• Drug War Chronicle, Issue #1153 -- 2/17/22 -Table of Contents with Live

    From Bobbie Sellers@21:1/5 to All on Thu Feb 17 08:48:46 2022
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    Drug War Chronicle, Issue #1153 -- 2/17/22
    Phillip S. Smith, Editor, psmith@drcnet.org https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/1153

    A Publication of StoptheDrugWar.org
    David Borden, Executive Director, borden@drcnet.org
    "Raising Awareness of the Consequences of Drug Prohibition"

    Table of Contents:

    Activists in Denver opened psychedelic floodgates for the United States
    with their successful psilocybin decriminalization initiative in 2019.
    Since that time, the trickle of bills and initiatives seeking to undo
    the criminalization of psychedelics has turned into a torrent. https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2022/feb/17/psychedelics_reform

    A Florida deputy goes down for trying to set up an innocent man, an Ohio
    narc gets ready to head for prison after getting caught in an FBI sting,
    and more. https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2022/feb/16/weeks_corrupt_cops_stories

    Chuck Schumer is trying to get his marijuana legalization bill
    finalized, an Illinois bill would fix a bizarre situation around
    expungement of past marijuana offenses, and more. https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2022/feb/11/senate_dems_seek_input_marijuana

    SITE, MORE... (2/14/22)
    Oregon goes after water haulters in a bid to repress illicit pot grows,
    the Utah House approves a psychedelic study task force bill, and more. https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2022/feb/14/manchin_and_rubio_file_anticrack

    The Oregon Health Authority has released draft rules for therapeutic psilocybin, the New Mexico legislature approves legalizing fentanyl test strips, and more. https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2022/feb/15/md_lawmakers_take_marijuana

    A marijuana legalization bill gets filed in Missouri, a marijuana decriminalization bill is filed in Wyoming, and more. https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2022/feb/16/challenge_dea_tryptamines_ban

    (Not subscribed? Visit https://stopthedrugwar.org to sign up today!)


    1. PSYCHEDELIC REFORM POSSIBILITIES IN 2022 [FEATURE] https://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle/2022/feb/17/psychedelics_reform

    Activists in Denver opened psychedelic floodgates for the United States
    with their successful psilocybin decriminalization initiative in 2019.
    Since that time, the trickle of bills and initiatives seeking to undo
    the criminalization of psychedelics has turned into a torrent.

    In 2020, Oregon and Washington, DC broke things open even wider with
    Oregon's therapeutic psilocybin initiative and DC's entheogenic plant
    decrim. (Oregon also passed the broader general drug decrim initiative).
    A number of towns and cities, most notably in California, Massachusetts,
    and Michigan, have subsequently enacted psychedelic reforms.

    This year, psychedelic reform measures are popping up like mushrooms
    after a rain shower, with serious decriminalization or legalization
    efforts in several states, and either therapeutic or study efforts (or therapeutic study efforts) in many more. Many, perhaps most, of these
    bills will not pass this year, but then, legislating controversial
    topics is seldom a single-year process. Initiatives probably have a
    better chance of success -- provided they can make it to the ballot.

    With a big tip of the hat to Ballotpedia (https://news.ballotpedia.org/2022/01/17/where-could-voters-see-marijuana-on-the-ballot-in-2022/)
    and Marijuana Moment (https://www.marijuanamoment.net/these-states-could-legalize-marijuana-or-psychedelics-in-2022/),
    here's is what we've got going in 2022:


    There are two different paths to psychedelic legalization this year, one
    via the legislature and one as a potential November ballot initiative.

    Senate Bill 519 (https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billStatusClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220SB519)
    would legalize the possession and unremunerated sharing of psilocybin (2
    grams, or 4 grams of magic mushrooms), psilocin, DMT (2 grams), LSD
    (0.01 gram), MDMA (4 grams), and mescaline for people 21 and older. The
    bill passed the Senate last year, but sponsor Sen. Scott Weiner (D-San Francisco) put it on pause (https://www.marijuanamoment.net/california-bill-to-legalize-psychedelics-possession-put-on-pause-until-2022/),
    signaling he needed more time to build support in the Assembly.

    Regardless of what happens in Sacramento, activists with Decriminalize California have drafted the California Psilocybin Initiative of 2022 (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oIXKQM2RXvuOhXy0v5NgALpuh0UFBixW/view), which "decriminalizes under state law the cultivation, manufacture,
    processing, distribution, transportation, possession, storage,
    consumption, and retail sale of psilocybin mushrooms, the hallucinogenic chemical compounds contained in them, and edible products and extracts
    derived from psilocybin mushrooms."

    Whether the initiative will qualify for the ballot will be known soon; campaigners have only until March 13 to come up with 623,212 valid voter signatures. As of mid-February, they had not reported gathering 25
    percent of the signatures, as is required when that benchmark is
    reached, so that is not a good sign.


    New Approach PAC, which supported the Oregon therapeutic psilocybin
    initiative in 2020, as well as various marijuana legalization
    initiatives, is supporting a pair of psychedelic reform initiatives,
    both known as the Natural Medicine Healing Act (https://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections/Initiatives/titleBoard/filings/2021-2022/50Original.pdf).
    The first would legalize the possession, cultivation and an array of entheogenic substances, as well as establish a regulatory model for psychedelics therapy. The other would initially legalize psilocybin and psilocin alone for personal adult use while and allow for their sale and administration in a therapeutic setting.

    Meanwhile, activists with Decriminalize Nature Boulder County have filed
    the Legal Possession and Use of Entheogenic Plants and Fungi initiative (https://leg.colorado.gov/content/legal-possession-and-use-entheogenic-plants-and-fungi),
    which would allow people 21 and over to possess, cultivate, gift and
    deliver psilocybin, psilocyn, ibogaine, mescaline and DMT. The
    initiative would also allow psychedelic services for therapeutic,
    spiritual, guidance, or harm reduction purposes with or without
    accepting payment.

    Both initiatives will need 124,632 valid voter signatures by August 8 to qualify for the November ballot.


    State Senate Minority Leader Lauren Brook (D) has filed Senate Bill 348 (https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2022/348), which would require
    the state to research the medicinal benefits of psychedelic substances
    such as ketamine, MDMA, and psilocybin. The bill directs the state
    Health Department to "conduct a study evaluating the therapeutic
    efficacy of alternative therapies" such as those substances, "in
    treating mental health and other medical conditions," such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and PTSD. A companion version of the bill,
    House Bill 193 (https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2022/193) has been
    filed in the House. Neither has moved since last fall, though.


    A bill to set up a state working group to study the therapeutic effects
    of psilocybin mushrooms, Senate Bill 3160 (https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=3160&year=2022),
    won approval in the Senate Health Committee this month and now awaits a
    Senate floor vote. Companion legislation, House Bill 2400 (https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=HB&billnumber=2400&year=2022),
    is awaiting action in the House.

    Meanwhile, Senate Bill 738
    (https://www.billtrack50.com/billdetail/1284792) would decriminalize
    psilocybin by removing from the state's schedule of controlled
    substances and requiring the establishment of therapeutic psilocybin
    treatment centers, which was filed more than a year ago, awaits action
    in the Senate Judiciary Committee.


    There are a trio of psilocybin bills that are all technically still
    alive, although they were filed a year ago and have yet to see action.
    House File 549
    (https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislation/BillBook?ga=89&ba=HF459) would deschedule psilocybin, but a Public Safety subcommittee recommended
    indefinite postponement last March, and it remains postponed
    indefinitely. House File 636 (https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislation/BillBook?ga=89&ba=HF636) would
    set up a regime for therapeutic psilocybin, and House File 480 (https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislation/BillBook?ga=89&ba=HF480) would decriminalize certain psychedelics for use by a patient diagnosed with a terminal illness or a life-threatening disease or condition. Neither of
    those bills have moved out of committee.


    House Bill 2465 (http://kslegislature.org/li/b2021_22/measures/documents/hb2465_00_0000.pdf) would decriminalize the possession of less than 100 grams of psilocybin
    and make possession of more than 100 grams a misdemeanor. The bill would
    also legalize the home cultivation of psilocybin mushrooms. Introduced
    last month, the bill is now before the House Committee on Corrections
    and Juvenile Justice.


    Legislative Document 1582 (https://legislature.maine.gov/legis/bills/display_ps.asp?LD=1582&snum=130) would enact "the Maine Psilocybin Services Act, which establishes a
    regulatory framework in order to provide psilocybin products to clients
    in Maine." Although it is not yet officially dead, it failed to get
    reported out of the House Health and Human Services Committee earlier
    this month.


    A pair of complementary bills, House Bill 1367 (https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite/Legislation/Details/HB1367?ys=2022RS)and
    Senate Bill 709 (https://mgaleg.maryland.gov/mgawebsite/Legislation/Details/SB0709?ys=2022RS), would create "the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Alternative Therapies
    Fund to support the study of the effectiveness of and improving access
    to alternative therapies for post-traumatic stress disorder in
    veterans." While there has been a Senate hearing on its bill, neither
    bill has moved out of committee yet.


    House Bill 1494 (https://malegislature.gov/Bills/192/H1494)would
    establish an interagency task force to study the public health and
    social justice implications of legalizing the possession, consumption, transportation, and distribution of naturally cultivated entheogenic
    plants and fungi. It is currently before the Judiciary Committee.


    Sen. Jeff Irwin (D) filed Senate Bill 631 (http://www.legislature.mi.gov/(S(2gmf2h3rnweafywu14epucrd))/mileg.aspx?page=GetObject&objectname=2021-SB-0631)
    last September. It would legalize the possession, cultivation, and
    delivery of plant- and fungi-derived psychedelics, such as mescaline and psilocybin. The bill would free people from criminal liability except
    for "receiving money or other valuable consideration for the entheogenic
    plant or fungus." In other words, no commercial sales, but people can
    charge a "reasonable fee for counseling, spiritual guidance, or a
    related service that is provided in conjunction with the use of an
    entheogenic plant or fungus under the guidance and supervision of an
    individual providing the service."

    Meanwhile, activists with Decriminalize Nature, Decriminalize Nature
    Michigan, and Students for Sensible Drug Policy earlier this month filed
    the Michigan Initiative for Community Healing (https://www.michigan.gov/documents/sos/Announcement_-_Michigan_Initiative_for_Community_Health_Petition_Summary_747096_7.pdf),
    which would legalize the use and possession of a broad range of natural entheogens and allow for "supervision, guidance, therapeutic, harm
    reduction, spiritual, counseling, and related supportive services with
    or without remuneration."

    The measure has yet to be approved for signature gathering -- a decision
    on that will come next month -- and if and when it is, it will need
    340,047 valid voter signatures by May 27 to qualify for the November ballot.

    New Hampshire

    A bipartisan group of legislators have filed House Bill 1349-FN (https://bills.nhliberty.org/bills/2022/HB1349), which would
    decriminalize the possession of psilocybin mushrooms. The bill would decriminalize the possession of up to 12 grams of 'shrooms, enough for
    several psychedelic experiences. The clock is ticking on this one; it
    must clear Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee by March 10 or
    it dies.

    New York

    Assemblyman Pat Burke (D) has filed a bill, Assembly Bill 8569 (https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2021/A8569), that would
    legalize psilocybin mushrooms for therapeutic purposes and create
    facilities where the mushrooms could be grown and provided to patients.
    It is a set-up similar to what Oregon voters approved last year. The
    bill provides a list of qualifying medical conditions but also says
    psilocybin could be recommended "for any conditions" certified by a practitioner. The Department of Health would be responsible for
    providing a training course for practitioners and licensing the
    psilocybin centers.

    Meanwhile, Assemblymember Linda Rosenthal (D/WF) has filed Assembly Bill
    6065 (https://www.nysenate.gov/legislation/bills/2021/A6065), which decriminalizes psilocybin. That bill has been referred to Assembly
    Health Committee.


    State Reps. Daniel Pae (R) and Logan Phillips (R) have filed a pair of
    bills that would promote research into psilocybin's therapeutic
    potential, and one of them would also decriminalize small-time
    possession of the drug. The bills are designed to give lawmakers
    different options to reach similar objectives, but Pae's bill would also decriminalize the possession of up to an ounce and half of psilocybin.
    Pae's bill, House Bill 3414 (http://www.oklegislature.gov/BillInfo.aspx?Bill=hb3414&Session=2200),
    has been referred to House Public Health Committee, while Phillips'
    bill, House Bill 3174 (http://www.oklegislature.gov/BillInfo.aspx?Bill=hb3174&Session=2200),
    =has been referred to House Rules Committee.


    Rep. Tracy Pennicuick (R-Montgomery County) filed House Bill 1959 (https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billinfo/bill_history.cfm?syear=2021&sind=0&body=H&type=B&bn=1959),
    "Providing for research and clinical studies of psilocybin, for duties
    of Department of Health, for duties of institutional review boards, for
    duties of authorized psilocybin manufacturers, for duties of approved investigators and for reports" last October. It was referred to the
    House Health Committee, where it has remained ever since.


    Rep. Brady Brammer (R-Highland) has filed House Bill 167 (https://le.utah.gov/~2022/bills/static/HB0167.html), which would create
    a Mental Illness Psychotherapy Drug Task Force that would "study and
    make recommendations on drugs that may assist in treating mental
    illness." Although not mentioned specifically in the bill, supporters
    say psilocybin, the psychoactive compound in magic mushrooms, is the
    drug most likely to be considered by the task force. The bill passed the
    House (https://www.abc4.com/news/politics/utah-bill-that-could-pave-the-way-for-psychedelic-treatment-moves-forward/)
    last week and now heads for the Senate.


    Rep. Brian Cins (D/P) filed House Bill 309 (https://legislature.vermont.gov/bill/status/2022/H.309), "An act
    relating to decriminalizing certain chemical compounds found in plants
    and fungi that are commonly used for medicinal, spiritual, religious, or entheogenic purposes" 51 weeks ago. It has sat in the House Judiciary
    Committee without moving ever since, although it did get a hearing in


    In January, the House Courts of Justice Subcommittee voted to delay consideration of a bill to decriminalize a wide range of psychedelics,
    House Bill 898
    (https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?221+sum+HB898), until
    2023. The move came even after the bill was amended by its sponsor, Del.
    Dawn Adams (D), to only apply to medical practitioners and people using psychedelics with a practitioner. The object for the delay is to build
    support and try again next year. A similar bill in the Senate, Senate
    Bill 262 (https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?221+sum+SB262),
    remains alive.


    State Senators Jesse Salomon (D) and Liz Lovelett (D) have introduced a
    bill that would allow people to use psilocybin and psilocin, the
    psychoactive ingredients in magic mushrooms, with the assistance of a
    trained and state-licensed psilocybin services administrator. The bill,
    Senate Bill 5660 (https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2021-22/Pdf/Bills/Senate%20Bills/5660.pdf),
    is titled the Psilocybin Wellness and Opportunity Act. People would have
    to go to a licensed service center to partake, unless they suffer
    certain medical conditions or are unable to travel, in which case they
    could receive psilocybin at home and meet remotely with a facilitator.
    The bill got a Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee hearing
    earlier this month, but remains in committee.

    There is also likely to be a ballot initiative to broadly decriminalize
    drugs in 2022 (https://www.marijuanamoment.net/washington-state-activists-announce-2022-drug-decriminalization-ballot-campaign/),
    similar to what neighboring Oregon voters passed in 2020. That effort,
    which was foiled in 2020 because of the pandemic, is being led by Commit
    to Change WA (https://www.committochangewa.org).

    ================ ...

    It's time to correct the mistake:
    Truth:the Anti-drugwar

    Cops say legalize drugs--find out why:
    Stoners are people too:

    bliss -- Cacao Powered... (-SF4ever at DSLExtreme dot com)

    bobbie sellers - a retired nurse in San Francisco

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    It is by the beans of cacao that the thoughts acquire speed,
    the thighs acquire girth, the girth become a warning.
    It is by theobromine alone I set my mind in motion."
    --from Someone else's Dune spoof ripped to my taste.

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