• Performance of list / array / dict compared

    From RodionGork@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 18 07:41:37 2024
    Hi Friends!

    I've seen here curious thread on comparing TCL speed with Python - and
    as a "sequel" to it here is more TCLish observation.

    It happened that I was also measuring languages performance (for
    practical purpose - to get understanding how much calculations would fit
    in 1 second limited sandbox on my site). There are two tests - for plain integer calculations - and for calculations involving array.

    I initially used list as array and while performance is somewhat lower
    than with other popular scripting languages, I thought it is quite
    decent, regarding list implementation (I thought it is a kind of space-separated string by then).

    Then I browsed TCL tutorial and rewrote implementations using array and finally, dict. They were
    significantly worse, which is explainable as they are not necessarily
    tuned to work as linear array - but I was somewhat surprised to see the
    "dict" is the worst of all (perhaps it in improved in the versions above

    C (long long): 4.28
    PHP: 11.99
    Python3: 42.57
    TCL (list): 63.30
    TCL (array): 104.78
    TCL (dict): 112.41
    Lua: 33.75

    Implementation is here and you are welcome to check whether I missed
    some obvious way to improve results: https://github.com/rodiongork/languages-benchmark

    As a sidenote, PHP and Lua use single version of array for both "linear"
    and "dict-like" storage.

    to email me substitute github with gmail please

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  • From RodionGork@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 18 14:08:46 2024
    Python has the equivalent of Lists, Arrays, and Dictionaries -- which
    did you use?

    in Python the plain list is used (well, these details could be quickly
    seen by the link to sources above) - as I mentioned in TCL I decided to
    try other structures only because I thought list implementation could be
    not very effective internally, e.g. due to historical reasons...

    For calculation, C or Golang would likely be best.

    Not necessarily, any language compiled to native codes will do
    similarly. Moreover, there is optimized version of Python - and there is JIT-version for Lua, while Java uses JIT anyway, so they results are
    very close:

    Java: 1.60
    Pypy3: 7.31
    LuaJit: 2.18

    Perhaps someone may one day try to use JIT in TCL also (perhaps even
    borrowing it from Lua may work)

    to email me substitute github with gmail please

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  • From Rich@21:1/5 to RodionGork on Sun Aug 18 17:03:14 2024
    RodionGork <rodiongork@github.com> wrote:
    Hi Friends!

    I've seen here curious thread on comparing TCL speed with Python - and
    as a "sequel" to it here is more TCLish observation.

    It happened that I was also measuring languages performance (for
    practical purpose - to get understanding how much calculations would fit
    in 1 second limited sandbox on my site). There are two tests - for plain integer calculations - and for calculations involving array.

    I initially used list as array and while performance is somewhat lower
    than with other popular scripting languages, I thought it is quite
    decent, regarding list implementation (I thought it is a kind of space-separated string by then).

    Tcl lists have not been "space-separated strings" since the advent of
    Tcl 8.0. Which according to this page
    (http://tcl.tk/software/tcltk/8.0.html) was released March 9, 1999. So 25 years since Tcl's lists were "space-separated strings" (reality is more complex, they were really "specially formatted strings" with "space
    separated" being a simple subset of "specially formatted".

    Then I browsed TCL tutorial and rewrote implementations using array and finally, dict. They were
    significantly worse, which is explainable as they are not necessarily
    tuned to work as linear array - but I was somewhat surprised to see the "dict" is the worst of all (perhaps it in improved in the versions above 8.5):

    C (long long): 4.28
    PHP: 11.99
    Python3: 42.57
    TCL (list): 63.30
    TCL (array): 104.78
    TCL (dict): 112.41
    Lua: 33.75

    Implementation is here and you are welcome to check whether I missed
    some obvious way to improve results: https://github.com/rodiongork/languages-benchmark

    Which one? There are two.

    For Collaz, if you are really on 8.5, then wrapping everything that is
    at global level inside a proc (i.e., everthing from line 10 to line
    17), and calling that proc as the single global command, will gain a
    bit of speed, as for 8.5 the bytecode compiler is limited in what it
    can compile outside of procs.

    For Primes (beyond the same "in a proc" for 8.5 above), in the 'list
    version' using global is costing you a bit of performance (the
    "linking" performed by gobal takes some time). Modifing "is_prime" to
    take both x and primes as parameters will gain a bit of speed for the
    list version.

    The array and dict versions will be slower than the list version
    because they will always be adding in the overhead of the hashmap
    computation for looking up elements (no hashmap lookup in the list

    For the dict version (besides all the above), you /might/ gain some
    speed using the [dict values] subcommand to get a list of values from
    the dict, then iterating that list. I.e.:

    foreach d [dict values $primes] {

    Which should avoid performing all the hash computations to lookup each
    element individually. But, that will still be creating a new list each
    time your outer loop modifies the dict.

    You also don't need [dict append] in the outer loop. The way you are
    using the dict, doing [dict append] means paying the cost of a hash
    computation and a single element list creation for each new element
    added. A [dict set] will produce the same final dict string, but avoid wrapping each 'prime' in a single element list in each dict slot,
    saving that (small) overhead.

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  • From Rich@21:1/5 to RodionGork on Sun Aug 18 17:05:15 2024
    RodionGork <rodiongork@github.com> wrote:
    Python has the equivalent of Lists, Arrays, and Dictionaries -- which
    did you use?

    in Python the plain list is used (well, these details could be quickly
    seen by the link to sources above) - as I mentioned in TCL I decided to
    try other structures only because I thought list implementation could be
    not very effective internally, e.g. due to historical reasons...

    Your 'history' is 25 years out of date. Tcl's lists have been O(1)
    complexity indexed arrays for that long (so long as you don't shimmer
    them to/from strings on every usage).

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  • From gustafn@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 19 08:35:29 2024
    Hi RodionGork,

    I took a quick look at the "primes" examples in your comparison on the
    GitHub page.

    Using any data structures other than lists does not make sense for this example.
    One could get an improvement of about 5% by putting the outer loop into
    a proc.

    Most of the time in this example is spent in the "is_prime" proc.
    One can get much bigger improvements by using critcl for the is_prime
    function (see below):

    baseline list 1766907.44 100.00
    loop proc 1689220.00 95.60
    is_prime_list_c 118298.50 6.70

    This is in the spirit of thinking in "system languages" and "glue
    by John Ousterhout, where one should find the right mix for the
    when performance matters.

    all the best

    package require critcl

    critcl::cproc is_prime_list_c {Tcl_Interp* interp list primes int x} int
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<primes.c; i++) {
    int d;
    if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, primes.v[i], &d) != TCL_OK) {
    fprintf(stderr, "list element is not an integer: '%s'\n", Tcl_GetString(primes.v[i]));
    if (d*d > x) return 1;
    if (x%d == 0) return 0;
    return -1;

    critcl::load ===================================================================================

    proc run_list_c {} {
    set primes {2 3 5 7}
    set n $::env(MAXN)

    for {set i 9} {1} {incr i 2} {
    if {[is_prime_list_c $primes $i]} {
    lappend primes $i
    if {[llength $primes] == $n} {
    puts "primes\[$n\] = $i"
    } ===================================================================================

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