• Re: Unbelievable Alcaraz

    From Whisper@21:1/5 to PeteWasLucky on Sat Jun 8 02:55:17 2024
    On 8/06/2024 2:52 am, PeteWasLucky wrote:
    There is no way you can't love Alcaraz.
    His maturity level, the moments he decides to take big risks, everything...

    It was an ugly match to watch 1st 3 or 4 sets - set 3 especially.

    Carlos youngest man ever to reach 3 slam finals on 3 different surfaces.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Pelle_Svansl=C3=B6s?=@21:1/5 to Whisper on Fri Jun 7 20:14:11 2024
    On 7.6.2024 19.55, Whisper wrote:
    On 8/06/2024 2:52 am, PeteWasLucky wrote:
    There is no way you can't love Alcaraz.
    His maturity level, the moments he decides to take big risks,

    It was an ugly match to watch 1st 3 or 4 sets - set 3 especially.

    Carlos youngest man ever to reach 3 slam finals on 3 different surfaces.

    That is amazing. Shows how versatile he is. Hard to see Alcatraz losing
    the final now.

    "And off they went, from here to there,
    The bear, the bear, and the maiden fair"
    -- Traditional

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From TT@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 7 20:22:30 2024
    Kalevi Kolttonen kirjoitti 7.6.2024 klo 20.17:
    Pelle Svanslös <pelle@svans.los> wrote:
    That is amazing. Shows how versatile he is. Hard
    to see Alcatraz losing the final now.

    Alcatraz cannot lose the final because he is not
    playing on Sunday. Alcaraz is. Please show some
    respect towards a great player and learn to spell
    his name properly!


    Ei voi kauhalla vaatia jos on lusikalla annettu.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From TT@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 7 20:38:42 2024
    Sawfish kirjoitti 7.6.2024 klo 20.28:
    On 6/7/24 10:18 AM, TT wrote:
    PeteWasLucky kirjoitti 7.6.2024 klo 19.52:
    There is no way you can't love Alcaraz.
    His maturity level, the moments he decides to take big risks,

    Hi there,

    Yep, he's the most watchable player now for sure. Wouldn't mind him
    winning RG... and Wimbledon...

    From watching today's match it looked like...

    If each player had a mid-range base line of shot/tactical quality--their
    most common level of play (A), and then had a higher level (B), and a
    lower level (C), and each player's game was broken into what percentage
    their game to day was, it seemed like Alcaraz's A is higher than
    Sinner's, his B is much higher than Sinner's B, and his C is lower than Sinner's C.

    Alcaraz played at about 65% A level, 20% B level, and 15% C level.

    Sinner played at about 85% A level, 10% B level, and 5% C level.

    Hi Saw.
    Yep, something like that. Alkie's problem is inconsistency & shot
    selection while Sinner is pretty solid all-round... reminds me of
    (aggressive) Murray... Should be golden at Wimbledon too, if fit.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Pelle_Svansl=C3=B6s?=@21:1/5 to Kalevi Kolttonen on Fri Jun 7 21:06:35 2024
    On 7.6.2024 20.17, Kalevi Kolttonen wrote:
    Pelle Svanslös <pelle@svans.los> wrote:
    That is amazing. Shows how versatile he is. Hard
    to see Alcatraz losing the final now.

    Alcatraz cannot lose the final because he is not
    playing on Sunday. Alcaraz is. Please show some
    respect towards a great player and learn to spell
    his name properly!

    Humour impaired much?

    "And off they went, from here to there,
    The bear, the bear, and the maiden fair"
    -- Traditional

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Kalevi Kolttonen@21:1/5 to pelle@svans.los on Fri Jun 7 17:17:14 2024
    Pelle Svanslös <pelle@svans.los> wrote:
    That is amazing. Shows how versatile he is. Hard
    to see Alcatraz losing the final now.

    Alcatraz cannot lose the final because he is not
    playing on Sunday. Alcaraz is. Please show some
    respect towards a great player and learn to spell
    his name properly!


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From TT@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jun 7 20:18:22 2024
    PeteWasLucky kirjoitti 7.6.2024 klo 19.52:
    There is no way you can't love Alcaraz.
    His maturity level, the moments he decides to take big risks, everything...

    Hi there,

    Yep, he's the most watchable player now for sure. Wouldn't mind him
    winning RG... and Wimbledon...

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Whisper@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 8 19:33:08 2024
    On 8/06/2024 3:14 am, Pelle Svanslös wrote:
    On 7.6.2024 19.55, Whisper wrote:
    On 8/06/2024 2:52 am, PeteWasLucky wrote:
    There is no way you can't love Alcaraz.
    His maturity level, the moments he decides to take big risks,

    It was an ugly match to watch 1st 3 or 4 sets - set 3 especially.

    Carlos youngest man ever to reach 3 slam finals on 3 different surfaces.

    That is amazing. Shows how versatile he is. Hard to see Alcatraz losing
    the final now.

    Not as confident as you are. As good as Carlos is at his best he has
    strong tendencies to fuck around and 'put on a show' for fans. Seasoned
    pros like Zverev will take full advantage of this nonsense, as they
    should. Also I think Carlos' arm is bothering him so hopefully that
    doesn't play a role in the final. Zverev is sick of being bridesmaid in
    slams so won't be overawed by the occasion at this stage of his career.
    Carlos will have to bring it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Whisper@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 8 19:42:36 2024
    T24gOC8wNi8yMDI0IDM6NTIgYW0sIFBldGVXYXNMdWNreSB3cm90ZToNCj4gU2F3ZmlzaCA8 c2F3ZmlzaDY2NkBnbWFpbC5jb20+IFdyb3RlIGluIG1lc3NhZ2U6cg0KPj4gT24gNi83LzI0 IDEwOjE4IEFNLCBUVCB3cm90ZTo+IFBldGVXYXNMdWNreSBraXJqb2l0dGkgNy42LjIwMjQg a2xvIDE5LjUyOj4+IFRoZXJlIGlzIG5vIHdheSB5b3UgY2FuJ3QgbG92ZSBBbGNhcmF6Lj4+ IEhpcyBtYXR1cml0eSBsZXZlbCwgdGhlIG1vbWVudHMgaGUgZGVjaWRlcyB0byB0YWtlIGJp ZyByaXNrcywgPj4gZXZlcnl0aGluZy4uLj4+Pj4+PiBIaSB0aGVyZSw+PiBZZXAsIGhlJ3Mg dGhlIG1vc3Qgd2F0Y2hhYmxlIHBsYXllciBub3cgZm9yIHN1cmUuIFdvdWxkbid0IG1pbmQg aGltID4gd2lubmluZyBSRy4uLiBhbmQgV2ltYmxlZG9uLi4uIEZyb20gd2F0Y2hpbmcgdG9k YXkncyBtYXRjaCBpdCBsb29rZWQgbGlrZS4uLklmIGVhY2ggcGxheWVyIGhhZCBhIG1pZC1y YW5nZSBiYXNlIGxpbmUgb2Ygc2hvdC90YWN0aWNhbCBxdWFsaXR5LS10aGVpciBtb3N0IGNv bW1vbiBsZXZlbCBvZiBwbGF5IChBKSwgYW5kIHRoZW4gaGFkIGEgaGlnaGVyIGxldmVsIChC KSwgYW5kIGEgbG93ZXIgbGV2ZWwgKEMpLCBhbmQgZWFjaCBwbGF5ZXIncyBnYW1lIHdhcyBi cm9rZW4gaW50byB3aGF0IHBlcmNlbnRhZ2UgdGhlaXIgZ2FtZSB0byBkYXkgd2FzLCBpdCBz ZWVtZWQgbGlrZSBBbGNhcmF6J3MgQSBpcyBoaWdoZXIgdGhhbiBTaW5uZXIncywgaGlzIEIg aXMgbXVjaCBoaWdoZXIgdGhhbiBTaW5uZXIncyBCLCBhbmQgaGlzIEMgaXMgbG93ZXIgdGhh biBTaW5uZXIncyBDLkFsY2FyYXogcGxheWVkIGF0IGFib3V0IDY1JSBBIGxldmVsLCAyMCUg QiBsZXZlbCwgYW5kIDE1JSBDIGxldmVsLlNpbm5lciBwbGF5ZWQgYXQgYWJvdXQgODUlIEEg bGV2ZWwsIDEwJSBCIGxldmVsLCBhbmQgNSUgQyBsZXZlbC4tLSB+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+ fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+ fn5+fn4iVGhlIGRpZmZlcmVuY2UgYmV0d2VlbiBhIGRlbW9jcmFjeSBhbmQgYSBkaWN0YXRv cnNoaXAgaXMgdGhhdCBpbiBhIGRlbW9jcmFjeSB5b3Ugdm90ZSBmaXJzdCBhbmQgdGFrZSBv cmRlcnMgbGF0ZXI7IGluIGEgZGljdGF0b3JzaGlwIHlvdSBkb27igJl0IGhhdmUgdG8gd2Fz dGUgeW91ciB0aW1lIHZvdGluZy4iLS1DaGFybGVzIEJ1a293c2tpfn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+ fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+fn5+ fn5+fn5+DQo+IA0KPiBEb24ndCBiZSBsaWtlIFdoaXNwZXIgYWJvdXQgQWxjYXJheiBhbmQg U2lubmVyIHBsYXlpbmcgYmFkIHRvZGF5LiBUaGVyZSBhcmUgcmVhc29ucyBmb3IgdGhpcyBh bmQgdGhpcyB3YXMgdGhlIGh1Z2UgaGFtbWVyaW5nIFNpbm5lciB3YXMgZ2VuZXJhdGluZyBp biB0aGUgYmVnaW5uaW5nIG9mIHRoZSBtYXRjaC4gVGhpcyBtYWRlIHRoZSBtYXRjaCB0byBi ZSBsaWtlIHdobyB3aWxsIHRha2UgdGhlIGluaXRpYXRpdmUgZmlyc3QgYW5kIEFsY2FyYXog c3RhcnRlZCB0byBnbyBmb3IgYmlnZ2VyIHNob3RzIGFzIHdlbGwuDQo+IEl0IHRyYW5zZm9y bWVkIHRoZSBtYXRjaCB0byBhIHRlbnNlIGFuZCBoaWdoIHByZXNzdXJlIG1hdGNoIHdpdGgg bG90cyBvZiBlcnJvcnMuIEkgd291bGQgc2F5IHRoZXkgd2VyZSBmb3JjZWQgZXJyb3JzLg0K PiBFdmVuIGF0IHRoZSB2ZXJ5IGVuZCwgQWxjYXJheiBoYWQgdG8gZ28gZm9yIDExMm1waCBz ZWNvbmQgc2VydmVzIHRvIHdpbiB0aGUgbWF0Y2guDQoNCg0KQSBtYXRjaCBkb2Vzbid0IGhh dmUgdG8gYmUgZXBpYyBxdWFsaXR5IGZvciBtZSB0byBlbmpveSB3YXRjaGluZyBpdC4gDQpU aGUgcHN5Y2hvbG9naWNhbCBiYXR0bGUgaXMganVzdCBhcyBpbnRlcmVzdGluZy4gRXZlcnlv bmUgY2FuIHdpbiB3aGVuIA0KcGxheWluZyBncmVhdCwgdGhlIGNoYWxsZW5nZSBpcyB0byB3 aW4gd2hlbiB0aGluZ3MgYXJlIG9mZi4NCg==

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Whisper@21:1/5 to Sawfish on Sat Jun 8 19:40:20 2024
    On 8/06/2024 3:28 am, Sawfish wrote:
    On 6/7/24 10:18 AM, TT wrote:
    PeteWasLucky kirjoitti 7.6.2024 klo 19.52:
    There is no way you can't love Alcaraz.
    His maturity level, the moments he decides to take big risks,

    Hi there,

    Yep, he's the most watchable player now for sure. Wouldn't mind him
    winning RG... and Wimbledon...

    From watching today's match it looked like...

    If each player had a mid-range base line of shot/tactical quality--their
    most common level of play (A), and then had a higher level (B), and a
    lower level (C), and each player's game was broken into what percentage
    their game to day was, it seemed like Alcaraz's A is higher than
    Sinner's, his B is much higher than Sinner's B, and his C is lower than Sinner's C.

    Alcaraz played at about 65% A level, 20% B level, and 15% C level.

    Sinner played at about 85% A level, 10% B level, and 5% C level.

    The match didn't meet the high expectations, but still interesting to
    watch. The level got better in the 5th set, but Carlos had the lead
    3-0, 4-1 and 5-2 so drama not that great.

    Interesting that Sinner won more points. This is Carlos' best surface
    and Sinner's worst so it's a good showing from Sinner. He'll be fave at Wimbledon unless Carlos can reach his very best form. Could happen, but
    at this point Sinner is fave. Also Carlos better not fuck around too
    much v Zverev, wouldn't be too surprised if Z wins.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Whisper@21:1/5 to The Iceberg on Sat Jun 8 19:50:21 2024
    On 8/06/2024 10:06 am, The Iceberg wrote:
    On 07/06/2024 18:38, TT wrote:
    Sawfish kirjoitti 7.6.2024 klo 20.28:

    Hi Saw.
    Yep, something like that. Alkie's problem is inconsistency & shot
    selection while Sinner is pretty solid all-round... reminds me of
    (aggressive) Murray... Should be golden at Wimbledon too, if fit.

    just got back to hear this! must've been an amazing come back. Might see Sinner at his best at Wimbledon now he's older, be amazing match if they
    meet again there.

    Sinner beat Carlos at Wimbledon a couple yrs ago, and lost to Novak last
    2 Wimbledons. Led 2-0 in one of those. His game is well suited to
    grass and he will be fave for sure.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Whisper@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 8 19:35:00 2024
    On 8/06/2024 3:18 am, TT wrote:
    PeteWasLucky kirjoitti 7.6.2024 klo 19.52:
    There is no way you can't love Alcaraz.
    His maturity level, the moments he decides to take big risks,

    Hi there,

    Yep, he's the most watchable player now for sure. Wouldn't mind him
    winning RG... and Wimbledon...

    I think Sinner will be fave for Wimbledon this year. I said this before
    AO. Carlos should always be fave at FO.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Pelle_Svansl=C3=B6s?=@21:1/5 to Whisper on Sat Jun 8 13:26:00 2024
    On 8.6.2024 12.40, Whisper wrote:
    On 8/06/2024 3:28 am, Sawfish wrote:
    On 6/7/24 10:18 AM, TT wrote:
    PeteWasLucky kirjoitti 7.6.2024 klo 19.52:
    There is no way you can't love Alcaraz.
    His maturity level, the moments he decides to take big risks,

    Hi there,

    Yep, he's the most watchable player now for sure. Wouldn't mind him
    winning RG... and Wimbledon...

     From watching today's match it looked like...

    If each player had a mid-range base line of shot/tactical
    quality--their most common level of play (A), and then had a higher
    level (B), and a lower level (C), and each player's game was broken
    into what percentage their game to day was, it seemed like Alcaraz's A
    is higher than Sinner's, his B is much higher than Sinner's B, and his
    C is lower than Sinner's C.

    Alcaraz played at about 65% A level, 20% B level, and 15% C level.

    Sinner played at about 85% A level, 10% B level, and 5% C level.

    The match didn't meet the high expectations, but still interesting to watch.  The level got better in the 5th set, but Carlos had the lead
    3-0, 4-1 and 5-2 so drama not that great.

    Some of these guys give these early breaks way too easy. This is
    something "Winning Ugly" tells you not to do. In the first set, they
    traded Christmas gifts like mad.

    "And off they went, from here to there,
    The bear, the bear, and the maiden fair"
    -- Traditional

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Pelle_Svansl=C3=B6s?=@21:1/5 to Whisper on Sat Jun 8 13:20:06 2024
    On 8.6.2024 12.33, Whisper wrote:
    On 8/06/2024 3:14 am, Pelle Svanslös wrote:
    On 7.6.2024 19.55, Whisper wrote:
    On 8/06/2024 2:52 am, PeteWasLucky wrote:
    There is no way you can't love Alcaraz.
    His maturity level, the moments he decides to take big risks,

    It was an ugly match to watch 1st 3 or 4 sets - set 3 especially.

    Carlos youngest man ever to reach 3 slam finals on 3 different surfaces.

    That is amazing. Shows how versatile he is. Hard to see Alcatraz
    losing the final now.

    Not as confident as you are.  As good as Carlos is at his best he has
    strong tendencies to fuck around and 'put on a show' for fans.

    Very true.

    pros like Zverev will take full advantage of this nonsense, as they

    Z still has his DF heebie-jeebies. A bit of the resolve Swiatek has
    would do these guys good.

    Also I think Carlos' arm is bothering him so hopefully that
    doesn't play a role in the final.

    He did manage to raise his level against Sinner. Alcatraz is fine. He
    better not pull the crutch routine after that.

    Zverev is sick of being bridesmaid in
    slams so won't be overawed by the occasion at this stage of his career.

    Hope he won't. It would be great for tennis to have a new slam champ. Z,
    if anybody, deserves his.

    "And off they went, from here to there,
    The bear, the bear, and the maiden fair"
    -- Traditional

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From TT@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 8 13:45:48 2024
    Whisper kirjoitti 8.6.2024 klo 12.35:
    On 8/06/2024 3:18 am, TT wrote:
    PeteWasLucky kirjoitti 7.6.2024 klo 19.52:
    There is no way you can't love Alcaraz.
    His maturity level, the moments he decides to take big risks,

    Hi there,

    Yep, he's the most watchable player now for sure. Wouldn't mind him
    winning RG... and Wimbledon...

    I think Sinner will be fave for Wimbledon this year.  I said this before
    AO. Carlos should always be fave at FO.

    Not so sure about that... I think Alkie is natural on grass and his game
    fits superbly for the surface... Serve, volley, movement,
    unpredictability etc.
    But yes, Sinner as well should be strong on grass.

    As for the RG final, Alkie is the favourite imo, and Zverev may be a
    bridesmaid once again. But you never know... seems that often their
    matches depend on which one starts the match stronger. Zverev may be the
    bigger choker, too, so there's that... but he definitely has the game to trouble the Spaniard. Should be an exciting prob close match. If I had
    to bet I'd put it on Carlos.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From TT@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jun 8 13:50:28 2024
    TT kirjoitti 8.6.2024 klo 13.45:
    Whisper kirjoitti 8.6.2024 klo 12.35:
    On 8/06/2024 3:18 am, TT wrote:
    PeteWasLucky kirjoitti 7.6.2024 klo 19.52:
    There is no way you can't love Alcaraz.
    His maturity level, the moments he decides to take big risks,

    Hi there,

    Yep, he's the most watchable player now for sure. Wouldn't mind him
    winning RG... and Wimbledon...

    I think Sinner will be fave for Wimbledon this year.  I said this
    before AO. Carlos should always be fave at FO.

    Not so sure about that... I think Alkie is natural on grass and his game
    fits superbly for the surface... Serve, volley, movement,
    unpredictability etc.
    But yes, Sinner as well should be strong on grass.

    As for the RG final, Alkie is the favourite imo, and Zverev may be a bridesmaid once again. But you never know... seems that often their
    matches depend on which one starts the match stronger. Zverev may be the bigger choker, too, so there's that... but he definitely has the game to trouble the Spaniard. Should be an exciting prob close match. If I had
    to bet I'd put it on Carlos.

    But I don't bet, anymore. Just making a killing at the stock market. :)

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Whisper@21:1/5 to PeteWasLucky on Sun Jun 9 01:01:10 2024
    On 9/06/2024 12:49 am, PeteWasLucky wrote:
    Whisper <whisper@ozemail.com.au> Wrote in message:r
    On 8/06/2024 3:18 am, TT wrote:> PeteWasLucky kirjoitti 7.6.2024 klo 19.52:>> There is no way you can't love Alcaraz.>> His maturity level, the moments he decides to take big risks, >> everything...>>>>> > Hi there,> > Yep, he's the most watchable
    player now for sure. Wouldn't mind him > winning RG... and Wimbledon...I think Sinner will be fave for Wimbledon this year. I said this before AO. Carlos should always be fave at FO.

    Alcaraz becomes more of the favorite on grass.

    I think he'll be more invincible on clay than Wimbledon. Clay is a bit
    slower so will be very hard to hit him off the court. Imo Carlos would
    have beaten Novak in 4 sets last FO if not for cramps. I'm sure he'll
    win more FO than Wimbledons in his career.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Whisper@21:1/5 to PeteWasLucky on Sun Jun 9 19:10:40 2024
    On 9/06/2024 2:58 am, PeteWasLucky wrote:
    Whisper <whisper@ozemail.com.au> Wrote in message:r
    On 9/06/2024 12:49 am, PeteWasLucky wrote:> Whisper <whisper@ozemail.com.au> Wrote in message:r>> On 8/06/2024 3:18 am, TT wrote:> PeteWasLucky kirjoitti 7.6.2024 klo 19.52:>> There is no way you can't love Alcaraz.>> His maturity level, the moments
    he decides to take big risks, >> everything...>>>>> > Hi there,> > Yep, he's the most watchable player now for sure. Wouldn't mind him > winning RG... and Wimbledon...I think Sinner will be fave for Wimbledon this year. I said this before AO. Carlos
    should always be fave at FO.> > Alcaraz becomes more of the favorite on grass.I think he'll be more invincible on clay than Wimbledon. Clay is a bit slower so will be very hard to hit him off the court. Imo Carlos would have beaten Novak in 4 sets last
    FO if not for cramps. I'm sure he'll win more FO than Wimbledons in his career.

    Alcaraz plays with his instincts, he doesn't follow a game plan,
    he has no issues coming with variety of weird shots and is
    capable of executing them. This makes him great on grass

    Yes, but that can be a blessing and a curse. Nadal didn't have this
    variety but was so supreme in his style it was impossible to find chinks
    on clay. Carlos opens up chinks which top players can exploit on a good
    day. Of course he can close those openings too, but if the timing is off
    he'll lose matches he maybe shouldn't. We'll see how he evolves. I
    doubt he'll be able to play his current explosive style for more than
    4-5 yrs. Already has injuries from the extreme force he puts on his body.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From =?UTF-8?Q?Pelle_Svansl=C3=B6s?=@21:1/5 to Whisper on Sun Jun 9 12:37:57 2024
    On 9.6.2024 12.10, Whisper wrote:
    On 9/06/2024 2:58 am, PeteWasLucky wrote:
    Whisper <whisper@ozemail.com.au> Wrote in message:r
    On 9/06/2024 12:49 am, PeteWasLucky wrote:> Whisper
    <whisper@ozemail.com.au> Wrote in message:r>> On 8/06/2024 3:18 am,
    TT wrote:> PeteWasLucky kirjoitti 7.6.2024 klo 19.52:>> There is no
    way you can't love Alcaraz.>> His maturity level, the moments he
    decides to take big risks, >> everything...>>>>> > Hi there,> > Yep,
    he's the most watchable player now for sure. Wouldn't mind him >
    winning RG... and Wimbledon...I think Sinner will be fave for
    Wimbledon this year.  I said this before AO. Carlos should always be
    fave at FO.> > Alcaraz becomes more of the favorite on grass.I think
    he'll be more invincible on clay than Wimbledon.  Clay is a bit
    slower so will be very hard to hit him off the court.  Imo Carlos
    would have beaten Novak in 4 sets last FO if not for cramps.  I'm
    sure he'll win more FO than Wimbledons in his career.

    Alcaraz plays with his instincts, he doesn't follow a game plan,
      he has no issues coming with variety of weird shots and is
      capable of executing them. This makes him great on grass

    Yes, but that can be a blessing and a curse.  Nadal didn't have this
    variety but was so supreme in his style it was impossible to find chinks
    on clay.

    If you can put a thousand moonballs in play on crutches, you're almost impossible to beat on clay. The rest is just window dressing.

    The match against Zverev showed how averse Rafa is to anything else. He
    did very well when he got Z stretching sideways. But doing that more
    would have meant flattening the arc and going for more angles. Rafito
    either is not consistent enough with that or does not like to do that.
    Same thing really.

    Carlos opens up chinks which top players can exploit on a good
    day. Of course he can close those openings too, but if the timing is off he'll lose matches he maybe shouldn't.  We'll see how he evolves.

    He did put more shape and spin (aka moonballed) against Sinner in the
    final moments. I liked that. It's secure, and puts pressure on Sinner's
    flatter game. This, with all the other options Alcatraz has (sheer
    flattened power, droppies, S&V, ...) makes him the awesome player he is.
    And a joy to watch. He's the most versatile player around. Tsi, a pet,
    is the least.

    Alctraz has been, and still is, a bit impetuous, but I think he is learning.

    "And off they went, from here to there,
    The bear, the bear, and the maiden fair"
    -- Traditional

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