HUFA Egalitatianism - Formerly Nazism (1/2)
Aryavarta@21:1/5 to
All on Sun Mar 14 06:38:18 2021
HUFA Egalitatianism - Formerly Nazism
"Those who trespass loose"(ibid. "War and Peace", Tolstoy).
More civilizations have collapsed due to the Jewish divestment than by
through any other form of allurement. The Jew is the literal or
constant source of ruin of whichever organizational structure. Notice
the following smurf talents:
1)Oriental - Sexuality
2)Indian - Technology
3)Arabian - Spirituality
4)Russian - Library
5)European - Homeopathy
6)British - Grocery
7)African - Realty
8)Hispanic - Fiduciary?
9)Australian - Hospitality?
10)"Native"(Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi) - Security?
11)Jewish - Pedagogy
While the above mentioned industrys are able to endure the test of time
and surpass all understanding, thier level of wealth pales in comparison
to that of the weapon systems of the Evil Empire of the JUBU. The JUBU
empire or to say Judeo-Buddhist regime eminating from the Jewish
homelands of Taiwan, Israel, Sicily, Haiti, Hawaii, Trinidad,
Indoneasia, Phillipines, Tibet, and Brooklyn(NY, USA) and their weapons
systems involving the corporations of Transcendentalism, Allopathy,
Microsoft, Niggervision, Palmistry, and Insurance may have around 80% of
the worlds' GDP or money hostaged.
Through the use of control substances as psychotropics, narcotics,
liquor, soya, tobacco, and steroids in the minimum the JUBU are able to
bind serious mind altering chemicals to the brain, heart, stomach,
lungs, intestine, and eros to engender the enslavement of the masses.
At present under the guise of Transcendentalism as an economic system,
Zionism as a spiritual system, and Republicanism as a political system
we see a world gone mad or to say mutually assured destructive in
defense of their Jewish zerosum game ways of life.
So many are into the world of money, name, and fame life; which is good. However, their very desire or thirst for the success is heavily thwarted
and made villified by the Jeiwsh blights wanton disregard and disrepect
toward the very things we endear. Take for example the simple act of
reading a book. In a world where secular education and evangelical
truths are becoming more and more valorized and inundated, the reading
of the written word as the most allured form of means toward financial
success is heavily challenged. As such, the number of death traps to
garner a state of mindlessness are so many.
From control chemicals of the religious war to the religious
conartistrys of the Americons there exists the forced consumerism of the
very unfit for human consumption products that result in the most waste
of a life scenarios that engender a degenration of the very organs of
our body that aid and abhet the sentient mind. That is the issue.
Hence, the multi-level massacre so touted as the social order by
whichever lackey of the Dying Arts. It is like that among them and
thier penchant for the good life without a proper meditation of the
heart or a sense of serious absolutes.
Here, in this lap of luxury of the America so many are familiar with the
Bible, Quran, Tanakh, Synekdemos, Apocrypha, Occult, and whichever have
you but rather choose the ways of the Satanic Dharma. They claim, "what
is the use?" The level of practice of the meaningless mantras, zazens,
and koans are all over the place. It is a mass occult following whether
they like it or not. Hence, the forced consumerism and practices that
are self destructive that has lead to the collapse of whichever
corporations, country, civilization, church, community, collusion, kith,
and kin. It is like that among them as they are made enamoured with a
way of life that is not of their nature or nurture and made to believe
it to be their ancestoral tradition. The number of people who secretly
covet some Jewish slave word is all over the place. There is not a
people who do not know of their slave identity that is criminally
imprinted into thier mind at some point in thier life by whichever foot
soldier of the Dying Arts.
Let me explain the 3 sabotages that the Jews have implemented, at least
in regard to the financial matricee I am in. They are as follows:
1)Financial - Disparity between rich and poor
2)Spiritual - Institutionalization of the enlightened
3)Political - Lack of sovereignty and hegemony
However, there are other brags the Jewish blight do to discourage the
success of sentient life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, property,
faith, and propriety that are onn par with that of the disparity between
rich and poor; institutionalization of the enlightened; as well as
sovereignty and hegemony issues. So many are into the Jewish divestment
from ages hence and as a result have incurred serious losses. Take for
example the longest running Jew baiters the world over, who are namely
the Gypsys, Africans, Orientals, Hispanics, British, and Natives of
Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi diasporas. The following has been their
plight due to their historic divestment into the Jewish trespass.
Gypsys - Holocausted
Africans - Balkanized
Orientals -Massacred
Hispanics - Decimated
British - Inquisitioned
Natives - Genocided
Indians - Bastardized
Christians - Bastardised
Muslims - Bastardised
Women - Bastardized
Europeans - Bastardized
Nazis - Bastardized
As a result, quite a number have already given up thier name and fame.
Just within a few years of arrival into the lap of luxury of America
they went on their merry way into yet another failed Jewish divestment.
Thus their name was usurped by the Jewish marauders of history. Then,
in more recent times they have lost notoriety and fame, through
whichever form of denunciation due to the terrorist strikes, which were
largely their own Jewish occult corporations suicide rituals. So in the
quest for money, name, and fame they have lost on two accounts. So, the
trend will be that they will loose the money as well. Much like that of
their nigger Adi Shankaracharya who went against the wisdom of the Ages
and lead his people into a world of a niggardly existence wandering like destitutes claiming to have done yoemen service for the nothing
elaborated as the no one thing which is everything; the Satanic Dharma
itself. The nothing or to say self destruction, which colloquially is
known as suicide, is much touted in pop culture as the "one poison
conditioned to rule and control, the media sells it and 'you' to lead
the role(ibid. Ozzy Osborne)."
I tell ya, for me growing up in America with the model minority bullshit
here and there, which my dear family did not share in, and then going to
the Indian subcontinent to see so many of my people seriously abject,
really affected me more than anything. That was the issue. It was
something like the movie Matrix starring Keanu Reeves. The whole thing
was a torture and torment more than you or I can possibly dream.
Those who attack me get attacked. Those who dishonor my money get
destroyed. Those who disrespect my ancestory get put to death. That
has bee the legacy of the meditation of the heart I share with you in
this 'Hufa Egalitarianism - Formerly Nazism' post. The clues I mention
are the very things which have aided and abhetted my survival with
sufficiency. Thanks God for Christ Jesus is the Yah. Hiel Hitler!
In anycase, the following are some of the remedys I am working on to be
able to better retaliate against the Jewish blight and thier world of
the Jewery. They are as follows:
'Evangelical Deprogram Savoire' using the GURU like pragma -
countermeasure to the institutionalization of the enlightened --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Guru pragma is a good means of escape from the world of institutionalization of the enlightened. The whole shit culture of the
pill is no more a part of my life through the utterance of words that
have the power to liberate an individual from the vice grip of the jail, institution, and death corporations of the Jewish fallacys the world
over. Calling upon the Sword of Islam, Body of Christ, Shield of David,
Greek Fire, Iron Maiden, Verging Wall, and possibly Polish Math, lol,
and so on we can seriously defeat the criminal possesion by the evil
ones of the Priests, Politicians, Professionals, Police, Professors, and Philosophers.
I tell ya, while the Buddhajin may talk of enlgithenment, the ways of
Christ Jesus that involve nothing more than addressing a prayer to the
keywords Christ Jesus through a low audible voice beyond the bathroom
and the study of the Holy Bible indeed offers the truest enlightenment
so many have sought out for from ages hence. Indeed, the Guru Christ
Jesus offers the truth, the way, and the life they speak of. The
reading of the Bible is more of an excercise of successes than anything.
Time and time again the promises made in the Bible have come true. Take
for example, the following passage:
Joshua 1:8(Good News Translation) -
"Be sure that the book of the Law is always read in your worship. Study
it day and night, and make sure that you obey everything written in it.
Then you will be prosperous and successful."
This has been proven to me to be true so far. I cannot say it was hunky
dory or anything but the reality is that it just works. That is the
shear beauty of the Arabian Abrahamic faiths. The Arabian people really
know what they are doing when it concerns the meditation of the heart
and emotional guidance one needs to be able to survive in a world so
filled with serious dangers left and right.
They say, Christ Jesus is a being beyond the universe who is looking at
the very thing He has fabricated in each and every detail. Just as we
may look at a television or something and press some remote to be able
to communicate to it, Christ Jesus seems to be something like that.
Through the resounding form of locution known as prayer Christ Jesus is
able to hear our call and provide for us. "Ask and you shall recieve"
is a truism I just cannot deny. In due speed the whichever prayer to
Christ Jesus will be honored. I guess that was the luck of my life to
have met a nice Pastor who elucidated to me the wonders of prayer.
It was my initial prayer to Dewanadu that lead me to finally meet my
dear mom, whom I longed to see, in America. My heart was appeased to
meet her in America and find that she is well and happy. However, the
forces of the Sataniism through the worship of Gandhijin, Buddhajin, and Kudhajin did their level best to murder her for no wrong done by her.
That is the way of the Religious war of the Jewish blight, who comprise
of the upper caste Yiddish, Zen, Vudu, Hindu, LGBTQ, Trini, Creole,
Hapa, Hoon, and Roma ancestorys who maybe Gypsy by ethnicity, Negroid by
race, Coptic by language family, and upper caste by affiliation.
History is repelete with the evidence that more civilizations,
corporations, countrys, communitys, churches, collusions, kith, and kin
have collapsed due to the Jewish divestment than by through any other
means of allurement. That is the issue the Jewish niggers of yore pose. Kindly, refrain from investing in the Jewish and their wanton disregard
and disrespect toward any sentient life.
You have to believe in flawless victory. Pray about it. Ask Jesus
Christ to enter your heart. Say the following:
O Christ Jesus,
I hand over my life to you, please make me into a success.
In the name of Jesus Christ, who is most Gracious and Merciful.
Amina, Amina, Amina.
BTW, I choose to encourage the keyword Amina because it does not sound
or seem to encourage that stupid bullshit meditation on the Om or Aum of
the nigger fucken stinken Jewish fruadists known as Gandhijin,
Buddhajin, and Kudhajin. Practice makes perfect. They say in my
industry "it takes 10,000 hours to be and expert." The more you divorce
the ways of the nigger Jews and thier ways of self dustruction the more victorys arrive your way. I just cannot say it any other way.
Again, somethings work. Simply throw away your idols of whichever
Ganesh, Buddha, and Saibaba and such. They are more bad luck than
anything. My life was okay until that stinken Jewish bitch Saimamba Veeramachaneni bought me the Ganesh idol in the Hindu Temple of Satanism
in Queens, NY. Trying to get the rid of the Satanic possession of the
Hindus was the challenge of my life for nearly 25 years. You are the
people you mix with. So beware.
As well, I find the following are good people to invest into. They are Indians(Deshis), Christians, Muslims, Women, Europeans, and Nazis. I
notice the following symbols incur the following curses upon anyones'
life, liberty, purusuit of happiness, property, faith, and propriety.
Pentagram star - death by war
Hexagram star - death by institutionalization
Heptagram star - death by microaggression
Notice all those who have been warred against throughout history mark
the very symbols of the Satanism. The flags of ROME, USSR, IRAQ, and
the up an coming PROC are like that in thier progrom of anti-Indian, anti-Christ, anti-Muslim, anti-European, anti-Women, and anti-Holocaust endeavors. In this world things are not as they seem. Image is not everything. Whichever the Jewish blight are against end up being the
very things which help sentient life, liberty, pursuit of happiness,
property, faith, and propriety succeed. From beef, pork, egg, cola,
cake, sugar, and whatever else; the Jewish are notorious to ban from
consuming; so we see a world economic system hell bent on hostaging the
world money supply; through forced consumerism of the very unfit for
human consumption products; that the Jewish make money off of to poison
people for the sake of blood money manufacturing across this earth
planet. That is the danger.
'Cybermatrix' using the FIAT like pragma - countermeasure to deal with
the disparity between rich and poor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Money is what makes the world of survival with sufficiency result true
or effective. When men and women get together moneys get in the way.
There is literally never enough money to enjoy the very gifts blessed to
us by the Almighty Christ Jesus. However, the endeavor toward a more synergistic or mutual success in financial terms has been the beckoning
call of whichever relationship out there. My dad used to convince my
dying mom that "we have to go 50/50 financially." He so wanted an
Ameircan dream house and was willing to do anything for it. As a former
proud Gandhian with a Buddhist name and some nigger Shiva mantra of the Kudhajin; he was obsessed with money, name, and fame while fetishizing
the Jewish slave indentiy of Kama.
It seems Kama is really a short hand Jewish Coptic language word for
nigger. In some parts of India the Chamaar or Chamaa or Kama are in
reality the Tamils of the Jewish collusion of Gypsys, Africans,
Orientals, Hispanics, British, and Natives of Tamil, Taino, Terron, and
Tiwi diasporas. Indeed, the Kama Sutra can also be considered as Nigger
Sutra that may have been written by some Tamil conspirator of the Jewish
blight that entered the Indian subcontinent to further their ruinous
ways. From Chamaar to Chama to Kama the Jews have been able to promote
and ignorance which is not bliss that has literally engendered the
Jewish niggardly filthy ways of life as in communal war, domestic
violence, and religious war; which our homeland of Aryavarta is vexed
In my gerneration of Gen-X the keyword 'Asian' is much touted in the
slave order of the Americon system of Jewish fascist reign of Extremism.
Does 'Asian' aslo mean nigger in some Jewish coptic language that is in reference to the British characters of the JUBU extremists, comprising
of the Rashyasas or Demon Race of Gyspsys, Africans, Orientals,
Hisapnics, British, and Natives of Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi
diasporas? That maybe. By each and every means the JUBU extremists do
their level best to further the new face with the same measure of
hostaging into the slave systemic nightmares they refer to as a way of
life. That is what they are like. That too as post modern beautys of whichever Jewish blight.
As a result, the Transcendentalism as an economic system, Zionism as a spiritual system, and Republicanism as a political system has lead the
whole of humanity in a whirlpool of ruin. Hence the term Americonartist
for the Gypsy, African, Oreintal, Hispanic, Bristish, and Natives of the
Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi disaporas. In a way the Americon is
quite advanced in forcing the consumerism of the very unfit for human consumption products out there such as the psychotropics, narcotics,
liquor, soya, tobacco, and steroids that have lead to more maladys than anything the world over. It seems they call it blood money
It seems blood money manufacturing is the result when the human body is subjected to the poisoning by the control chemicals of psychotropics, narcotics, liquor, soya, tobacco, and steroids which degenerate major
organs that aid and abhet the interplay of our consciousness. When the
body dies off or is operated on at the right time, there remains in the
body alloys of near perfect geometry, such as pyramids, spheres, cubes, hedrons, tubes, and globulins. Remember that Tamil nigger Krishna
Ambati who did some research on the way a globulin falls from the sky.
It maybe that he is in fact torturing somebodys' remains from creamtion
grounds to encourage the force consumerism of the psychotropics, liquor,
soya, tobacco, steroids, and narcotics. That Krishna Ambati apparently
got a medical diploma at the age of 16 or something. Did Krishna Ambati
really buy some multi-level marketing certificate of some kind from such organizations as Amway, Herbalife, or Citigroup to make his fake diploma
seem legit? Krishna Ambati loves to chant the Satanic Vishnusaharama
Strotram like some nigger of Judea nearly every week. Krishna Ambati is
a proud \Jew baiter of the Tamil league of the Rakshyasas or Demon Race
that has plagued humanity from time immemorial. Their ways of life
engendering the worship of the Satan or Satanam through the poisoning of
the massses criminally, recreationally, or even institutionally is a
world phenomenon that has lead his nigger kind into genocide.
Notice the following mafias of the Tami, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi sons of bitches of the Jewish divestment.
Tamil - LTTE of Tamilnadu, Aryavarta
Terron - La Cosa Nostra of Transylvania, Africa
Taino - Latin Kings of Tawantinsuyo, America
Tiwi - L'onarata Societa of Transylvania, Australia
I was able to put in a request to have Prabhakaran and John Gotti
killed. Apparently, Prabhakaran was shot dead at the heart with a
bullet. With John Gotti I encouraged to have killed with the worst
known biological weapon of Arabia, namely the fermented bettlenut. Now, remains the ring leaders of the Latin Kings and the L'onarata Societa.
Like the bastard before me, I don't need anybody. Simply through the recitation of the Gayatri mantra I was able to pull of the kills.
However, the Gayatri mantra was too chaotic an experience. To do a
chanting with meaning is more interesting. That too with flawless
victory. That is why I chant the Shahada, Shema, Salvation, Symbol of
Faith, Sinners, Serenity, Signum Crucis, Sanctus prayers and testimonys.
I have found those who evidence the dupistry of size matters, image is everything, and surprise attack are easily defeated with just one hard
blow. When I was in jail I noticed one of the 6 poisonators, namely
sone Taino corrections officer, to have claimed to have been struck by
some apple to his right ear and then ended up deaf in that ear. I too
was struck by an apple at the right ear but did not become deaf. So it
seems, all that pretension of power and prestige can be disabled with
just one strike. Hence, the 6 poisonators of priests, politicians, professionals, police, professors, and philosophers that largely
comprise of Gypsys, Africans, Orientals, Hispanics, British, and Natives
of Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi dasporas being known as the "Great Pretenders".
But alas, we are financial beings as well. The following are the
various isms that seem to be apt for the respective organizational
Secularism - School
Capitalism - Brothel
Evangelicalism - Church
Existentialism - Bank? or some apporiately called financial institution Socialism - Library
Republicanism - Court, where the judge presides
Transcendentalism - Park
Zionism - Jail
Financially, what can one do in a world vexed with disparity between
rich and poor? I find this open source is a nice means of liberalizing
the nature of the good to overcome and defeat the bad. Somethings work.
The following is a list of things which may be used for that of an
1)FIAT pragma or model of relationship with the fiduciary industry 2)Existentialism as the paradigm for this of an organizational structure
for the financial institution in question
3)Cybermatrix as the network of financial databases of a give dimension
in a network of a financial database of the nth dimension
4)Pulse waveform to trasmit the data
5)Television as the preferred portal or means of access to the Cybermatrix 6)HYF Satfi clearing house
7)Synergy of a hypothetical Greek Phi ratio of 1.618
8)Spreadsheet as the record
9)Literal supply of moneys in juxtaposition to the scalar moneys of the Transcendentalist economic system and the fuzzy(something between two
extremes) moneys of the entitlement programs as in welfare, disability benefits, spouces benefits, veterans benefits, lotto benefits, gambling benefits, daytrading benefits, and so on
In a way, I have been able to identify the following smurf talents, as
they say, so they say; which has proven to be the longest running
relationships to endure the test of time and surpass all understanding.
Oriental - Sexuality
Indian - Technology
Arabian - Spirituality
Russian - Library
European - Homeopathy
British - Grocery
African - Realty
Hispanic - Fiduciary?
Australian - Hospitality?
Native(Tamil, Taino, Terron, and Tiwi) - Security?
Jewish - Pedagogy
I find there is a way to do it. Just as the academically successful
tend to bribe schools to get their diploma, I tend to donate some moneys
to the above mentioned social orders to call upon an entry into their respective industry. I find the going rate of my initial donation is
around $300 dollars. Again, the beauty of the Christ Jesus to elucidate
the wonders of this world is more than anything. Isn't it nice to have
a means toward survival that can endure the test of time and surpass all understanding amidst all that Jewish niggardly banality? Yeah well, you
HUFA Egalitarianism : formerly Nazism using the HUFA like pragma - countermeasures to the lack of sovereignty and hegemony --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It seems the JUBU rely heavily on size matters, image is everything, and surprise attack. Yet, when they get struck with an apple to the ear,
they go deaf at the ear that gets struck. They are an interesting lot
in that way. The HUFA pragma may assist toward our plight for political sovereignty and hegemony. The HUFA in laymens terms maybe elaborated as follows:
H - Hot water urn
U - Unix technologys
F - Fully or well and balanced juxtapositions
A - Ayn Rand postulates of the self involving the "I am" or soham as they
As well, I have found the following to assist as well.
2)Abrahamic sling
3)Malatov cocktail
4)Cigarette lighter
5)Swiss Army knife
6)Gayatri Mantra
7)The power of love
8)Swastika hieroglyph
9)Shahada chanting calling upon the Sword of Islam("Ashaadu ila ila-ha ila-allah wa; ashaadu anna mohammadan rasulu Allah")
10)Conventional AM/FM radio playing music like Classical, Bhagra, Rap,
Country, Christian, ...
The following were observed with each playing of the radio music -
1.Classical - L.A. riots
2.Bhangra - World Trade Center destruction
3.Rap - Louisiana floodings
4.Country - IRAQ devestation
5.Christian - Hispania contaminated by Corona virus
6.Spanish - Carribean destroyed by teratons of explosive capacity??
7.Rock N' Roll - Rule by Might involving the Allied Axis of
Canton(Hongkong), Pakistan, Germany, Morocco, and Argentina??
11)Cash moneys
For some reason money has become the greatest equalizer more powerful
than the hand gun. I have found there is a history that has amassed
where those who dishonor my money get destroyed. The Y2K bug fix is a testament toward that.
Each has been mentioned to retaliate against those who have wronged me.
I find the Jewish nemesis is maintaining the same tried and true
antagonisms but here's the deal, the Jewish antagonisms in the worship
of the Satanism gets weaker over time, while my retaliation in defense
of the ontology of the Guru Christ Jesus gets more and more hienous.
The following are the nodes of attack that have been identified that
indicate my use of the Abrahamic sling on the Jewish goliath of the
World Trade Center.
1)Attack by air - World Trade Center
2)Attack by sea - Louisiana
3)Attack by land - Iraq
4)Attack by swamp - Hispania
5)Attack by space - The Antillas, Caribbean?
6)Attack by information - Rule by might : Hongkong, Pakistan, Germany,
Morocco, Argentina?
Those were the stomping grounds of the Jewish Kings, Queens, Princes, Princesses, Jack of All Trades, and Emperors of the nothing or to say
the no one thing which is the everything. That was just the retaliation
in the deduction. Now the retaliation is going to the induction. The following are of the killfile. Again, there is no that of a thing as a
hundred percent. There is some good out there.
JUBU(judeo-buddists) Extremists(Group of 10): ---------------------------------------------
1)Israel - empire of the yiddish
2)Taiwan - empire of the zen
3)Haiti - empire of the vudu
4)Hawaii - empire of the hindu
5)Sicily - empire of the lgbtq
6)Trinidad - empire of the trini
7)Indonesia - empire of the creole
8)Phillipines - empire of the hapa
9)Tibet - empire of the hoon
10)Brooklyn - empire of the roma
The Group of 10 JUBU extremists are best mentioned in the X-Files
Niggervision series starring David Duchovny. The "X-Files" is also the
name of a log book that is used in the institutional system of whichever
mental health treatment to force inject the control substances of psychotropics, narcotics, liquor, soya, tobacco, and steroids into the
organs of their victims. There are other scenarios where the control substances are serious genetically altering chemicals of military grade weaponrys. The list of tortures and torments are more than anything.
That is the way of the JUBU extremists and their wanton disregard and disrespect toward whichever sentient life, liberty, pursuit of
happiness, property, faith, and propriety. The so called "nothing
beyond death and taxes folks" of whichever priest, politician,
professional, police, professor, and philosopher licensced and working
as malpractitioners of the Jewish religious war.
Niggers of:
1)negroid race
2)gypsy etnicity
3)jewish diaspora
4)coptic language family
5)upper caste affiliations
Harbingers of:
Corporations of:
Swamis of:
3)kuddhajin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The postulates of the self that have helped me to some degree are as
0.Metaphorically, I am a Satyarguido.?
1.Ethnically, I am a Deshino.*
2.Racially, I am a Xanthocroi.
3.Linguistically, I am a Staniarynicua.*
4.Politically, I am a Kalistani.
5.Spiritually, I am a Muslimaoist.
6.Dietarily, I am an Incognegro.*
7.Financially, I am a Feminazi.*
8.Functionally, I am a Guyanese.
9.Criminally, I am an Amerindian || Americanative || Mesoamericon? 10.Culturally, I am a Californianative?
11.Intellectually, I am a Hindustani.*
12.Professionally, I am a Francophonedic.
13.Methodically, I am a Paisaneanderthal.
14.Sexually, I am a Multicannibal.
15.Communally, I am Bangladeshi.?
16.Eruditely, I am a Vegetarianiga.
17.Scholarly, I am a Dravidianese.*
18.Artistically, I am a Polynesian.
19.Avocationally, I am a Pronative.
20.Militarily, I am a Nondoctor.
21.Ancestrally, I am a Qutbrown.
22.Physically, I am a Polakike.
23.Instinctively, I am an African.*
24.Pragmatically, I am a Synhalese.
25.Competitively, I am a Rajuksingumby(Bangladeshi Raj, Cantonese Juksing, Hispanic Gumby).
26.Ontologically, I am a Wealthyankee.?
27.Martially, I am an Antipolice.
28.Occupationally, I am a Sysadmin.
29.Calisthenically, I am an Iranian.
30.Punctually, I am an Amerindian.
31.Existentially, I am a Eurotrash.?
32.Vocationally, I am an Assistant.
33.Institutionally, I am a Parascudder.
34.Diplomatically, I am a Spanisherb.
35.Ambidextrously, I am a Hankurean.???
36.Philosophically, I am a Bicolored.
37.Morphologically, I am a Kashmirese.?
38.Vocally, I am a Paisablackey.
39.Ironically, I am a Teluguishomey.
40.Truthfully, I am a Zionisturd.*
41.Mnemonically, I am an Indochini.
42.Sensually, I am a Brooklynite.*
43.Antithetically, I am a Pakistani.
44.Aesthetically, I am an Australatino.
45.Photogenically, I am an Mechicanother.?
46.Comedically, I am a Gujuwendel.
47.Recreationally, I am a Chinisoldier.
48.Internationally, I am a Foreigneren.
Again, some of those postulates work. They are still a work in
progress. To use those postulates you have to try the prayers,
chantings, and meditations mentioned in the 'Evangelical Deprogram
Savoire' postings on USENET Newsgroups such as or
Giganews. Man needs a proper meditation of the heart. Indeed, there is
some good out there. Simply do not be naive. Beware of the sucker
punch. The JUBU extremists are the masters of the surprise attack.
Alot of what they do is a facade or a fake outer appearance to the
Satanic intentions they have. That is why they are referred to as the following slurs, not only by themselves but also others:
1)British - Gwailo
2)Gypsy - Nigger
3)African - Kaffir
4)Hispanic - Guido
5)Oriental - Scudder(diuretic piece of shit)
6)Native(Tamil, Taino, Terron, Tiwi) - Khalu(drunkard)
1)Indian - Bastard
2)Christian - Bastard
3)Muslim - Bastard
4)Women - Bastard
5)European - Bastard
6)Nazi - Bastard
Anyway guys, I will try to post more about this over time. The
political unity is the most challenging. The above are just some clues
I have gathered in my nearly 45 years of travel through this earth
planet, largely here in New York City, which is to me and most I have encountered is a veritable Jewish death camp. So watch out! Travel
carefully. The culture of manmachining is all over the place. There
are many who retire in some nursing home and are sent off to be some
sideshow freak by being turned into some Frankenstien like artificial
robot or cyborg. Who are those people who deliver regularly? Some I
have seen have a electronic device attached to the scalp of thier head.
The ones I have seen are African looking. Then there are British like
men who arrive out of walls as security personnel. It goes on like this
in this world of JUBU extremism gone mad or to say mutually assured destructive. That is the thing. So what are we going to do about it,
hugh? As Mao Tzetung said "To fight the [religious war of the Jewish
blight] you have to take up [the Holocaust of the Jews]". What else are
you going to do? We only have one life to live. Better to mass murder
than become some victim of the systemic nightmare of the nigger Jews the
whole fucken world over. There is not a people, place, thing, idea,
animal, or inventory that does not evidence the vice grip of the Jewish
[continued in next message]
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