More of my philosophy about the ideological fight between communist
China and the West..
I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I think i am really smart, and i say that in the ideological fight
between communist China and the West, it is that the West has to
make this not so mature Democracy in the West, as in USA, into a much
more mature Democracy by for example making the governance much more meritocratic, since i think that Donald Trump governance was a bad move
that hurt a lot Democracy, since Donald Trump was not enough educated
and was not enough experienced , so he has made big mistakes that have
brought big problems to Democracy, and of course the West has to offer a
good education to people, and i think that we have not to be too
pessimistic about capitalism as not being enough meritocratic, since as
i just said, that in capitalism, intelligence, skill, and hard work will certainly get you far in richness and success, read it below so that to understand
my views (and stay tuned since i will talk more about capitalism in my
next posts):
More of my philosophy about the study that reveals the Richest people
are never the most talented and more..
I have just said yesterday that capitalism is not yet fully
meritocratic, and so that to understand it, you can read my following
I invite you to read the following interesting article:
A 40-Year Scientific Study Reveals the Richest People Are Never the Most Talented (and Why That's a Really Good Thing)Yep: The smartest, most
talented people almost never reach the highest peaks of success.
Read more here:
So as you have just noticed by reading the above interesting article
that a 40-Year scientific study reveals the Richest people are never the
most talented, but it says more precisely that intelligence, skill, and
hard work will certainly get you far in richness and success, but the
most successful people are never the most talented, since an element of
luck is evolved, and this element of luck is mostly seizing a "lucky" opportunity, like being at the right place at the right time, meeting
the right person, reacting to an opportunity in the right way.
More of my philosophy about the wich reforms to have and more..
I am not for the radical form, where we have to re-engineer the human
condition by the centralized planning and large-scale social
engineering, since i think this way of doing has not worked so
efficiently, but i am for introducing appropriate, rational reforms into society and then to undertake evidence-based assessments, and as you
have noticed i am for the democratic, but for the meritocratic and the technocratic, and what i mean is that it has to be democracy, but with meritocracy and technocracy that makes like the evolutionary algorithm converges efficiently towards the global optimum, so you are
understanding my way that needs the being smart and being good
experience and the being the good education, and as you notice i am also
coming with more and more of my ideas of my philosophy and with my new monotheistic religion and with my new proverbs etc.
More of my philosophy about the far-left and about the PLO and about
Yasser Arafat..
I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I think i am really smart, and i have just said that Yasser Arafat was
the far-left, and here is more logical proof of it, read carefully the following article that says:
"Among other things, the translated archival sources confirm
Chamberlin’s findings: for communist leaders in the Eastern Bloc, the
PLO was, indeed, a fellow standard-bearer of the socialist revolution,
fighting for the same cause. As a result of this affinity, the Romanian Communist Party duly provided Arafat with support and advice about
political, ideological, organizational, and diplomatic matters."
Read more here:
And also read the following on wikipedia, it says the following:
"Arafat aligned the PLO with the Communist and Nasserist Lebanese
National Movement (LNM)"
Read more here so that to notice:
And read my previous thoughts:
More of my philosophy about Palestine and about was Yasser Arafat the
far-left or not..
As you have just noticed i just said, read below, that Yasser Arafat was
the far-left that was not liked by USA, and this is understandable since
he was the left that was using the mechanisms of the far-left such as
being this anti-imperialism that was much more violent, and this was counter-productive since this was bringing extremists in the other side
in the government of Isreal, and Yasser Arafat was not liked by USA
so this was not helping palestinians or this was causing a lot of
problems to Palestinians.
More of my philosophy about Israel and about Palestine and more..
I think i am smart, and i will say that when you have a high IQ like
mine you will know how to solve the problem between Israel and
Palestine, first you have not to talk about the consequences of
the problem, so you have to talk about the causes of the problem,
and the causes of the problem is for example that Yasser Arafat was not
liked by USA since he was part the extremist hard left or far-left as
was the Syrian government, and the hard left or the far-left was much
more violent, so it was causing extremism in the other side of Israel by bringing more violent extremists to government, it is like what is
happening today with the Israel government, since the Prime minister of
Israel today that is called Naftali Bennett is an extremist hard-liner
of the "far-right" of the politics, so he is much more violent like the far-left, so what has happened so that such an extremist premier
minister is governing today Israel? i think that it is like what was
happening in the time of Yasser Arafat, i mean that Yasser Arafat was
the far-left that was much more violent, and today there is the Islamist political party of Hamas that is an extremist political party that is
governing a part of Palestine, so then so that to solve the problem is
that Hamas must accept to not govern in the part of Palestine, and
Palestine must not be governed by extremists such as the far-left such
as Yasser Arafat, and Iran has not to help such Islamist political
parties such as Hamas so that we get rid of the extremists in the Israel government, and i think that after that we will easily solve the
problems between Israel and Palestine.
More of my philosophy about Algeria and Syria and such countries and more..
I invite you to look at the following video of an algerian journalist
that is taking refugee in France from his persecusion in Algeria by the algerian government, so look at him carefully in the following video:
Le régime algérien commence la nouvelle année 2022 avec une sévère condamnation des experts de l'ONU
I think that France and Morocco and this above journalist are
not knowing how to handle or manage the problem with the dictatorship of
the Algerian government, since i think that causes of the problem that
causes dictatorship in Algeria is also the problem of the divide between Islamists and berbers or berberists and arabists that pushes the
government in Algeria at remaining a distatorship government, so it is
this divide of Islamists and berbers or berberists and arabists that is
causing the problem in Algeria, so when France or Morocco talks about
there problem with Algeria, they are not talking correctly since they
are talking about the "consequences" of the causes of the problem as is
doing it the journalist above, but i think that the problem that is the
main cause of dictatorship in Algeria is the problem of the divide such
as between berberists and islamists and arabists, so this is the main
problem that is causing the problem in Algeria, since the arabist
government of Algeria wants to be arabism since it doesn't want to be
the kind of division that is brought by berbers and berberists or
islamists, so it wants to be part of the much greater and much united
and powerful Arab world, and the arabists or arabs in Algeria are 75% of
the population and the berbers and berberists are 25% of the population
in Algeria.
More of my philosophy about division of Labor and about quality and
about productivity and about specialization and more..
I am a white arab, and i think i am smart since i have also
invented many scalable algorithms and algorithms..
I have talked about division of Labor and about specialization, but
notice that when you become much older and you are not too specialized
and you accumulate much more deeper and much more general experience and knowledge and you become an architect or Chief Technology Officer or
such, it is also excellent, you can for example notice it by reading the following about Intel that is hiring and rehiring those types of
architects and veterans so that to be successful:
Shlomit Weiss returns to Intel as Head of Chip Development
Read more here:
And about division of Labor and productivity, read my following thoughts:
So i will ask a philosophical question:
How to manage efficiently complexity ?
I think you can manage complexity by the “divide and rule” approach
to management, which also leads to hierarchical division of large organisations, or wich also leads to the Division of "labour", you can
read more about the Division of labour here:
Also you can manage complexity by using constraints, such as laws, road
rules and commercial standards, all of which limit the potential for
harmful interactions to occur, also you can manage complexity by using
higher layers of abstraction such as in computer programming, and we can
also follow the efficient rule of: "Do less and do it better" that can
also use higher level layers of abstraction to enhance productivity and quality, this rule is good for productivity and quality, and about productivity: I have also just posted about the following thoughts from
the following PhD computer scientist:
Read more here his thoughts about productivity:
And i think he is making a mistake:
Since we have that Productivity = Output/Input
But better human training and/or better tools and/or better human
smartness and/or better human capacity can make the Parallel
productivity part much bigger that the Serial productivity part, so it
can scale much more (it is like Gustafson's Law).
And it looks like the following:
About parallelism and about Gustafson’s Law..
Gustafson’s Law:
• If you increase the amount of work done by each parallel
task then the serial component will not dominate
• Increase the problem size to maintain scaling
• Can do this by adding extra complexity or increasing the overall
problem size
Scaling is important, as the more a code scales the larger a machine it
can take advantage of:
• can consider weak and strong scaling
• in practice, overheads limit the scalability of real parallel programs
• Amdahl’s law models these in terms of serial and parallel fractions
• larger problems generally scale better: Gustafson’s law
Load balance is also a crucial factor.
So read my following thoughts about the Threadpool to notice that my
Threadpool that scales very well does Load balance well:
About the Threadpool..
I have just read the following:
Concurrency - Throttling Concurrency in the CLR 4.0 ThreadPool
But i think that both the methodologies from Microsoft of the Hill
Climbing and of the Control Theory using band pass filter or match
filter and discrete Fourier transform have a weakness, there weakness is
that they are "localized" optimization that maximize the throughput ,
so they are not fair, so i don't think i will implement them, so then
you can use my following invention of an efficient Threadpool engine
with priorities that scales very well (and you can use a second
Threadpool for IO etc.):
And here is my other Threadpool engine with priorities: