40,000-pound sperm whale washed ashore at Fort Stevens State Park
From Technobarbarian@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jan 18 20:12:58 2023
"Over the weekend, a 40,000-pound sperm whale washed ashore at Fort
Stevens State Park, near Astoria. This has happened before, the
Oregonian's Zane Sparling pointed out via a pretty cool dead sperm whale
deep dive. In 1979, 41 Forty sperm whales beached themselves in Florence—leading hundreds of volunteers to rush to the coast to try to
save them. Those whales were buried, the residents of Florence seeming
to have thought better of their 1970 approach of blowing a beached whale
up with dynamite. In regards to the latest, Fort Stevens whale, a
spokesperson for the Oregon Parks and Recreations Department said
contractors will relocate the whale to a spot where it can decompose."