• SHOCKING AUDIO - Winnipeg Police Admit Being Complicit in Mass Murderin

    From Holy Fuck@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 29 08:50:56 2016
    XPost: soc.culture.pakistan, alt.politics.misc, alt.politics.us
    XPost: tx.guns


    SHOCKING AUDIO - Winnipeg Police Admit Being Complicit in Mass Murdering the Poor of Winnipeg - SHOCKING AUDIO

    http://www.uploadmb.com/dw.php?id=1469796703 http://4downfiles.net/8m9q0a0939mj.html
    http://www.anafile.com/9nb41bwp6oib.html http://www.embedupload.com/?d=7SBGIVACDF http://exoshare.com/download.php?uid=0BNVRPG0

    (only three megabytes in size..)

    http://www.uploadman.com/0db13e64cf1f9b97 http://www.filefactory.com/file/1xhwj2sccvop
    http://www.basicupload.com/f598ar467van http://www31.zippyshare.com/v/JuCqcxZI/file.html http://www.gigasize.com/get/1rkgy8r9o3c

    Who cares for Winnipeg murder victims? Holy fuck right?


    My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
    willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
    Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
    Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.

    Did not sign anything to agree to 'Comfort Care'.

    The Winnipeg Police Department
    is Complicit in Mass Murder

    All Winnipeg police officers clearly wouldn't support this wicked criminality continuing, but they are not made aware, as the complaints are not allowed to be filed. LISTEN TO THE COPS TELL ME SO AS RECORDED. We can't remain silenced on this matter of
    our families being first degree murdered at the lawless hospitals. It's justice for us or further we go bust.

    All invites for friendship welcomed..

    Murderers Allowed To Walk Free in Winnipeg

    Police forbidden to investigate..


    Allow the truth to prevail.. Are you not human?
    Warn innocent people of these crimes..
    save lives..


    My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
    willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
    Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
    Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.

    Did not sign anything to agree to 'Comfort Care'.

    TheTruth - murders still occurring at
    Winnipeg’s Health Sciences Center – H4.
    Manitoba confirming no investigations
    allowed..(eleven megabyte audio file)

    Evidence on the continuing murders at the
    Winnipeg HSC under - Comfort Care - 200+meg file http://4downfiles.net/0v6f17lr3no6.html


    Mass Murderers Allowed To Walk Free in Winnipeg


    There is so much for criminality transpiring in our dying world,
    and near no honorable leadership screaming for Justice.. What are
    we going to do? How about just taking the link for the story, and
    forwarding it to those who you believe should hear the good news?
    That we're not putting up with mass murder in Winnipeg any longer..
    Fair say all the way has you win too, a better world.. Please I
    beg you, be human. Judge this incredibly serious matter for
    yourself. The top recording is of me speaking with the head of
    all murder investigations in the province.. Telling he doesn't
    support getting to understand what the cause is ever of any,
    murdered in Winnipeg under this not elected program titled,
    "Comfort Care" where they ON PURPOSE.. deny medicines the
    patients needs, while then being poisoned to die with opiates,
    along with concoctions that stop the patient from breathing
    effectively, while spreading infections. Thousands of victims
    so far, according to my contact, directly connected - and the
    Chief Medical examiner stating in a recording in the archive..
    too.. of "thousands" being put down this way in Winnipeg. .
    My mother, nor I, did not sign into being murdered, or as they
    call, suicided.


    Save Lives

    In Winnipeg, the police state they will not investigate
    capital offenses that occur at Hospitals, because judges
    always side for doctors in criminal matters. Recording
    available. But in my case, with my mother, it was the
    doctor that ordered Jennie Kinal no longer be poisoned,
    with end of life medications.. but the nurses went ahead
    anyway to attempt murder.. for it was proven, Jennie Kinal
    did not have "multiple organ failure" - and they needed
    to cover up their murderous crimes against the poor as
    disadvantaged. Fair say all the way means we're living
    civilized lives, not being murdered as forsaken in
    Winnipeg.. Save lives in Winnipeg by warning others
    of this program titled, "Comfort Care" - It's a matter
    of life and death.


    My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
    willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
    Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
    Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.

    Notes on the Kinal matter..

    A Winnipeg Police officer named Mike told as recorded,
    Winnipeg does not allow criminal investigations over
    anything that happens in a hospital, due the doctor
    always being right. However, in the attempt at murder,
    it was doctor T. who ordered that, no further, 'end
    of life' medications to be given to Jennie Kinal, of
    which they were illegally, to commit murder - as an
    attempt to hide, that Jennie did not have "multiple
    organ failure". All proven. The College of Physicians
    state, they can not get involved in investigating
    capital crimes, and that the complaint needed to be
    forwarded to the police.. Who did not inform me when
    I frantically begged for help.. that they would not
    being defending the life of Jennie Kinal, or any
    other as official Winnipeg policy.

    Save innocent lives by allowing the truth to prevail. By
    warning others, you save lives.. Do right for ourselves,
    Love justice. Love freedom. Love life.


    "No one goes into palliative care without signing documents."

    John Kinal - Never signed anything. And it's the medical doctor who
    ordered my mother no longer be poisoned.. but my mom was according to
    the medical record, and the head nurse.. and two other nurses.. all
    to attempt cover of the fact, she never had 'multiple organ failure'.

    "Who never signed nothing? And how did your Mom end up at the hospital?
    I take it they didn't kidnap her too? Who poisoned your Mom? Again those
    are allegations of wrong doing. Multiple organ failure would be a cause
    of death, not something anyone could live with."

    John Kinal - That's right. That's why it is so clearly, attempted
    murder on Feb 2nd when it was alleged, she had "multiple organ
    failure" .But lived for more than 30 days longer.. While the police
    refused to investigate, while the College of physicians are forbidden
    to involve themselves in criminal matters. The audio recordings are
    available.. They are murdering the poor, under "Comfort Care".. My
    mother entered the hospital in hopes to be helped with her thyroid
    condition, that had cause swelling in her legs.. Instead they pumped
    steroids and other things into her veins non-stop, which caused tremors
    from the minute after giving her health card information.. then kept
    near a coma, doped with Fentanyl 80X more powerful than morphine, and hydromorphone to seriously hamper breathing,. to her subsequent murder
    on March 8th with "Devil's Breath".


    My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
    willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
    Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
    Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die.

    Listen: People of the world.. In Winnipeg, if a
    capital offense occurs at a hospital.. the College
    of Physicians and Surgeons can not get involved, and
    the concern needs to be forwarded to police.. while
    the police in Winnipeg state, they never allow officers
    to investigate capital crimes that occur in hospital..
    Recording available. THAT'S A BIG PROBLEM. For everybody.
    We, the People have to face this fair. Don't fear
    standing on principle.. This is really a serious
    matter, of murder going unpunished. We all need to
    defend ourselves fair.. Who do the Winnipeg Police
    Department think they work here for? It is we the
    people of Winnipeg.. The Winnipeg police department
    is complicit, as an accessory to mass murder by
    refusing to enforce our laws. Minimally,
    obstructionists. That Law against murder we must
    enforce. They get a fair say, before conviction can
    be gained.. We love all honorable cops.. as they are
    of us, willing freedom. The freedom to not be
    murdered. Fair say all the way means cops win too,
    hip hip hooray!


    "Here's a list of grief counsellors who can help you.."

    Things are true for us to find too. Without needing a
    reflex reaction, to hear of such foolishness.. as the
    cause for why Winnipegger's are cheated to die victims..
    denied Justice.. denied equal protection under the laws
    of Canada.. it is for you friend.. a sad day to reflect
    on our TRUE circumstance.. as measured correct, 100%.
    Facts are facts.. and no one can thwart our fair
    measure being human. Freedom is Justice.

    All the evidence is made publicly available my friend.
    Read the facts for yourself to be horrified. Recording at
    the police desk, telling no.. they will not allow any
    investigations.. no matter what. It's like a death cult.
    And yeah.. it is rather terrifying to learn, I tell the
    truth. Cops of course are good on general terms, but they
    have to obey the rules too. The truth is better than the
    lies, while further innocent lives are lost due our
    inaction in further silence. Why this happens is
    difficult to talk on, as it is a part, speculative.
    The whole branch of medicine, called "death meds", or,
    'end of life' medications, if you ask me, is extremely
    faulted in error. However, it is for really happening
    across North America too. Medicines to stop breathing,
    or to spread infections, are clearly poison to the
    thinking man or woman.. In Winnipeg the patient and
    family have no rights defended whatsoever. We need
    to demand a public inquest.. as so, the facts are
    brought to the attention of everyone being civilized.


    My mother Jennie Kinal and I, were not asked if we
    willed to have her end her life in the Winnipeg Health
    Sciences Center, by them placing my mother in "Comfort
    Care" - depriving her medicines, while poisoned to die
    with the most powerful opiates on the market while
    suffering no pain, "devil's breath" to spread infections,
    and other poisons not warranted, not asked for.. and
    begged to stop repeatedly before she died murder victim.
    They wouldn't allow us to remove her from their plan of
    murder, or from the hospital.. tortured for months like
    so many others, all the way to death. The Winnipeg Police
    refuse to allow a criminal investigation on all alleged
    such murders.. numbering in the many uncounted. This is
    for real, and must not be allowed to continue. Fair say
    all the way means we win being civilized.

    An Open Letter to the Crown Prosecutors of Canada

    The Oath of Crowns "pursue Justice where ever it leads.."

    My mother, Jennie Kinal, was first degree murdered at the
    Winnipeg Health Sciences Center on March 8, 2016. There was
    also an attempt made on Jennie Kinal's life on February 2 and
    3 2016. All documented as proven easily. When contacting the
    College of Physicians and Surgeons of Manitoba, and speaking
    with the investigative Community's spokesperson Irene Mcdonald
    regarding the attempt at murder incident, whereas I forwarded
    the Committee the evidence.. Irene advised me that such a
    criminal allegation was something they can not as ever
    investigate.. and that the complaint needed to be brought
    to the attention of the Winnipeg police.. Of which I did, in
    total five times. The fifth time, on April 29 2016, Mike at
    the desk told me, that under no circumstances do they allow
    any officer of law to investigate capital crimes that occur
    at hospitals, due the Doctor always being correct.. Recording
    available. They didn't tell me of their willingness to BLINDLY
    be, accessories to mass murder of Canadians until then. When
    I first brought the indisputable evidence of the attempt at
    murder, they did not tell me then, they would have all
    honorable police officers denied my pleas for mercy, or
    warn me that they would not be defending my mother's life
    left held in jeopardy, no matter what the facts were.
    Instead it was told that someone would look at it repeatedly.
    Of which at no time did they phone anyone to clarify an
    understanding. To simply validate the claim, only took one
    phone call to Dr. T, of which they refused to do. Caring
    not for the well being of my mother, a Canadian citizen
    who was attempted to be murdered, upon my repeated requests
    for the police to protect.. Nor did they at any time talk
    to me, about how they found the facts lacking, or hard to
    grasp. The evidence of the attempted murder is a solid as
    it comes.. While the murder consists of Dr. Collister
    telling my mother and myself, that his suggestion of
    "Devil's Breath" and another drug to mix with Jennie's
    Fentanyl, that "doesn't cross the blood brain barrier"
    would NOT instead be administered, due my wise words
    explaining why such action will bring about only harm
    to my mother, with a contagious chest infection just
    acquired the day before. Of which he does not disagree
    with as recorded. Why? As I state, to hamper my mother's
    ability to expel phlegm will do her no good obviously.
    Not knowing then what "Devil's Breath" was as deadly,
    and completely inappropriate obviously. But then as
    documented fully, Dr. Collister goes ahead secretly in
    a conspiracy with Nurse Colette to administer just such
    a poison when I am not present, gone for coffee. Again,
    recorded as administered by the day nurse, the night
    nurse Charlene shows me the order herself, again, as
    recorded. Once administered, Jennie becomes paralyzed,
    then shortly in hours dies. A woman diagnosed with mild
    back pain the entire two weeks prior by Dr. Semus..
    A woman ready to go home as diagnosed by Dr. Necozy
    the two weeks prior to that. But diagnosed by Dr.
    Collister as having no more than 14 days to live.. on
    February 2.. and on March 7. [NO COMPLAINTS DEPARTMENT]
    He failed at murder, then to cover his attempt, a month
    later, went ahead and tried again.. Dr. Semus informed
    me, that the hospital removed the entire February
    incident from the books. The incident recorded as
    transpiring by three doctors, three nurses, including
    the head nurse of which I speak with for near a hour on
    the matter as recorded as well. There have been no
    investigations on Dr. Collister's actions for near a
    decade as clearly being among psychopaths. For the
    Winnipeg Police to forbid Justice, because they believe
    in something of a death cult, that costs a great many
    innocent lives needs to be brought to the Public's
    attention, and halted immediately. Accessory to murder
    in not what OUR police are for. Many more lives are
    still threatened by this mass murder program called,
    "Comfort Care" - an unelected death sentence given to
    thousands of Manitobans with families who have complained
    of "similar incidents" of murder, according to my private
    discussions with a provincial employee familiar with the
    numbers. I have heard from three acquaintances in my
    personal life, that claim near identical scenario. 'No
    choice, your loved one will now be denied needed medicines,
    while given poisons to hamper breathing', and so on..
    This needs a public inquest, or a truth commission to
    uncover this unholy nightmare. Let's do right by saving
    innocent lives, not hide to see further needlessly die
    victims to our cowardice of being professionals. This
    is very much an issue that involves aboriginals and the
    poor most especially, not only the elderly, but the
    young as well.

    Please, I beg you with everything I am.. save innocent lives..
    Forward this information. It is life and death. Care for those
    of our society you are not absent from my friends or foes.

    Important: The Public must be warned.. Save lives.. Support a Public Inquest

    My mother, Jennie Kinal, was murdered in a
    Winnipeg hospital, on March the 8th, 2016
    under a program of first degree mass murder
    called.. "Comfort Care"..

    (..this on the first attempt at murder..)
    Introduction to the Case: back-from-the-dead

    Shortened synopsis..

    I wad told Jennie had multiple organ
    failure, and was on end of life medication.
    I said bullshit, she was great just hours
    ago.. The head Doctor, Dr. T, called a halt
    to the death meds.. Telling Nurses, if
    Jennie experiences any discomfort, I am
    to be phoned to okay the death meds once
    more.. I am phoned for such action the next
    day, arrive in under 7 minutes, to find
    my mother pronounced clinically dead by
    RN Delaney, due organ failure.. I revive
    my mom to discover, she has no organ
    failure.. Being doped everyday under
    Forward this information to everyone who
    loves their mother.. The Police most
    especially. They have been caught attempting
    first degree murder of made helpless innocent
    old folks at Winnipeg's Health Sciences

    Suggestions to the RCMP on how to conduct criminal
    investigations regarding the murder of Jennie Kinal,
    that happened on March 8, 2016, at Winnipeg's Health
    Sciences Center, 4H.

    There are two major crime scene involved in this matter..
    There was the attempt at murder made on February 2,2016,
    and the murder that took place on March 8, 2016.

    On February 2, 2016 I was told my mother was to die
    from total organ failure.. So as a consequence, she
    was then being given an opiate, Hydromorphone, non-stop,
    until she dies. Which will be no more than 14 days. A
    poison the doctor tells, limits my mother's breathing
    too, to treat "shortness".. of which only hours earlier,
    through to several weeks prior, she had no problem with
    as perfect.. So an opiate to trick the body into well
    being, while limiting one from breathing. Knowing too,
    this "shortness" concept, being chemically treated, is
    not quantified correctly. Short what? At first I tell
    the Nurse to stop immediately this clear madness. No
    she claims, "don't be cruel". A tactic used that had
    no effect, for I was not blind to the circumstance.
    As many others would be, not having the time to stay
    with their loved one everyday, or being astute in reason.
    I state this position to her intelligently, that my
    mother doesn't need to be hampered in her breathing,
    and is suffering in no pain.. and so, she calls me to
    talk to another nurse, who claims again "don't be cruel".
    I know then as now, these people are not mindfully of a
    fair measure. I then quickly go to speak with Dr. T..
    my mother's doctor that week.. Claiming my mother was
    fine only hours earlier.. We were talking about going
    home on video.. When did this organ failure occur I ask?
    Dr. T. then calls a halt to the poisoning.. without
    answer. (I learn later the next day, this was the first
    time in the history of their operation - where all under
    this order have been put to death without exception.)
    Dr. T tells the nurses, that Jennie Kinal will no
    longer receive Hydromorphone, unless she is found
    expressing some discomfort in pain..If she is, I am
    to be phoned at home to come to witness such a
    circumstance. I stay with my mother over the next
    few hours, where her breathing becomes closer to normal.
    The next day, nurse Delaney calls me at home to okay
    the death medication.. I happened to be already on my
    way.. and arrive in approximately seven minutes.. to
    see my mother appear poisoned with a diuretic , and
    pronounced clinically dead by Delaney. Who then
    encourages me to stop talking to Jennie, "She's had
    multiple organ failure" "her kidneys gave out" "she
    can not hear you", "she can not speak with you", "see
    can not see you".. I continue talking to my mother..
    while Delaney again goes off with "just remember all
    the good times you had" and in several minutes, my
    mother begins to revive.. She can not barely breath
    due the poison, that takes 10 hours to leave her, as
    her breathing recovers near back to normal. As on video..
    without any pain. When my mother started to revive..
    Delaney left to not be seen again.. save for the day
    my mother dies. No action on her part to investigate
    how such a thing could have happened.. I remain with
    my mother for near 24 hours.. To then call everyone
    officially that can help save my mother's life as
    still threatened by these psychopaths. So witness
    yourself..up until the murder on March 8, 2016.
    she had had no "multiple organ failure".

    Now to substantiate this with the facts that matter through a preliminary criminal investigation..

    First thing: contact Dr. T and state, we of the RCMP,
    are just doing a preliminary investigation is respect
    to the late Jennie Kinal.. who died on March 8, 2016..
    But our attention right now has to do with an event
    that started on Feb 2, 2016.. In where we are trying
    to establish whether an order to stop Hydromorphone
    was given to the attending nurses responsible for
    Jennie Kinal's care? Now, if Dr. T is truthful.. of
    which I suspect she will be.. she will claim yes. So,
    that means that Delaney gave my mother a medication
    against the Doctors order, that left her almost dead,
    gasping for air for ten hours. In the recording
    titled, 'back from the dead', 24 hours after I
    raised my mother from her early grave, the head
    nurse confirms, the last time Hydromorphone was
    given, was 24 hours earlier. An attempt at murder,
    for it shows, she did not have total organ failure -
    surviving she did, for more than a month after. Now
    get this: Dr. Semus informed me this whole incident
    was made absent the medical record. But say Dr.
    T states that no.. such an order didn't happen?
    Well again, the head nurse confirms that the
    reason I was called by Delaney was to okay the
    death medication that had been forbidden.

    How does this look? My mother was sentenced to die
    murder victim with lies. And under every circumstance
    prior.. this process had never before been stopped.
    So Dr T. did the right thing.. working for Justice..
    suspecting perhaps she did.. just when was this
    determination made of total organ failure occur? If
    Johnny had been there almost every hour, every day?
    Established too, of the recording of suspect nurse
    2.. who tried to insist I get my mother back on the
    Hydromorphone, because of her "multiple organ failure".
    The head nurse discusses her talk with suspect nurse
    2, in where she tells.. we must never allow someone to
    stop the process again. Now, get this.. When I
    complained about them trying to murder my mother?
    there was no investigations done by anyone.. for
    there is zero accountability.. No complaints
    department. While the college of Physicians and
    Surgeons.. upon hearing of this disorder.. recommended
    the police needed to investigate.. because the College
    never gets involved in clearly criminal behavior.
    The Winnipeg police took no action! no phone calls to
    the Physicians and Surgeons.. no calls to Dr. T.. to
    anyone.. including me to help them through reasonably..
    They must have been lost, but refused to ask someone
    for directions. Despite me going over there four times..
    According to my source in government, thousands of
    victim families have been denied Justice, stretching
    over at least, seven years. Please.. be honorable. Do
    you job and defend our lives.. This is a issue
    involving all Canadians, and travelers through our
    forsaken city. Why do they do it? We can only
    speculate. They are very sadistic.. Delaney got
    off punching my 83 year old mother in the eye just
    before the attempt at murder.. Ask her about it..
    They would abuse my mother, to spite me.. I would
    go out for a quick coffee, and come back where
    someone felt it necessary to throw her about in
    the bed horrifically. I know why there, but that's
    another story.. Like the young girl, and the young
    man.. and the lies they were told of how they could
    get out any day, if they just continue to cooperate..
    Nobody has ever left Comfort Care in 4H. Not one
    person. So was told to me by two nurses.. one there
    for more than seven years. As recorded. And all those
    that work there know it. No accountability breeds
    success for the contemptuous. There are many other
    stories I can tell of these sadistic enemies of
    Life and God. But nobody seems to care to save
    innocent lives being mass murdered. How come
    chums? Let's all get started on this.. Everyone.
    Please. What if it was your mom? Forward this
    information. please.. let's save some innocent lives.

    To the Honorable Health Minister of Manitoba

    Hello.. I have disturbing news to tell, of my mother, Jennie Kinal, being first degree murdered at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Center, ward 4H. What is the evidence? Dr. Colister, on the day he committed this murder, March 8th, speaks to me as
    recorded, that, wouldn't I like to approve something unheard of, to stop my mother's congestion? (To have him not take the blame for her soon death no doubt.). I respond, as recorded, that no. Such quackery will do nothing TRULY to alleviate my mother'
    s newly acquired contagious condition. At that time, not even knowing what this poison called "Devil's Breath" was, but typically, of all his sadistic 'end of life' 'medicines', they are clearly
    poisons to murder anyone as healthy with. Of which he does routinely as mass murdering psychopath. Importantly, he with his partner, does not disagree with my astute medical assessment.. and leaves stating to my mother and me, that he will allow her to
    recover without new poisons offered that day.. But does so secretly.. According to the night nurse, as recorded in the medical record, showing me the order herself, for 'Devil's Breath' to be given to Jennie as needed.. Needing they did, Dr. Colister and
    the day nurse, Colette, to administer the lethal shot when I wasn't present.. For I would have told.. Dr. Colister, and Dr. Chisic told no new poisons to attempt murder once more would be
    offered for that day.. of March 8th.. For I had explained such wickedness, will do nothing but harm my beloved mother. hey hated me for being wise, exposing their falsehoods, of faith initiatives. In quips I gave, no longer than two or three sentences.
    As they did when I explained this operation of getting everyone stoned with poisons to stop breathing, while depriving life saving treatments is beyond insane.. They would speak of their treason against life and God with grins of pleasure..of our
    powerlessness. Go ask them yourself.. I called it a horror show.. Because it is.. When I would explain, a heroin junkie can feel comfortable starving to death.. they wouldn't as couldn't
    disagree.. Remember, my mother was not suffering from anything, but their poisons.. As her thyroid condition cleared right up.. DUE MY DEMANDS FOR HER MEDICINE, of which they argued near endlessly, as pure wicked evil to not allow.. Told me, a thyroid
    condition of my mothers can not be treated.. as once it's gone.. it's gone.. A LIE.. Proven as so.. as my mother did recover.. Why so apposed? Because a thyroid condition, has the human body retain water.. causing mild hallucinations if not treated..
    Hallucinations lend well to no complaining effectively.. Once she recovered.. she spoke of these "murderers".. she spoke of Delaney punching her in the eye.. she spoke desperately, while I cried..
    to free her of these torturers.. They were so sadistically mean to her.. Knowing no police have entered to investigate for years of formal complaints. See, the doctor the week prior claimed.. sure all Jennie has is some mild back pain.. but he was not
    prepared to stop the Fentanyl.. perhaps for fear, of then Colister coming in with his needle.. that murders all, every single time, save none.. As all of Colister's history, of determining end of life for countless others in no more than 14 days.. .
    Except my mom the month before. It was at that time I went to talk to the teen police at Winnipeg's public safety building, after consulting with the College of Physicians and Surgeons.. who
    recommended the police be brought in, on me catching them FOR SURE, attempting murder the first time on Feb 2.. They just simply refused to do anything.. Not even a single phone call.. Nothing.. I went back.. spoke polite.. on how these teens didn't
    understand the words I'm telling of.. It's so important.. It's life and death.. It's important here to know, they didn't tell that I was in error. And yet still. refused to do anything.. Like call their Dad, or an adult even.. I went again.. and again..
    Then a teen police officer, told me not to come back.. NO REASON GIVEN. I guess she didn't like having to call someone else who can fairly reason. Perhaps it's all due the vaccines.. Anyway..
    we need adult police officers from the RCMP, to consult with Prosecutors with scientific minds to know this was no accident.. but willful first degree murder.. When I caught them the first time.. The Hospital did not call for an investigation.. they
    just threatened me to not divulge the information.. or they would give us all the what for.. Fear is not in me however. Perhaps to a fault.. I demand Justice must come, to see these murderers spend a life time behind bars.. I hope I am making myself
    clear.. These crimes have occurred for many years.. due the struggle with most in time to understand.. Look at my story.. I knew, as proven, they had tried to murder my mother.. and yet.. what

    [continued in next message]

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