governor of Florida has made it easy to vote if you're a citizen, but hard to vote if you aren't.
Now the DOJ is suing Alabama for purging dead voters from their rolls
"too close to election day." :(
But most of the time, it's nearly impossible for some races.
We make use of all of the resources that we know of to research candidates, but sometimes the candidates have nothing. Normally, we'd
not vote for those, then. But too often NONE of the candidates have any information.
As that is currently the Supreme Court stance, what was the other choice?
The only choice was regulated Yes/No. It was a state constitutional amendment
Florida is weird in that, though Red, it's full of Snowbirds from the north that bring their liberal ways. There'll be reasonable safeguards on it... I can see first term... and medical exceptions after... Whatever... They'll start working their Voodoo on this after the Amendment is passed. Major city centers are Democrat and will have a lot of pull.
That should probably set off some sort of red flag there if someone is having that many. May be a victim of sex trafficing or some other crime against women.
Maybe just a Ho... I'd like to go back to the days where it was rare, legal an
Saw a meme the other day that made me chuckle ... Get the unborn ti identify a
a convicted felon on death-row and the Democrats would be fighting tooth and nail to protect their lives.
Ballots are counted when they are received.
I like this approach, but I wonder how they prevent the people who are counting the early votes from divulging who is leading?
I don't mind early voting... a few days or a week or so... Election 1/4... or in some Democrat precincts they'll count ballots weeks later... until they get
the number they want.
Thanx.... I was in Chinada when the hurricane hit... I'm heading back down soon... for the riots and whatnot when Trump wins the election.... All the blu
haired liberals screaming NNNOOOOooooooo
I know... and they have a hard time explaining themselves. And if we
look into things we'll find that those Dead people were active Democrat voters.
GBG :)
I read something the other day... I could be wrong on the city/state... BUT it was a Democrat area in a swing state.... They mailed out 10X more ballots than needed, unrequested ballots I might add... and the SoS said... My bad!!!
GBG :)
What does GBG mean?
We need to purge the rolls in every state. The Democrats are masters of the media. They can easily keep track of voters and of death
And of course, that's just 1 slick trick that they've been playing on
us. There are more.
Mailing out any unsolicited ballots should be a federal crime. That's another thing that could get fixed if we had a real congress. But
there's definitely no time for that.
The only choice was regulated Yes/No. It was a state constitutional amendment
10 times in a year means something is up. I am not certain the body can even handle being pregnant that many times.
I don't mind early voting, either, as I know it isn't what causes ballots to be counted over and over looking for results. I do wonder how they prevent vote counters from divulging who is leading on the early ballots that are counted. Maybe the machine counts them but doesn't give the results.
At first I thought you meant blue haired as in old women but I suspect that isn't what you meant. ;)
IB Joe wrote to Aaron Thomas <=-
I know... and they have a hard time explaining themselves. And if we
look into things we'll find that those Dead people were active Democrat voters.
I read something the other day... I could be wrong on the city/state... BUT it was a Democrat area in a swing state.... They mailed out 10X
more ballots than needed, unrequested ballots I might add... and the
SoS said... My bad!!!
Aaron Thomas wrote to IB Joe <=-
Mailing out any unsolicited ballots should be a federal crime. That's another thing that could get fixed if we had a real congress. But
there's definitely no time for that.
IB Joe wrote to Aaron Thomas <=-
There's a bunch of things needed. Purging the voter rolls is a start. They should be federal laws about how the states handle their part of
the elections...
IB Joe wrote to Mike Powell <=-
I'm shocked that the Democrats... well not really shocked... are
fighting the simplest things... Like getting rid of the dead people and the non-citizens off the voter rolls.
"When I die, please don't let me vote Democrat."
The SOS needs to be fired for gross incompence, pending a trial for Election Interference.
We saw Vindicating Trump last weekend. There was a part of the movie where they showed how, legally, you could print as many ballots as you want. The only illegal part of using them would be to "stuff" ballot boxes.
Which implies that election cheating has been going on for a LONG time now. IHMO: If it wasn't for Trump, the cheating never would have come
to light.
They say that ~70% of the people support abortion... What they don't say is that most of that 70% don't want unrestricted and late term abortion.
I'm hoping some normal laws emerge on this issue.
I was just saying. Like I said in a prior message... Around the time of Roe being sent back to the States one of the activists got pregnant so that she could have an abortion.... Sick!!!
I don't mind early voting, either, as I know it isn't what causes ballots to be counted over and over looking for results. I do wonder how they prevent vote counters from divulging who is leading on the early ballots that are counted. Maybe the machine counts them but doesn't give the results.
Whoever wins in an election impacts the voters there should be simple safeguards up to put confidence in the result.
I'm shocked that the Democrats... well not really shocked... are fighting the simplest things... Like getting rid of the dead people and the non-citizens of
the voter rolls.
Mailing out any unsolicited ballots should be a federal crime. That's another thing that could get fixed if we had a real congress. But there's definitely n
time for that.
IB Joe wrote to Ron L. <=-
And I think if Trump gets in and changes the direction we are headed
it'll just delay things for them. We need a paradigm shift in the American psycke to get everyone back to the roots of being a Constitutional republic.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Ron L. <=-
When other former presidents ran unsuccessfully for re-eleciton, like George H. W. Bush, the left probably already had dirt on him. Enough
dirt to make him stay quiet about vote rigging. But with Trump, I don't think there's any real dirt. He's just a good, decent man who's calling things as he sees them.
When other former presidents ran unsuccessfully for re-eleciton, like George H. W. Bush, the left probably already had dirt on him. Enough dirt to make him stay quiet about vote rigging. But with Trump, I don think there's any real dirt. He's just a good, decent man who's calli things as he sees them.
The whole "got dirt" on someone is an interesting concept.
Why did Johnson suddenly change into an Elitist when he became Speaker, for example.
You are right, most of the ones I have talked to don't want it to be completely unrestricted.
Are they fighting the removal, or are they questioning the means of determining whether or not the voter is dead or a non-citizen? I am all for removing the dead and the non-citizens but, living in a state that in my voting lifetime was overwhelmingly controlled by one party (and not
the same one as now), I can see being concerned about how that is determined.
Yes, it will take time. I don't think anyone really believes that when Trump is elected that everything will magically go back to normal. It took the Elitists 60 years to break everything. It will probably take longer to fix things.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
Why did Johnson suddenly change into an Elitist when he became Speaker, for example.
Money changes people. The the more powerful a person becomes, the more bribes are solicited to them.
Johnson has done a lot for Democrats already,
and it's got to be either because he was paid or because he is
regularly being paid by them (or their associates.) They definitely
don't ass-out like this just for the fun of it.
took the Elitists 60 years to break everything. It will probably tak longer to fix things.
If the Republican party can keep the America Fist Policies and as well as putting Americans First they'll take us into the future.
After JD's apprenticeship over the next few years... And Vivek and the other's who support the American people... MTG... Lauren... <--- if she can stop getting felt-up in public. We have a good start!!!
I'm starting to like JD Vance more now after the debate. He knows what's going on, and he knows how to say it. I'm willing to forgive him for
being a member of the senate.
Lauren... <--- if she can stop
getting felt-up in public. We have a good start!!!
I needed a few days to digest what took place during the debate the
other day. I didn't need this time to digest "MD's" performance, but rather Tampon Tim's performance.
I believe my thinking was flawed... We had Dementia Joe and his Word Salads... Then we have Kamala, no dementia, but twice the Word Salads... With Tampon we really only had one salad that night and that was him explaining his lies about being in combat. There were moments, but none like the salad King and Queen of the Democratic party.
I told a friend of mine from Colorado that I was upset with her for not letting me know Lauren was gettind divorced. Unlike the Democrat she
went to the theatre with, I know how to keep that stuff behind closed doors. :D
Part of the reason why Tim Walz looked so scared probably is because he knows that he has stolen valor from real Iraq war veterans and now he's going head to head with a real Iraq war veteran. Tim Walz would have
sh!t himself had the moderator let them talk about military service.
Part of the reason why Tim Walz looked so scared probably is because knows that he has stolen valor from real Iraq war veterans and now he going head to head with a real Iraq war veteran. Tim Walz would have sh!t himself had the moderator let them talk about military service.
I'm not sure what the Dems are going to do with such little time left.
IB Joe wrote to Aaron Thomas <=-
I'm not sure what the Dems are going to do with such little time left.
They've been working on the cheating for the last nearly 4 years.
Importing voters. Eroding election intregrity. Winding up crazies to
try to assassinate their political opponents.
I told a friend of mine from Colorado that I was upset with her for not letting me know Lauren was gettind divorced. Unlike the Democrat she went to the theatre with, I know how to keep that stuff behind closed doors. :D
What an idiot... An attractive woman like that... I'm sure she's been hit on all day long... And she gets setup like that... Date shows up with special night time cameras... We see her getting groped in the theater and twerking in
the back ally to boot.
At least I can say... Conservative women are smart, for the most part, attractive and they DO NOT have penises.
The way she was acting I wondered if she hadn't been roofied.
That last bit is a major plus.
The way she was acting I wondered if she hadn't been roofied.
Who knows... I want to say naive but I can't... Someone that attractive has heard a thing or two in the past.
That last bit is a major plus.
So we have a consensus then... Women without penises are better... Sorry Allan
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
It's been going on a little longer... I'm not sure about centuries...
But decades at least...
LBJ said he was going to get the N-Word people to vote Democrat for the next 200 years!!! Remember!!???
Well it looks like student loan forgiveness and welfare isn't
working... They'll have to work on voting machine algorithms and
bullets instead.
I don't know enough about her but, if she got married young and hasn't been in the dating pool in a while, naive could cover it.
Thomas Sowell traced black progress and found that up to the 1960's they were making great strides in society. Then after the 1960's every bad metric was up, and every good metric was down for them.
So while the cheating was probably going on since day 1, it got methodological in the 1960's.
LBJ said he was going to get the N-Word people to vote Democrat for t next 200 years!!! Remember!!???
Well, I wasn't around at that time. :) But I have seen many references to that statement. I always wondered how minorities would vote for LBJ since he was so openly racist.
And fake votes, as well as fake voters.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
LBJ during his Presidency made the welfare state, removing the fathers from the houses. Sowell, and others, have narrowed it back to LBJ's policies. @ parent homes wen't from 70++ % down to less than 30%.
I wished that the Democrats worked as hard for the American people as
much as they do at stealing elections.
The problem is that people who become Democrats are incompetent. All
they know how to do is take. The only thing they can make are
McDonalds's burgers - but only on the automated frying machines.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
Automation explains Kamala's success at McDonald's
The problem is that people who become Democrats are incompetent. All they know how to do is take. The only thing they can make are McDonalds's burgers - but only on the automated frying machines.
Automation explains Kamala's success at McDonald's
And automation at McDonald's is the result of the poor policies of her side, making employees more and more expensive.
Kamala's initial success in politics had nothing to do with flipping burgers. If only Monica Lewinsky had the same political ambitions as Kamala, she might have already been President.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
On 08 Oct 2024, Ron L. said the following...
And automation at McDonald's is the result of the poor policies of her side, making employees more and more expensive.
Liberals have been messing up the world for some time now...
Liberals have been messing up the world for some time now...
Since the 1960's for sure. Going back to the Civil War, probably.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
You won't believe what I just read... FENA sent electric chainsaws to North Carolina so that they can dig themselves out of their situation.
There is NO electricity...
Stupid bitches... DEI and liberalism rules!!!
You won't believe what I just read... FENA sent electric chainsaws to North Carolina so that they can dig themselves out of their situation.
There is NO electricity...
Stupid bitches... DEI and liberalism rules!!!
Stupid bitches... DEI and liberalism rules!!!
DEI takes bureucratic incompetence to new heights.
But remember that our gov't hates us. So this is planned incompetence.
There is NO electricity...
Stupid bitches... DEI and liberalism rules!!!
If FEMA is on site and charging them via generator or something, that makes some sense. Otherwise...
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
I've had to re-think a few things. Being from Florida I've have experience of FEMA more than a time or two. FEMA, in my experiences,
were always on time and ready to go. So, to see the F%$k Up in North Carolina I was a little disheartened... I was quick to blame the Harris/Biden admin for this. Though I was quick to blame... I still
blame them because it makes me feel better.
What I found out in the past few days was that the Governor is to
request all this assistance. State sovereignty...
If FEMA is on site and charging them via generator or something, that makes some sense. Otherwise...
Keep it up Mike and people will start to think you're a Democrat.
It's Okay to think people are stupid if they send electric chainsaws to a plac
that has no power.
It's Okay to think people are stupid if they send electric chainsawsto a plac
that has no power.
It is OK to think that but, if you say it to someone else, regardless of political affiliation, it is also OK for them to wonder if there is some context missing.
The governor of NC is a Democrat. So, ya, it's the shadow forces behind the Biden Regime at the root of this.
What I found out in the past few days was that the Governor is to
Well, yes. And most governors who actually want to help their people, they will reguest aid even before the event occurs. But since NC's Gov
is a Democrat, and the plan is to keep those rural people from voting
for Trump, he won't request help.
And even if he did, the Feds will put forth the most incompetent FEMA people that they had - just like the Secret Service did for the first Trump assassination attempt.
Generally speaking, if they are not taking generators with them to an
area that has no power, electric chainsaws or otherwise, they are not really doing their job.
It's Okay to think people are stupid if they send electric chainsaws to plac
that has no power.
It is OK to think that but, if you say it to someone else, regardless of political affiliation, it is also OK for them to wonder if there is some context missing.
I had also heard that officials were originally giving other
organizations grief for attempting to assist in NC without federal approval. There was not much context provided there, either, but I did find that concerning, much like you found the electric chainsaws concerning.
I saw your message to Ron and had another instance to add. Several years ago after a hurricane devastated New Orleans... pretty sure it was Katrina... the New Orleans and Louisiana officials kept complaining about the lack of federal response. It got out that they (Ds) turned down military assistance from the Bush administration and then were harping
on it to make the administration look bad.
States acting with political alterior motives is unfortunately more
common that we realize.
Is This a Threat? Joe Biden Says People "Spreading Lies" About His Botched Hurricane Response Will "Pay the Price For It".
If he wants people to say nice things respond better....
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
Is This a Threat? Joe Biden Says People "Spreading Lies" About His
Botched Hurricane Response Will "Pay the Price For It".
If he wants people to say nice things respond better....
I hope they can root out this cancer
I had also heard that officials were originally giving other organizations grief for attempting to assist in NC without federal approval. There was not much context provided there, either, but I did find that concerning, much like you found the electric chainsaws concerning.
Stop looking for context... I think @RonL put it best... The Democrats don't want the rural Republican areas to be able to vote.
The context, if needed, its an election season. Hurricanes are COVID 2.0.
Politics sucks at time... Having said that, I wonder why Kamala isn't doing better.
Is This a Threat? Joe Biden Says People "Spreading Lies" About His Botch Hurricane Response Will "Pay the Price For It".
That does sound like a threat. Where did this headline run?
If he wants people to say nice things respond better....
The Bidens are nothing more than a modern-day mob. Same tactics.
I think that's what we are hoping for. At the very least, all but the most mentally ill can see the cancer now.
I dunno. Most of the hurricane comspiracy theories would make a lot more sense if FEMA had been on the ball trying to make the current
administration, and Kamala by association, look good.
Their low-key response would seem to play into Trump's hands.
Is This a Threat? Joe Biden Says People "Spreading Lies" About His Botch >> > Hurricane Response Will "Pay the Price For It".
That does sound like a threat. Where did this headline run?
And it came with a video so that we can hear the threat... If the DOJ, and other departments, weren't weaponized in this administration I would have just passed it off as political rhetoric...
We have reached levels of stupidity that have never seen before...
Moving my hands in and out like I'm playing an accordion and speaking
with a New York accent. We are funding Jerusalem, and giving aide to
the people who attack them... and then screwing over the American people who have been hit with hurricanes over the recent weeks.
Biden did not botch the hurricane response and made no threats.
Those who lie about hurricane response should indeed pay the price for
The DOJ is not weaponized. Criminals get indicted and sented when found guilty. This is normal.
I also see things this way. This needs to be explained to the voters plainly just like you worded it. They need to realize that this is what Democrats do with our money and that the smart thing to do is vote
against them especially in the presidential race.
Ohhhh Alan... You've lived through sooooooooo many hurricanes living there in BC... and FEMA has came to all those hurricanes you went through... there in Canada that we should make you the expert in such matters.
BTW, there is a video of Joe Biden threatening people who complain about the way his administration's handling of the current hurricanes.
I'll yield back to your expertise on this matter given that you live in a different country and you're in a high risk zone for hurricanes.
The DOJ is not weaponized. Criminals get indicted and sented when found
guilty. This is normal.
Stop smoking the legalized pot...
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
The Bidens are nothing more than a modern-day mob. Same tactics.
As are almost all career politicians.
We have reached levels of stupidity that have never seen before...
Moving my hands in and out like I'm playing an accordion and speaking
with a New York accent. We are funding Jerusalem, and giving aide to
the people who attack them... and then screwing over the American
people who have been hit with hurricanes over the recent weeks.
IHMO: Most of this is just money laundering anyway. The Elitist
Wannabees who have been working for their masters are just getting while the gettin's good. I believe that most will move their ill gotten gains offshore and disappear right after the election.
The lack of funding for hurricane victims is pretty blatent election interference at this point.
The time has past for just blaming incompetence. It's willful incompetence now.
I dunno. Most of the hurricane comspiracy theories would make a lot more sense if FEMA had been on the ball trying to make the current administration, and Kamala by association, look good.
Why would FEMA try to make the current administration and Kamala "look good"?
That is not what FEMA is doing, or should be doing.
HINT: it starts with a "c".
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
The list of things the Elitist do to keep their grip on control is staggering. The political class has disdain for the people, its sickening.
These types of people have been around a lot longer than the U.S.A. and the Founding Fathers put things in place to try to prevent the Elitists from getting too much hold.
But the Elitists have been poking away at the system for a long, long
time and have subverted the system in ways the Founding Fathers never intended.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
I have been trying to pinpoint the shift in the Elite psyche where they went from keeping the masses scared and running like sheep to full out commie.
I respect the founding fathers attempt to handled these assholes...
There is going to have to be some major correction to get the political elites to even care about the people.
They system is full of rot.
I have been trying to pinpoint the shift in the Elite psyche where they went from keeping the masses scared and running like sheep to full out commie.
Sometime during or immediately after the pandemic, I would guess.
I do know that back c1988-1993, they were already teaching towards commie in college. I found it odd being a business major but having some professors that seemed to think that government ownership and control might be the answer.
Sometime during or immediately after the pandemic, I would guess.
I do know that back c1988-1993, they were already teaching towards commie in college. I found it odd being a business major but having some professors that seemed to think that government ownership and control might be the answer.
Its further back than that. They say JFK was assassinated because he was too mainstream and didn't want to participate in the endless war thing
Being into the endless war thing didn't make someone a commie back then, though.
I think it initially started shortly after Kruchev's (sp?) threat to "bury" us. I believe that is when the full scale infiltration of our institutions began. Being outwardly commie, as you originally
suggested, is a more recent phenomena.
Biden off to Germany to give more money to Ukraine to give them a SH!T load of >more money while Americans still suffer in North Carolina
Biden off to Germany to give more money to Ukraine to give them a SH!T lo >more money while Americans still suffer in North Carolina
This sort of makes me wonder why some other country has not stepped up to try to fill the void for the hurricane victims. That is what our government often does when they want to get involved in the affairs of another nation. Maybe we are the only nation whose government does that.
IB Joe wrote to Mike Powell <=-
Our country is sick, well not the whole country, but a political party
The Democrats seem to be focused on helping the Donor Class and
the Political Elites. They have a global agenda that they seem to be pushing mixed with an extreme Woke/Marxist agenda.
The Democrats are
soooooooooooo focused on staying in power, because power is cool, but
more importantly they want to cater their donors and the elites.
North Carolina is only state who response was/is not the best. One
could argue, and I am, is that the Democrat governor dragged his feet because the areas hit were Republican areas and that essentially can
move the state to Kamala and away from Trump.
There was a debate with Pocahontas where she was taken out brutally by
her opponent... She was left speechless...
Trump said he was going to release the Epstein client list, Elon says there are some Billionaires worried, he mentioned Bill Gates as one of them. Moreover, Trump did say he was going to release the rest of the
JFK files showing that the CIA and or FBI possible involvement.
If we can get the parties to shift back to the founding father's ideas where they focused on the citizens and less on foreign affairs would
make things better.
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