## How many source packages are in Debian unstable as of today?
± zgrep "^Package: " Sources.gz | wc -l
## How many source packages have a gbp.conf?
± ls -1 *_gbp.conf | wc -l
(24629 do not have it)
## What is the most popular 'debian-branch'?
Note! The Sources.gz used to analyze this was from Debian unstable so
one would not expect to see any debian/bookworm or debian/12-bookworm
kind of lines here.
± grep --no-filename --only-matching --max-count=1 --perl-regex "^debian-branch( )?=( )?\K([^ ]*)" *gbp.conf | sort | uniq -c | sort
2284 debian/master
1898 debian/sid
1655 debian/latest
990 master
520 debian
304 debian/unstable
179 debian/main
156 main
133 debian-sid
28 debian/experimental
24 unstable
20 debian-unstable
12 experimental
5 debian-experimental
4 latest
3 sid
2 llvm18/main
2 llvm17/main
2 llvm16/main
2 llvm15/main
2 llvm14/main
2 debian-pkg
2 deb
## What is the most popular 'upstream-branch'?
± grep --no-filename --only-matching --max-count=1 --perl-regex "^upstream-branch( )?=( )?\K([^ ]*)" *gbp.conf | sort | uniq -c | sort
1846 upstream/latest
1488 upstream
220 master
130 upstream-sid
47 upstream/master
30 main
15 upstream-unstable
14 upstream/sid
10 master-dfsg
9 there-is-no-upstream-branch
6 dfsg
5 release
4 upstream-experimental
4 dfsg-orig
3 upstream-tarball
3 upstream-release
3 upstream-dfsg
3 invalid
3 dfsg_clean
3 debian-upstream
## What is the most popular 'upstream-tag' format?
± grep --no-filename --only-matching --max-count=1 --perl-regex "^upstream-tag( )?=( )?\K([^ ]*)" *gbp.conf | sort | uniq -c | sort
943 upstream/%(version)s
350 v%(version)s
267 %(version)s
23 'v%(version)s'
11 '%(version)s'
9 upstream/v%(version)s
4 version/%(version)s
4 'upstream/%(version)s'
3 upstream-tarball/v%(version)s
3 snapshot-%(version)s
3 release-%(version)s
2 v%(version%~%-)s
2 version_%(version)s
2 upstream/%(version)s+dfsg
2 release/v%(version)s
## How many packages have a 'upstream-vcs-tag' and what is it typically?
± grep --no-filename --only-matching --max-count=1 --perl-regex "^upstream-vcs-tag( )?=( )?\K([^ ]*)" *gbp.conf | sort | uniq -c |
sort -nr
214 %(version)s
187 v%(version)s
156 %(version%~%.)s
126 %(version%~%-)s
52 v%(version%~%-)s
19 v%(version%~%.)s
8 release/%(version)s
5 release/%(version)s/final
3 release-%(version)s
2 v-%(version)s
2 rel-%(version)s
2 gnupg-%(version)s
## How many packages have 'pristine-tar'?
± grep --no-filename --only-matching --max-count=1 --perl-regex "^pristine-tar( )?=( )?\K([^ ]*)" *gbp.conf | sort | uniq -c | sort
9098 True
508 False
169 true
46 false
3 1
## How many packages have 'upstream-signatures'?
± grep --no-filename --only-matching --max-count=1 --perl-regex "^upstream-signatures( )?=( )?\K([^ ]*)" *gbp.conf | sort | uniq -c |
sort -nr
7 on
6 True
2 auto
## How many packages have 'sign-tags'?
± grep --no-filename --only-matching --max-count=1 --perl-regex
"^sign-tags( )?=( )?\K([^ ]*)" *gbp.conf | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
2587 True
55 true
9 False
## Which lines in gbp.conf in general are most common?
± cat *_gbp.conf | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
13032 [DEFAULT]
8450 pristine-tar = True
2746 [import-orig]
2553 sign-tags = True
1771 debian-branch = debian/sid
1734 upstream-branch = upstream/latest
1731 [buildpackage]
1547 dist = DEP14
1527 debian-branch = debian/latest
1446 debian-branch = debian/master
1307 upstream-branch = upstream
1117 [dch]
1059 patch-numbers = False
987 filter = [ '.gitignore', '.travis.yml', '.git*' ]
967 [pq]
873 debian-branch = master
870 upstream-tag = upstream/%(version)s
771 debian-branch=debian/master
729 # Configuration file for git-buildpackage and friends
691 pristine-tar=True
678 multimaint-merge = True
604 debian-tag = debian/%(version)s
526 filter = */.git*
501 pristine-tar = False
489 filter=[ '.gitignore', '.travis.yml', '.git*' ]
466 debian-branch = debian
436 filter-pristine-tar = True
369 compression = xz
360 # Always use pristine-tar.
In the light of these stats I am fine with current version of the
DEP-14 text, and I am happy with what I settled on in my packages, in particular the most complex one (
that uses basically all features of git-buildpackage and DEP-14).
Also, it would be cool if trends.debian.net included some kindof
gbp.conf stats to track how things evolve over time. For that wishlist
request I filed
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* Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)