• Yes, Mentally Ill Racist Gay Black Men Can Be Killers, Too

    From Truth In Media Reporting@21:1/5 to All on Thu Dec 17 20:25:16 2015
    XPost: alt.nudist, alt.motorcycles.touring, alt.religion.christian.20-something XPost: isu.ftp

    In the aftermath of Dylann Roof’s racist murders in Charleston,
    the Internet was deluged with think pieces about whiteness,
    white privilege, white racism, and the legacy of American racial
    injustice. While Roof’s individual agency in the murders was
    acknowledged, his actions were deemed inseparable not just from
    America’s gun culture but also from its racist past. Flags had
    to come down, statues had to be toppled, and even Confederate
    bones had to be exhumed.

    What narrative will prevail after yesterday’s horrific shooting
    in Virginia? Vester Lee Flanagan, a gay black man, was every bit
    as race-obsessed as Roof. Former colleagues report a long
    history of unhinged behavior on Flanagan’s part. The anecdotes
    stretch back for years.

    As the Daily Beast reported, he “kept getting fired, kept
    threatening co-workers, and kept claiming he was the real
    victim” of racism and homophobia. But rather than hurting his
    career, one former colleague said that his race and sexual
    orientation gave him new chances: “The fact that he kept his job
    was because he was an African-American gay man. That’s pretty
    hard to say no to.”

    So is the proper response to yesterday’s shooting an extended
    meditation on blackness, gayness, affirmative action, and black
    or gay rage? Should there now be a cultural hunt for symbols or
    expressions of that rage or a quest to batter history into
    submission until it tells only the stories we want to tell?

    After all, police reportedly confiscated a “gay pride flag” from
    his home. Yet for the Left, yesterday’s brutal murders are all
    about guns. They present yet another opportunity to “shame”
    lawmakers into passing legislation that limits Americans’
    constitutional rights — legislation that would have done nothing
    to prevent Flanagan from killing his victims.

    You want background checks? Flanagan reportedly passed a
    background check. You want to keep crazy people from owning
    guns? So far there’s no evidence that any entity, anywhere,
    adjudicated Flanagan as insane, and while portions of his
    manifesto indicate that he believed he heard from Jehovah,
    others demonstrate that he knew full well what he was doing. He
    was more than capable of discerning right from wrong.

    Roof’s murders weren’t about guns or “whiteness.” Flanagan’s
    murders aren’t about guns or “blackness.” They’re about evil,
    and no demographic — no matter its history — is immune to evil.
    The alleged privilege of whiteness doesn’t make a man a killer.
    The alleged oppression of blackness doesn’t make a man a killer.
    Guns don’t make a man a killer. The man makes himself a killer.
    He is solely responsible for his actions.

    The most effective cultural and political response to killings
    like Flanagan’s — and killings like Roof’s — is to assign
    responsibility and enact policies that reflect man’s individual
    fallen nature.

    We decry mass incarceration — and we do need to think hard about
    whether so many Americans need to be in prison — but no one
    credible is arguing that we’ve engaged in mass incarceration of
    the innocent.

    The Left decries increasingly “lax” gun laws as enabling attacks
    like Flanagan’s, yet those very same laws place the means of
    self-defense in the hands of individuals who are actually at the
    scene of the crime as it happens.

    Indeed, the era of aggressive policing, tougher sentencing,
    increased prison populations, and less restrictive gun laws is
    also the era of dramatically reduced violent crime, including
    gun crime. Yes, black lives matter. Think of the tens of
    thousands of black men and women alive today because of the
    decreased crime rate.

    Radically revising our approaches to policing, incarceration,
    and gun ownership because they haven’t eliminated crime entirely
    is the equivalent of getting rid of anti-lock brakes and air
    bags because they haven’t ended traffic fatalities.

    In the Left’s upside-down fantasy, proven solutions become part
    of the problem: Somehow, the world is safer with fewer
    Confederate flags flying, more criminals on the streets, and
    fewer opportunities to defend ourselves against them.

    But the problem isn’t policy or history or symbols. It’s people.
    As if we needed any reminder, yesterday’s events showed that
    anyone can be a vicious, murderous bigot, regardless of their
    race, their sexual orientation, or the flags they hang in their

    — David French is an attorney and a staff writer at National

    http://www.nationalreview.com/article/423181/vester-lee-flanagan- murders-race-sexual-orientation-guns-evil

    Illegal alien muslim Barack Hussein Obama seizes on this tragedy
    caused by one of his mentally ill homosexual, black racist
    supporters, to wave the flags for more gun control.

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