• Is the Navalny Intelligence Leak an Olive Branch to Putin?

    From Nick@21:1/5 to All on Wed May 1 08:49:17 2024
    Is the Navalny Intelligence Leak an Olive Branch to Putin?

    Absolving Putin of Navalny’s death could signal an awareness that negotiations in Ukraine must come soon.

    Helen Andrews Apr 30, 2024 12:05 AM

    In the world of spy vs. spy, things are always murky. The public got a
    glimpse into that shadowy world last week when anonymous officials from
    the American intelligence community leaked to the Wall Street Journal the results of their investigation into the death earlier this year of
    dissident Alexei Navalny. The verdict: Putin did not order Navalny killed.

    This is contrary to what President Joe Biden claimed at the time. “Make
    no mistake. Putin is responsible for Navalny’s death,” he said. Many commentators leapt to the conclusion that Navalny had been “murdered.”

    Skeptical voices were heard early on, including from some unlikely
    sources. Ukraine’s hardline intelligence chief, Kyrylo Budanov, said two weeks after Navalny’s death, “I may disappoint you, but as far as we
    know, he indeed died as a result of a blood clot. And this has been more
    or less confirmed.” (Budanov has also said that he thinks Yevgeny
    Prigozhin might still be alive.)

    The Journal story came out just a week after widow Yulia Navalnaya graced
    the cover of TIME magazine as one of its 100 Most Influential People of
    2024. Vice President Kamala Harris contributed the blurb for Navalnaya,
    lauding her as a “courageous fighter” and “a symbol of democratic values.”

    Останалото - на долния адрес:


    Жалко, че Ивайло не си чете пощата, която е обявил тук. Щеше да (ми) е
    интересно да видим какво щеше да измисли по повод на тази статия, а и
    изобщо за смъртта на Навални.

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