Here is some critical life and death info you should read.
I have been attacked today by Facebook, in a most heinous criminal manner.. In where they must be made to pay with their criminal lives, or we the people as the innocent, will suffer further, their self contempt for our lives as equally important inthe big picture.. Stop being a whore for evil, and stand up for yourself. I was shut down by Facebook, without any reason given.. As they have done against us all, for simply telling the truth.
FACEBOOK IS AT WAR AGAINST WE THE PEOPLE. could be permanently disabled."
Facebook asks, do we think they are in error for this action of stopping all my written works from being witnessed to share?
Then says to all, "We can't lift this block for any reason"
I responded..
"It is an error, for you have given no reason for why. Why would you not, but to know you are dishonorable to all free thinking individuals.. Who you feel as a cheat, have no lawful power against this injustice."
Then, these Satanic UNLAWFUL enemies of God and America, have this as a follow up message.. AFTER ASKING ME IF I THOUGHT THEY WERE IN ERROR..
"A few things to keep in mind about your block:
Blocks are temporary and can last a few hours or a few days
We can't lift this block for any reason
[We most certainly can as honorable and just.]
To keep from getting blocked again, please slow down or stop this behavior (ex: send fewer messages each day, only tag people in photos they're actually in, only invite people you know who would be interested in attending events). Otherwise, your
Satanic enemies of God. All I posted was the truth, of which they WILL NOT CITE.. They will not tell, as accessories to mass murder. I will to see all of Facebook's management, to be fairly arrested, to face public trials for death sentences. I wrotetoday, about the crimes against humanity inflicted by the war criminal government of Israel, that apposes the will of all honorable Jews. I wrote today about how Sandy Hook happened, and the history of why America wars the Democracy of Syria. I wrote
FROM EVERY GROUP WORLD WIDE.. all in an instant.. for fear they would be routed out by the Will of We, the People and God.. to be publicly executed after fair trials for their treason against life. Accessories to mass murder. Accessories to stealingtrillions from Americans. Accessories to children being raped.. for I did too, huge revelations, to two Pizzagate groups.
---------------here. Trillions have been stolen from America.. and they care not as TV trained in stolen faith.. Easier to die for lies, that be outspoken against ungodly tyranny. God wills Justice, while others do not. Fight back for Christ sake God damn you.
I see no demands whatsoever for justice on 9/11, Sandy Hook,, or the Boston bombings from Trump's chumps either... I'd say America is a dog's breath from being full fledged Satanic. Why? Because THEY simply do not care for innocent victims anywhere
Have you heard the recent revelations about Pizzagate? It has been alleged, that a hacker got into their server.. and found... a ton of child pornography.. So then, forwarded the evidence to the FBI.. BACK IN DECEMBER!.. Now, through a freedom ofinformation request granted by legal affairs.. it turns out, "The Police" refused to do any as all investigations, on the CHILD PORNOGRAPHY sent to them - taken off Comet Pizza's server.. This is what has been alleged today. Now, if it was false.. we
complete silence. no likes, no shares.. What the fuck man.. We though we were outraged over such serious criminality.. what figures? We are being done wrong by war criminal cops, who do not support investigating 9/11 either.. Nor Sandy Hook, or theBoston bombings.. Why? the Truth speaks for ourselves being civilized. Justice done is freedom won. Support John Kinal for NEW Attorney General.
Facebook is not real. They are not honest in how they present our communications. So too Google+. Just think of how Facebook tells me everyday.. if I would only pay them thousands of dollars.. only then, will those who follow me, see what I write..Unless you buy their lies, in that, to pay for 'likes' from complete strangers, sounds completely on the up and up. Just witness anyone who tells how crimes occur, such as 9/11, Sandy hook, or the Boston Bombings.. zero likes, zero shares.... NEVER are
found... a ton of child pornography.. So then, forwarded the evidence to the FBI.. BACK IN DECEMBER!.. Now, through a freedom of information request granted by legal affairs.. it turns out, "The Police" refused to do any as all investigations, on theCHILD PORNOGRAPHY sent to them - taken off Comet Pizza's server.. This is what has been alleged today. Now, if it was false.. we would have those responsible arrested for criminal mischief - minimally - whcih can get those found guilty, a life term
figures? We are being done wrong by war criminal cops, who do not support investigating 9/11 either.. Nor Sandy Hook, and the Boston bombings.. Why? the Truth speaks for ourselves being civilized. Justice done is freedom won. Support John Kinal for NEWAttorney General.
It's called war crimes, and it's very anti-American..without inflation. Then Assad used the new wealth to build countless schools, and many hospitals, now bombed by the pro Hitlery and Obama forces of EVIL.. Why not on TV? They will to con US for death as victims to war crimes with pretty smiles. No TV
Why does Satanic America, war the Democracy of Syria with anti-woman Saudi Arabia as terrorists? It is because in 2001, Assad, Democratically elected, decided to remove all middle men from banking. And what happened? Everyone's money when twice as far
Federal Reserve, as then exposed in an public audit... Are we, or are we not capable of thinking freely here? Why would anyone will to be cheated a fair say for death ask yourself? We all want to count, and be counted fairly is the freedom to be all wecan be, acting civilized.? ?
Lib whore to all Hitlery, with Rightard Congress, OPENLY war the Democracy of Syria, with TV lies as the for real terrorists.. that appose fair say, such as paper ballot elections... that appose all fair human interaction.. apposing God's will to bejust, as law abiding.. Satanic liars found out simply by speaking a fair game, where all are legitimately concerned, about where the hell Congress things they can further steal from America's will to be liberated of this ungodly tyranny. Besides, all FBi
Bush "we don't need any evidence, we know he's guilty" Speaking of why America will not be allowed to follow probable cause, to determine suspects guilty for mass murdering Americans in NYC. Instead pin the entire show on bin Laden as false accuser..Did bin Laden have any accomplices? No one to this day at the FBI, is allowed to investigate still, for fear of being 'arrested' by the ungodly Satanic enemy, hiding behind our pirated flags. This demonic TV con I will tell, was not started with Bush,
see why, President Clinton and Alex Jones do not want Americans to truly find out - of what however.. is not hidden.. Much of nothing is secret.. it's just, we haven't the time to investigate just yet.. But 9/11, Sandy Hook, the Boston bombings to namethree, we already have in the bag easily.. One other quick note to alleviate irrational fears.. I can't read anyone's mind, nor even my own.. i can just hear what people of Life are saying.. It's like drawing in a way.. In that you think you can't draw,
for new Attorney GeneralAmericans, on the whole, are left in silence being, Satanic false accuser enemies of God and Humanity.. willing to die for their naked lies, before supporting truth spoken as power, in defense of all treated fair.. . As God wills being all scientific.. ..
9/11 was pulled off by Condi and Ozolek with the "top Secret" Presidential Directive titled, "Red Ex", inside of "unified vision".. , with Bush and Cheney obstructing Justice.. by just simply claiming, "we don't need any evidence.." Why? Because TV
Israel has always broken truces to sacrifice innocent Jewish lives, for further stolen gains, as the thieves they are. Look at what the poster tells.. " the only "apartheid" state in entire Middle East Ha.." It is a godless Satanic nation, where theblack Jews of the Bible are persecuted, where they burn to death innocent Christian families with white phosphorous.. Not by accident, but admittedly, on purpose. They murdered those of Palestine that brokered a truce, to defend all Jews until the end of
others with self respect.. not steal, rape, and mass murder as government policy. They are not a democracy, but a true Satanic cult of the wickedest evil Humanity has ever known.Satanic cause one or two generations prior. Semitic peoples are not pasty white demons, all from Russia. Get real..
They have blacks in the video, but in Israel they, AS JEWS, are enslaved.. denied thier biblical rights to the region. No no the Satanic cackle.. pasty white fucks from Russia, are the 'nappy' haired Jews of the Bible. Despite them just joining the
Just as the Bible teaches.. True Jews know..
Alex Jones "How To Defeat Black Lives Matte"is it crony capitalism, We're going to lower our tax to the same rate as you. To bring jobs back. How is that unfair? How is that not free trade? THAT IS FREE TRADE."
Satanic slave Alex Jones tells today, that he follows Christ. Would Christ lie about the Democracy in Syria, to serve the Satanic of Saudi Arabia?
They want 500 more examples, before you can form a firm conclusion they endlessly bray and bray senselessly?
Alex Jones told today, "free trade" is to lower the burden of American corporations to the will of slave labor dictatorships. Don't believe?
Alex Jones - Dec 8th Hr 3 - 27 minutes in..
"I Don't know what's wrong with Sarah Palin, I guess she is dumb.. I like her as a person. She goes, "he's being a crony!" NO!.. if Mexico has dirty plants, and then we can't even have plants - that's not fair. We have to equalize things out. So, how
I called it, Alex Jones is comic book fiction.constitution, for credit (aka the minting of new money..), is demanded to only be exercised by Congress, not some private pirate enemies committing criminal frauds. .Unlike it is in the Democracy of Syria.. where they eradicated their trillion dollar
Free trade is where we strive as the civilized.
Before President Clinton, there were laws on the
books, that insisted no foreign company that
traded with America, was allowed to enslave we
the People.. Clinton got rid of those laws..
Laws, that demonic Alex Jones would disapprove
of too? Someone should go ask him what does it
profit a man to steal the whole world with
self delusion of who we are as civilized.
Measuring fair, is our freedoms aware. To be
we free of tyranny see? The Boston Bombings
were done with 1.6 gallon pressure cookers - not
possible to fit in an empty bag of the opposite
Banksters.. They are lawless savages who steal from everyone.. in that, in America, pirate banksters do not cover our credit -- WE DO. This argument is lost on most since the turning of the tables.. It is in clear violation with the American
Kinal for new Attorney General, or some such other title, to have the truth set us free G.
Tell us then something of Black Lives Matter why don't you? Without being a bigot false accusing Satanic enemy of God and America?
The Winnipeg Police Department is complicit in mass murdering more than 10,000 folks from our city, in just the last three years.. Yet, it doesn't get counted by anyone, but the near holy, or truly wise. I could show everyone the clear evidence, nakedit is to prove simply . Example: recordings of officers laughing in our faces to suggest a criminal investigation would ever be allowed at Winnipeg's HSC, where they take the poor against their will.. beating them to death with torture for Satanic kicks -
Chisic, Nurse Delaney, and Nurse Collette. .. And YOU, typically will care not for the loss of innocent life. Just like here at 9/11, Sandy Hook, or the Boston bombings.. No, you'll eat the shit of the false accusing Rightards, who claim the Muslimsdid it.. or the NWO.. as never in your god awful life, to support following probable cause, and working it out as fair minded..AS GOD WILLS. Too much work to care for our lives truly.. No, they WANT the bullshit.. you'll eat the bullshit.. and you'll die
I get banned from near every last Atheist group there is world wide. . Why? I simply tell, no one ever till the end of time, can scientifically claim, God doesn't exist. It's like saying, there is no Aliens whatsoever, anywhere in the unknown universe..But not exactly true.. for this concept titled, "God" isn't tried to be fairly quantified, to explain what it is, that doesn't exist, as ridiculously claimed. Now, when I write this.. but with better words perhaps.. I'll get a few challengers, that don'
'it's God's fault', or 'Religion did 9/11' and all the other bad things, they never will Justice to succeed at. Atheists don't like being proven irrational, in every single last instance bar none. Realize: I'm not saying God exists directly, but thatno one can prove an intelligence beyond our grasp isn't real.. when we have all these great scientific discoveries proving so.. like from the 1930s. Or the most recent advancements in molecular biology..
Rightards are free to spew their ungodly demonic poison, while truth tellers like myself, are forbidden to communicate.not.
Truth tellers here at Facebook are typically not allowed to communicate, and the Rightards think that's fine.. Why? They cheat as thieves just the same..
Bigot is the word that bigots can't grasp as false accusers..Muslims did not do 9/11, Sandy Hook, or the Boston Bombings for example.. nor did the Jews steal those trillions and trillions.. still left, not returned. God wills Justice, while others do
Facebook controls wise men or women from speaking freely, for fear, the rest of everyone else would wake the fuck up to the belligerent false accusing bigot whores for evil. (so much of Facebook is patently evil as unjust.. for example: if you offendsomeone, that's reason enough to have your rights denied everywhere - instead of how it should be - a group can ban you, or an individual guilty of gunning down 20 six and seven year olds)) For the first 9 months I was here, I was constantly put into
to this day, on just about everything I've put up.. . Explaining FACTUALLY.. how 9/11 happened without swear words.. Or Sandy hook, or the Boston Bombings.. PIRATE BANKING. Or simply explain well understood virology, or and tell of the ingredient listcontained in vaccines - oh-oh, don't be offending Glaxco's thousands and thousands of paid mass murderers of infants.. - who do rule Google+'s decisions as to who to not allow their words to proliferate.. But witness.. NO one's ideas proliferate.. No
to speak - claiming they did - they do not support anyone soliciting. ON MY OWN THREADS TO MY OWN FOLLOWERS. To keep this shorter than it needs to be.. I will leave you with this: UNDERSTAND: Facebook offers characters like me, the chance to pay themthousands of dollars to allow my followers to read my words. Evil is the deceived disguised.
TV Americans do not care for the suffering human condition here.. Too busy fucking the country up the ass with the illiterate Chump.. refusing to support wise men or woman from freely communicating.. All is revealed.. And that is what THEY despise..They know God is somehow real.. and they hate having to try to do right by others.Too much work.. rather support the bigot false accusing liars, cheating We the People of victory. Justice done is freedom won. Muslims did not do 9/11, or Sandy hook, or
a whore for blind evil whoring yourself. 9/11 was carried out 'top secretly' under a plan titled, "Unified Vision" But fuck you again though.. for as WE know.. you will do nothing to have the truth prevail here.. And even if one or three did, Facebookdoesn't allow ANY story to survive more than two days.. IF YOU COULD ONLY FREELY THINK.. you'd know what evil Facebook truly is, when they ask for money, to send your post out to those that follow you..
They despise the wise, for they know they lie to cheat their worthless lives of our self respect.realizing the potential be be all we can be as equals.. committed to the cause, of liberty as justice for us all..
God wills Justice from every denomination, while goose stepping, false accusing bigot whores of Satan, just call being personally responsible bullshit. Being fair is where we are at, despite the plethora of losers selling out. Fair measure is found in
God wills justice as the freedom to be we free of tyranny, while others do not. Muslims didn't do 9/11, Bush and Cheney, Condi and Ozolek did with top secret "Presidential Directive" plan titled, “Unified Vision” for starters. We should not be blaming "The Jews" either, but blaming the criminal suspects individually.. More difficult sure.. but that's the price for freedom
Mohammad stresses, one must respect Genesis through to Deuteronomy, if one truly wills to find paradise. Revealing as Hammurabi does, our enemies are the false accusing bigot whores. Same then as now. The Boston Bombings were done with 1.6 gallonpressure cookers - not possible to fit in an empty bag of the opposite color for example.
Does everyone here know, trillions were stolen through embezzlement? 16 trillion in one proven heist.. that so far, America has refused to demand pay-back? Freedom won is Justice done.Measuring fair, is our freedoms aware. To be we free of tyranny see??
All invites welcomed.. We have our world to save.
Support John Kinal for new Attorney General.
They despise the wise, for they know they lie to cheat their worthless lives of our self respect.found in realizing the potential be be all we can be as equals.. committed to the cause, of liberty as justice for us all..
God wills Justice from every denomination, while Rightard goose stepping, false accusing bigot whores of Satan, just call being personally responsible bullshit. Being fair is where we are at, despite the plethora of losers selling out. Fair measure is
My friends, does everyone here know, trillions were stolen through embezzlement? 16 trillion in one proven heist.. that so far, America has refused to demand pay-back? Freedom won is Justice done. Measuring fair, is our freedoms aware. To be we free oftyranny see??
The Boston Bombings were done with 1.6 gallon pressure cookers - not possible to fit in an empty bag of the opposite color for example.
All invites welcomed. we have our world to save.
9/11 was pulled off by Condi and Ozolek with the "top Secret" Presidential Directive titled, "Red Ex", inside of "unified vision".. , with Bush and Cheney obstructing Justice.. by just simply claiming, "we don't need any evidence.." Why? Because TVAmericans, on the whole, are left in silence being, Satanic false accuser enemies of God and Humanity.. willing to die for their naked lies, before supporting truth spoken as power, in defense of all treated fair.. . As God wills being all scientific.. .
+Kyle Kennedy "No it wasn't"cheats like Hitlery, to die warring Democracies with Saudi Arabia - all for the final escape of those guilty of stealing trillions, and too, those guilty of 9/11. Bush and Cheney, Condi and Ozolek, Silverstein and Denko-Mechanical with Building 7's
Being blindly willing to see innocent people mass murdered, before supporting the facts to draw your conclusion fairly, could get you a high paying job on the TV, to con more Americans to die forsaken in evil for lies.
American GIs are universally cowards and dumb. Does it mean we should allow them be conned to die for the sinister bad guys? We don't think so. But the Magic TV and Alex Jones, won't allow a free discussion of the facts on how they get rooked by demon
Bernie had 10X the support of Hillary..Boston Bombings too. Why does Satanic America, war the Democracy of Syria with anti-woman Saudi Arabia as terrorists? It is because in 2001, Assad, Democratically elected, decided to remove all middle men from banking. And what happened? Everyone's money
The elections were clearly rigged, but the Rightard bigot whores of Satan, do not will the truth to prevail.. Pirating all of American radio and TV air waves.. refusing open line calls.. Refusing to demand justice here on 9/11, Sandy hook, and the
to con US for death as victims to war crimes with pretty smiles. No TV celebrity demands to have arrested, those who have RIGGED the election, SEE NEVADA, and too, stolen trillions through embezzlement and extortion - In one transfer, 16 trillionhidden from the Federal Reserve, as then exposed in an public audit... Are we, or are we not capable of thinking freely here? Why would anyone will to be cheated a fair say for death ask yourself? We all want to count, and be counted fairly is the
I explain in detail, with recordings of me speaking with the
police, and the Chief Medical Examiner.. The city refuses to
allow me to submit a complaint of murder. Trouble yourself to
listen. Lives are still being stolen, simply for being poor.
Winnipeg Police state unlawfully, under no circumstances will
they allow a complaint of murder to be drawn and forwarded
to homicide - for those of Winnipeg who are chosen, AGAINST
OUR WILL, to be first degree murdered, at the Winnipeg Health
Sciences Center. My mother was denied her needed medicines,
while punched out and suffocated. All evidence is freely
available. She nor I, did we will her to die murder victim..
We went to the hospital for help.. If others had warned
us, we wouldn't have sacrificed our lives to these mass
murderers. The Winnipeg police, as recorded several times,
OFFICIALLY claim they are to be left unaccountable as lawless.
There are many other victims here, denied our rules of law.
like anyone else would
We the People
Please support a criminal investigation on the recent
murder of Jennie Kinal in Winnipeg. The city forbids
all police agencies from enforcing OUR law against
premeditated murder.. at the Health Sciences Center
4th floor - "Comfort Care" ..mass murder in fact.
Being civilized, is naturally progressing in understanding.
All the prophets will justice as fair say here.. as too,
the astute Atheist. Willing to be free of tyranny.
The only power they have, is our indecision to do right for another.
To whom this concerns..publicly executed, fair as square is freely available. But people generally, can't care to bother themselves to care for others. 16 trillion was stolen from Americans in one bankster robbery, 100% DOCUMENTED.. Yet, you as my reader, will refuse to put
The Winnipeg police department is mass murdering the poor of our city, at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center, 4th floor. More than 10,000 victims according to recorded government sources. All the evidence to have them formally arrested, tried and
what happened yesterday.. RT pulled their video showing the LYING CHEATING AND STEALING of the "American" media celebs, advancing premeditated murder with LIES of those who support fair say in a Democracy.. and who really even cares there about themassive brain damage given to our newborns, with vaccines rife with neural toxins? This is Your world falling plundered to die in evil man.
Fight back for Christ sake God damn you.
An Open Letter to the Crown Prosecutors of Canada - The Oath of Crowns "pursue Justice where ever it leads.."forbidding all police agencies from investigating the PROVEN allegations. Documented fully. What is wrong with our minds, as so far incapable of concluding a fact?, if our lives are at stake, held in jeopardy by the lying in stolen faith newspapers?
Mass Murderers Allowed To Walk Free in Winnipeg - please save innocent lives - warn others
Across Canada and the U.S., specially selected lawless 'officers', are complicit with the Hospitals, in 'secretly' running a mass murder program titled, "Comfort Care" - Deprived all medicine, while suffocated to die. Mass murdering the poor, while
The only power they have, is our indecision to do right for another.
Evidence file on the continuing mass murders
in Winnipeg by the complicit lawless Police
Alex Jones is here to KILL YOU loser.
I demand a criminal investigation begin immediately, regarding the first degree murder of my mother, Jennie Kinal, murdered she was, by Dr. Colister and Dr. Chisic, at Winnipeg's Health Sciences Center. Deprived care, while poisoned to die, in anunelected mass murder program against the poor titled, "Comfort Care". The Winnipeg Police Department refuses to allow Homicide look at the case, as they do routinely, regarding all other victims denied the defense of our Laws in Canada apposing murder.
There are many other victims here, denied our rules of law.
like anyone else would
Please support a criminal investigation on the recent
murder of Jennie Kinal in Winnipeg. The city forbids
all police agencies from enforcing OUR law against
premeditated murder.. at the Health Sciences Center
4th floor - "Comfort Care"
The only power they have, is our indecision to do right for another.
The poor are clearly being mass murdered in Winnipeg Canada.. and we the People can't yet find the true care to demand Justice in our better names..
Being civilized, is naturally progressing in understanding.
All the prophets will justice as fair say here.. as too,
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