The Sena-BJP clash
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makhanengineer (4 days ago)
This is the time for action ,no lip service can serve our purpose .
think if the same feeling crops in all north india where the people of
mumbai will go?. we cant let the policy of apartheid prosper in this
country this is very dangerous
shamurshamur (1 week ago)
Good action by BJP and RSS. enough is enough . shiv sena and mns are
dividing india on the name of regionalism to gain political mileage.
this hate mongering should be stopped as soon as possible so that
india can progress instead of wasting time in such useless issues
which only satisfies the greed of some power hungry goons and thugs
kndbcs (1 week ago) Good step by BJP and RSS.
...and I am Sid Harth
Maha disaster
Jug Suraiya, 09 February 2010, 08:17 PM IST
As if launching a belligerent campaign against north Indians working
in Mumbai were not enough, the Shiv Sena, even while lifting the ban
on the screening of Shah Rukh Khan's My Name Is Khan, has called the
star a traitor because of his statement that Pakistani players should
have been included in the IPL a view shared by millions of cricket
fans, in Maharashtra and elsewhere in India.
There have been attacks, physical as well as verbal, against north
Indians, so many of whom have contributed so much to making Mumbai the
great city that is. There has been persecution of screen icons like
SRK who've made Mumbai synonymous with Bollywood, the international
movie Mecca which is fast overtaking Hollywood. There has been the
boycott of Pakistani players at the expense of cricket, the biggest money-spinning sport on the subcontinent. What are the Shiv Sena and
the MNS doing?
The answer is simple. In the name of Marathi manoos they are cutting
off their own nose to spite their face. They are taking the Maha out
of Maharashtra. Suppose movie idols like SRK and others who have been targeted by the Sena decide to walk out of Mumbai, taking Bollywood
with them to a more hospitable environment (the upcoming media and film-making hub in Noida would welcome them with open arms). And
suppose enterprise and industry fed up with the Sena's and the MNS's strong-arm parochialism which apart from anything else is bad for
business were to follow suit and go to a more commerce-friendly clime.
What would be left of Mumbai, which today can boast of being the
financial as well as the entertainment capital of the country? If
Bollywood and business were to pull out, Mumbai would be left with
little more than the Thackeray clan, Bal and Raj, and their respective
A far-fetched scenario? Not necessarily. The Thackerays should learn a
lesson from the fate of what is now called Kolkata. At a time when it
was still Calcutta, it could lay claim to being the premier city of
the country in terms of industrial and intellectual activity. Then,
thanks to over a quarter century of uninterrupted Marxist rule which encouraged irresponsible labour unionism and stifled commercial and
economic activity, Calcutta witnessed a flight of capital and talent,
and became a stagnant backwater.
It was not just businessmen and industrialists, but also professionals
in the media and other fields who left Calcutta as economic refugees.
I know; I was one of them.
What happened to Calcutta can happen to Mumbai if the two Thackerays,
Bal and Raj, competing with each other in populist chauvinism, have
their way. Will the Marathi manoos in whose name these two demagogues
are doing their best to turn a vibrant metropolis into a provincial
ghetto allow the Thackerays to get away with this hijacking of their
city? Will the Marathi manoos whom the Thackerays claim to represent
allow them to turn Maharashtra into Maha-disaster?
It's time that the silent majority among Marathi manoos decent, hard- working, accommodating as all Indians by nature and tradition tend to
be until they are misrepresented by unscrupulous politicians who
falsely claim to speak on their behalf stood up and disowned such
ruinously narrow-minded and short-sighted leaders who are leading them
to disaster.
What do you say? Particularly if you happen to be Marathi. Especially
if you happen to be Marathi.
Should super-chauvinists be allowed to hold Mumbai to ransom by threat
of violence, and by doing so call into question India's integrity as a
nation which guarantees equal rights to all its citizens? If they can
- and will - do this, is there that great a difference between them
and the perpetrators of 26/11? Who's the traitor, then?
Kuldeep Patil -Marathi-Kolhapur pune says:
February 10,2010 at 12:51 PM IST
We Marathi Indians are extreamly sad with this thakare clan.. so that
we intensionally kept them away from power inspite we were not happy
with Congress.. Our think is- Bad people are better than worst [We
dont have other option]. We have never told Raj or Bal T to care for
us...we have always welcomed modest outsiders and we will continue...
Things currently happening are black days of Mahrashtra/India
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Rajiv says:
February 10,2010 at 12:52 PM IST
I want all these chaos, that Thackerays are creating in Mumbai, to
intensify extremely.
With every nonsense that they're perpetrating, Mumbai is inching
towards becoming an independent state.
We know, huge unplanned migration is a genuine issue in Mumbai, but
what Senas are doing is not the solution, they're rather pollution of
the city. And taking on a great Indian like SRK on such a silly thing
going up to the extent of calling him traitor and all has crossed all
the limits. It exposed Sena that they're nothing but brinless gundas.
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Pradeep Phadke says:
February 10,2010 at 12:52 PM IST
Your article is thought provoking. But let me put some "Marathi" views. First let me give you my impression
of KOlkata. I visit that city 3-4 times a year and I find that there
is nothing wrong vis-a-vis general life quality. Moreover the city has retained its Bengali culture and middle class Bengali values. You move
around and realize that Bengali language is the medium of
communication. People may not be materially rich but are generally
satisfied. Bengal may create fewer jobs but 95% of those go to the
locals. More ambitious may move to Mumbai or Delhi but when they go
there they do not create nuisance and usually live peacefully. Now
look at Mumbai. The city creates large number of employment
opportunities but 95% go to people who come from outside the state.
Such influx adds to the pressure on city infrastructure. Large
percentage of this import is from UP and Bihar and they not only bring
their dirty habits (eve teasing being the most prominent, theft,
etc)but refuse to adopt the local value system. They are arrogant
because they can do their business in HIndi unlike say in Kolkata or
Chennai. Adopting the 3-language formula honestly was a big folly of Maharashtra.100% Marathis can speak and read HIndi but that now is
becoming a disadvantage. If the engine that creates opportunities
(Mumbai and to some extent Pune) and the benefits do not reach the
locals then what is the use of that engine. Let that go out to any
other place as it will make no difference to the locals. In fact the unnecessary crowding will be arrested. And, frankly with all this talk
of hostility from SS and MNS is there any place worth the name in
INdia where either Bollywood or Corporate India can move? THe solution
lies in respecting local rights, values, culture. The "cosmopolitan" does not mean that the outsiders have
only right to criticize what is local without contributing in any way
other than money.
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(Reply to Pradeep Phadke)- Saurav says:
February 11,2010 at 12:23 AM IST
Great answer Pradeep
(Reply to Pradeep Phadke)- rakesh says:
February 10,2010 at 02:32 PM IST
i completely agree pradeep....good reply....
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(Reply to rakesh)- ankita says:
February 10,2010 at 11:08 PM IST
this is absolutely true!!!!! respect the state, its people and
language!!!! and it ll respect and love you!!!!!! not only the case
with maharashtra but any state of india!!coz every state is unique and
its culture should be respected!!!
Agree (1)
(Reply to Pradeep Phadke)- Rupesh Mohite says:
February 10,2010 at 04:29 PM IST
Great Commets, Pradeep
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(Reply to Pradeep Phadke)- Rupesh Mohite says:
February 10,2010 at 04:26 PM IST
Nice Comments, Pradeep!
3 Cheers for our Glorious Maharashtra!!!
Hemant(marathi manoose) says:
February 11,2010 at 10:16 AM IST
We all are unnecessoryly straining our grey cells. Sena and MNS has
nothing to do with marathi manoose.The very survival of these parties
depend on such antics like violence and provoking emotions of marathi people.Its matter of bread and butter for this parties.And SRK and
childish media has given them big oppertunity.They should be ignored
in media and stern action should be taken by govt, but maharastra govt
looks unwilling and incapable of doing that.If these people are really concerned about marathi manoose they should do something for thousands
of marathi farmers who are commiting suicide in vidarbha!
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Ashay says:
February 11,2010 at 10:20 AM IST
The problem today in major cities of Maharashtra is slums and almost
95% of the slums in the Mumbai and mjor cities in the state are
created by migrants from UP and Bihar. No doubt the locals are
agitated on this. The government land is illigally occupied by the immigrants. I dont know what UP and Bihar government has to say on
this. These migrants are not adding any value to Mumbai or the state
but are only a liability on state government. Being born and bought up
in Mumbai and being a Mumbaikar can feel the pinch of what the city
was and what it has become. Its high time now the migration must stop.
Mumbai has always accepted every one with open arms and hence it has
grown but now its bursting. The crime rate is up because of the
migrants and the development is halted cause of non avaibility of
Agree (1)
Kalyan Mumbai says:
February 11,2010 at 10:28 AM IST
This article is so biased. Why Congress dont focus that why people
from UP and Bihar have to migrate. Even we (Maharashtrians) dont hate
anyone but if someone comes from UP, Bihar since his land is taken by landlord, and he along with his few friends start selling 'pakoras' on footpath in front my balconies, what should I do? To be frank my
neibour who is originally from UP is also fed up of these junks. And
its the reality.
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kiran kulkarni says:
February 11,2010 at 10:30 AM IST
The biggest step that should be taken to improve the relations between
Hindus and Muslims in India is to understand the root cause--which is
nothing but few (or most) of you supporting Pakistan. I am a proud
Hindu and I will respect any Muslim who is a proud Muslim. However,
this does not matter to me as long as we all are Proud Indians. We do
not need "ambassadors of Islam" as so called Mr.
King Khan ‘SRK’ claims to be. We need ambassadors
of India to make India a stronger, safer and prosperous place.
Agree (2)
priya says:
February 11,2010 at 10:41 AM IST
Dear all
I read a few comments and then felt that the topic was just taken away
form what it was. Before pointing fingers at others we should first
make sure that we are correct ourselves. We all are Indians first.I
belong to Delhi and a lot of delhites have problems with workers
migrating from UP and bIhar, even I dont seem to like it. I talked a
few people about it and then found the real cause of troubles. Why
should I hate them?? R they competing with me for my job?? IS ther
traffic because of them ?? or dot ehy pick up stuff from the same shop
before i reach there....or bec they clog the hospitals??? The answere
to all these is NO. They are usually labour class. They cant afford
what we all are looking forward to. They cannot compete with us for
anythig. Then why hate them . rather they r the ones who r workers at
any constrauction, building raods, cleaning sewages...basically jsut
helping us with what we dont want to do ourselve. Saying this, I dont
mean to say that there are not educated people from UP r bihar. The
educated ones mix up so well with the original delhites that m sure no
one has anything to complain about them... But the issue is not
resolved yet. There are homeless people dying on roads....who dont
have even food. Is it their fault?? If only our govt could provide
these people with shelter or job, they wouldnt be bothering us. If the
govt cant do that, then they should have somehow restricted their
migration to delhi, telling them clearly that the govt is unable to
take care of them. Overall, m sure people wud have less things to
complain about.
Something similar is happening in MUmbai.....when indinas are attacked
in australia, its racism...but when northe indians are atacked in
mumbai, its labelled as figting for our own people....none of the
thackerey's came forward to fight for their MUMBAIKARS on 26/11. Where
were they. ??? There are people in the iNdian army who do not belong
to mumabi but were figting for them....Y??
Disagree (2)
priya says:
February 11,2010 at 10:48 AM IST
MUMBAIKARS if feel that they can handle everything by themsleves, then
return the rets back to INdia. WHen kasmir wants freedom its wrong but
when mumbai wnats it...its accepatble. In this democratic country
everyone is aloowed to make a comment, If SRK says somehting, then y
is he made wot apologise to someone...he has alwaya apologised to the
mass if he did something worng. Who is thakarey. Is he our moral
Has he done anything for the one poor ones?? stop blindly fowwlong
stupid like them bec u feel he is doing good for mumbai. he is doing
al this nonsense to stay in limelight, win in elections ad them eat
away all the money he is given for area development. he wasnt loyal to
his uncle thakcrey....he isnt loyal to his nation ( the nation who
preaches us to love everyone) then u think he;s loyal to u
people....non sense....people pls wake up...lets stop fighting amongst ourselves. IF U R GOOD ,THEN SUCCES WIL COME RUNNING AFTER YOU...u
dont need any reservation for that.......pls lets be united n stand up agiasnt such politicans who r trying to divide the counrty....
Disagree (2)
mohan says:
February 11,2010 at 10:51 AM IST
Who has commented this might have very filmy mind.Even also he thought
of SRK & other leaving Mumbai.Also he called Mumbai Meeca due
to SRK................
What yaar.., what is in your mind?
Was not Mumbai/Bombay there when no one know SRK?And also Mumbai is
not only for bollywood but for more than that.
Well i am not against SRK also i admire him,but the way this man has
written this blog need ignorance,how much a good editor he may be!
Ragini says:
February 11,2010 at 10:55 AM IST
The day is not far when Bollywood will shift to Noida. Credit will go
to SS and MNS
Agree (3)
Anana Parmarkar says:
February 11,2010 at 11:00 AM IST
Also,statements made by Rahul Gandhi like "All Indians are one", "Indians should be free to live in any part of India" do not mean a goddamn thing.These are just pandering statements made for the cow belt masses and do not take into account
the finer aspects of mass migration and it's impacts on communities.
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sachin says:
February 11,2010 at 11:23 AM IST
mumbai will never become kolkatta.We will not have problem who goes
and who comes in.We are capable to take care of ourselves.If entire
film industry goes to Delhi it will be welcome step for us.Atleast
marathi culture will be saved which is getting ruined day by day..
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harvard gomes says:
February 11,2010 at 11:31 AM IST
qhy r u cesnoring comments liek a fascist and pretending to be holier
than thou? . so publish this.hey suraiya where do u and toi hide when
mms makes comments like muslims have first claim on resources and when
hindus were cleansed out of kashmir .now dont axe this like a
fanatic.atleast sena does not lecture and then do the same thing that
they lecture against.u guys pretend to be concerned about rights and
then suppress the opposite view whcih is far more truthful than yours
unless u can rebutt it.and if u axe this u are a hypocrite and atleast
the sena is not.
u r both a fascist for censoring this and a hypocrite which sena is
Agree (3)
kRUSH says:
February 11,2010 at 12:11 PM IST
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Piyush says:
February 11,2010 at 12:15 PM IST
The Shiv Sena has no right to represent the marathis in a wrong way.
And who elected these stupid narrow minded people? I'm myself a
Marathi and totally oppose the thoughts of shiv Sena. It's time for
the government to ban the Shiv Sens who is deteriorating the image of Maharashtra.
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Shah says:
February 11,2010 at 12:16 PM IST
Its a time for Youth of India to get together. Vote right people.
Throw out goons, corrupt, and dictators, who want to divide India for
their cheap interests.
Mumbai is beautiful and Indian Youths should take responsibility to
make other parts of India too like Mumbai. Educate more and more
people you know around you. Enable them to take right decision.
Don't be afraid of these cheap goons. They are too little to take over
power of current Indian Youths.
Agree (1)
amol nikam says:
February 11,2010 at 12:38 PM IST
why shahrukh is so adamant?why he is making statements that doubts his national integrity?when ipl made it very clear that no pak player will
play in this edition,why shahrukh is going in public and showing his
pak prem?in u.s.he says pakistanis r good neighbours,what he wants to
say ?its ridiculous!u r so called brand ambassitor of our country and
u r saying this?why?only becouse ur film should make money outside india?shame on u shahrukh.
Agree (4)
mandar says:
February 11,2010 at 12:45 PM IST
Mr writer
Nice article. But its all hyped media hype..
I am maharashtrian, indian first ..Mumbai is safest for all------but
we dont welcome migrants anymore .
SRK Why he is so fond of pakis? IPL or no one cares if pakis are thr
or not . wat it SRK;S family was present during 26/11 or stuck in that
event would he be again have red carpets for pakis
We will not forget or forgive for 26/11 it was attack on india.
To all my friends migration is issue..
wat senas saying locals should get or 100% prefrence in jobs wats
wrong in that?
SRK ABU AZMI STAYING IN MUMBAI For 20 years and u cant speak marathi?
thats shameful
intention is not to learn .
Instead of blaming senas why cant all wise ppl blame bihar up's
exortion poor castism poor mindsets bad politics naxalits
bihar up are most backward states in india. why cant central govt
SRK Should stop barking as he is just actor not god as media is showcasing.should be careful in future about commenting on pakistan.
Agree (3)
Unmesh says:
February 11,2010 at 12:47 PM IST
The media is unncesarilly spoiling MNS's image. They have not said a
single word in this issue. And if SRK is deeply hurted (because of nonselectivness pakistani players in IPL) then why did he choose Shane
bond & didnt pick up any of the Pakistani player? He still has
a time & cancel the tie with other foreign players &
replace them with pakistanis. He himself has invited the controversy & has to face it. One should be extremely conscious (about his
words) when you speak in Mumbai. It is not only the capital of
Maharshtra but also the homeland of Shivsena & MNS. Nobody has
a power to challenge Bal thackeray & I think SRK will have to elaborate to Shivsena chief about what he has said.
Agree (4)
sandeep says:
February 11,2010 at 12:53 PM IST
we talk about Indians being attacked in Australia and feel hurt about
it, but look at our own country what shiv sena is doing to devide
india is that not racism ?
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iNDIAN Fighter says:
February 11,2010 at 12:56 PM IST
He will not approve i think so
the article has been deleted many times....!
Shah says:
February 11,2010 at 01:00 PM IST
Its a time for Youth of India to get together. Vote right people.
Throw out goons, corrupt, and dictators, who want to divide India for
their cheap interests.
Mumbai is beautiful and Indian Youths should take responsibility to
make other parts of India too like Mumbai. Educate more and more
people you know around you. Enable them to take right decision.
Don't be afraid of these cheap goons. They are too little to take over
power of current Indian Youths.
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Yogesh Shastri says:
February 11,2010 at 01:07 PM IST
Dear Jug,
A lot has been written about Sena's hatred and Rahul's love for India.
SRK's comment about Pakistani players is also being debated
intellectually. For a moment, I urge all readers to take a pause, stop
and think.
Why these issues arise at all? These issues arise, because common man
is frightened.
He is frightened of SRK inviting pakistani players as some might carry
AK-47s with them (You know I can't trust them after what happened at
Kargil and Mumbai. Look at what thier home minister is saying day in
and day out.
The common man is also frightened of Rahul visits. He can also look
into the great Rahul deception. You can do whatever when you are
surrounded by Z-plus security personnel. But what about getting beaten
by Sainiks while trying to make a daily living, without an ATM card?
The common man is also frighetened of whether he will be able to
survive in this Mayanagri with escalating prices and deteriorating employement opportunities. He also worries if his next generation
would be able to get a decent job or even education with the
reservations being done in educational institutes and jobs.
Go on Mr. Jug Suraiya. You don't have an inkling on what common man is
going through. Step out of your beautifully decorated and creativity inspiring penthouse and get the grasp of reality. Address the real
issues like poverty, unemployement, illiteracy and apparent
appeasement of certain communities. Quashing or curbing Sena or the
likes is not the solution, as you might already know. Educate people
and give them enough to feed thier families and you know, you'll have
solved a range of problems from naxalism to vandalism. But then it
would not make an intersting article, would it Mr. Jug ? ...and I am Sid Harth
Maha disaster
Jug Suraiya, 09 February 2010, 08:17 PM IST
As if launching a belligerent campaign against north Indians working
in Mumbai were not enough, the Shiv Sena, even while lifting the ban
on the screening of Shah Rukh Khan's My Name Is Khan, has called the
star a traitor because of his statement that Pakistani players should
have been included in the IPL a view shared by millions of cricket
fans, in Maharashtra and elsewhere in India.
There have been attacks, physical as well as verbal, against north
Indians, so many of whom have contributed so much to making Mumbai the
great city that is. There has been persecution of screen icons like
SRK who've made Mumbai synonymous with Bollywood, the international
movie Mecca which is fast overtaking Hollywood. There has been the
boycott of Pakistani players at the expense of cricket, the biggest money-spinning sport on the subcontinent. What are the Shiv Sena and
the MNS doing?
The answer is simple. In the name of Marathi manoos they are cutting
off their own nose to spite their face. They are taking the Maha out
of Maharashtra. Suppose movie idols like SRK and others who have been targeted by the Sena decide to walk out of Mumbai, taking Bollywood
with them to a more hospitable environment (the upcoming media and film-making hub in Noida would welcome them with open arms). And
suppose enterprise and industry fed up with the Sena's and the MNS's strong-arm parochialism which apart from anything else is bad for
business were to follow suit and go to a more commerce-friendly clime.
What would be left of Mumbai, which today can boast of being the
financial as well as the entertainment capital of the country? If
Bollywood and business were to pull out, Mumbai would be left with
little more than the Thackeray clan, Bal and Raj, and their respective
A far-fetched scenario? Not necessarily. The Thackerays should learn a
lesson from the fate of what is now called Kolkata. At a time when it
was still Calcutta, it could lay claim to being the premier city of
the country in terms of industrial and intellectual activity. Then,
thanks to over a quarter century of uninterrupted Marxist rule which encouraged irresponsible labour unionism and stifled commercial and
economic activity, Calcutta witnessed a flight of capital and talent,
and became a stagnant backwater.
It was not just businessmen and industrialists, but also professionals
in the media and other fields who left Calcutta as economic refugees.
I know; I was one of them.
What happened to Calcutta can happen to Mumbai if the two Thackerays,
Bal and Raj, competing with each other in populist chauvinism, have
their way. Will the Marathi manoos in whose name these two demagogues
are doing their best to turn a vibrant metropolis into a provincial
ghetto allow the Thackerays to get away with this hijacking of their
city? Will the Marathi manoos whom the Thackerays claim to represent
allow them to turn Maharashtra into Maha-disaster?
It's time that the silent majority among Marathi manoos decent, hard- working, accommodating as all Indians by nature and tradition tend to
be until they are misrepresented by unscrupulous politicians who
falsely claim to speak on their behalf stood up and disowned such
ruinously narrow-minded and short-sighted leaders who are leading them
to disaster.
What do you say? Particularly if you happen to be Marathi. Especially
if you happen to be Marathi.
Should super-chauvinists be allowed to hold Mumbai to ransom by threat
of violence, and by doing so call into question India's integrity as a
nation which guarantees equal rights to all its citizens? If they can
- and will - do this, is there that great a difference between them
and the perpetrators of 26/11? Who's the traitor, then?
Kuldeep Patil -Marathi-Kolhapur pune says:
February 10,2010 at 12:51 PM IST
We Marathi Indians are extreamly sad with this thakare clan.. so that
we intensionally kept them away from power inspite we were not happy
with Congress.. Our think is- Bad people are better than worst [We
dont have other option]. We have never told Raj or Bal T to care for
us...we have always welcomed modest outsiders and we will continue...
Things currently happening are black days of Mahrashtra/India
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Rajiv says:
February 10,2010 at 12:52 PM IST
I want all these chaos, that Thackerays are creating in Mumbai, to
intensify extremely.
With every nonsense that they're perpetrating, Mumbai is inching
towards becoming an independent state.
We know, huge unplanned migration is a genuine issue in Mumbai, but
what Senas are doing is not the solution, they're rather pollution of
the city. And taking on a great Indian like SRK on such a silly thing
going up to the extent of calling him traitor and all has crossed all
the limits. It exposed Sena that they're nothing but brinless gundas.
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Pradeep Phadke says:
February 10,2010 at 12:52 PM IST
Your article is thought provoking. But let me put some "Marathi" views. First let me give you my impression
of KOlkata. I visit that city 3-4 times a year and I find that there
is nothing wrong vis-a-vis general life quality. Moreover the city has retained its Bengali culture and middle class Bengali values. You move
around and realize that Bengali language is the medium of
communication. People may not be materially rich but are generally
satisfied. Bengal may create fewer jobs but 95% of those go to the
locals. More ambitious may move to Mumbai or Delhi but when they go
there they do not create nuisance and usually live peacefully. Now
look at Mumbai. The city creates large number of employment
opportunities but 95% go to people who come from outside the state.
Such influx adds to the pressure on city infrastructure. Large
percentage of this import is from UP and Bihar and they not only bring
their dirty habits (eve teasing being the most prominent, theft,
etc)but refuse to adopt the local value system. They are arrogant
because they can do their business in HIndi unlike say in Kolkata or
Chennai. Adopting the 3-language formula honestly was a big folly of Maharashtra.100% Marathis can speak and read HIndi but that now is
becoming a disadvantage. If the engine that creates opportunities
(Mumbai and to some extent Pune) and the benefits do not reach the
locals then what is the use of that engine. Let that go out to any
other place as it will make no difference to the locals. In fact the unnecessary crowding will be arrested. And, frankly with all this talk
of hostility from SS and MNS is there any place worth the name in
INdia where either Bollywood or Corporate India can move? THe solution
lies in respecting local rights, values, culture. The "cosmopolitan" does not mean that the outsiders have
only right to criticize what is local without contributing in any way
other than money.
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(Reply to Pradeep Phadke)- Saurav says:
February 11,2010 at 12:23 AM IST
Great answer Pradeep
(Reply to Pradeep Phadke)- rakesh says:
February 10,2010 at 02:32 PM IST
i completely agree pradeep....good reply....
Agree (6)
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Recommend (3)
(Reply to rakesh)- ankita says:
February 10,2010 at 11:08 PM IST
this is absolutely true!!!!! respect the state, its people and
language!!!! and it ll respect and love you!!!!!! not only the case
with maharashtra but any state of india!!coz every state is unique and
its culture should be respected!!!
Agree (1)
(Reply to Pradeep Phadke)- Rupesh Mohite says:
February 10,2010 at 04:29 PM IST
Great Commets, Pradeep
Agree (6)
Disagree (1)
Recommend (3)
(Reply to Pradeep Phadke)- Rupesh Mohite says:
February 10,2010 at 04:26 PM IST
Nice Comments, Pradeep!
3 Cheers for our Glorious Maharashtra!!!
Hemant(marathi manoose) says:
February 11,2010 at 10:16 AM IST
We all are unnecessoryly straining our grey cells. Sena and MNS has
nothing to do with marathi manoose.The very survival of these parties
depend on such antics like violence and provoking emotions of marathi people.Its matter of bread and butter for this parties.And SRK and
childish media has given them big oppertunity.They should be ignored
in media and stern action should be taken by govt, but maharastra govt
looks unwilling and incapable of doing that.If these people are really concerned about marathi manoose they should do something for thousands
of marathi farmers who are commiting suicide in vidarbha!
Agree (1)
Disagree (1)
Ashay says:
February 11,2010 at 10:20 AM IST
The problem today in major cities of Maharashtra is slums and almost
95% of the slums in the Mumbai and mjor cities in the state are
created by migrants from UP and Bihar. No doubt the locals are
agitated on this. The government land is illigally occupied by the immigrants. I dont know what UP and Bihar government has to say on
this. These migrants are not adding any value to Mumbai or the state
but are only a liability on state government. Being born and bought up
in Mumbai and being a Mumbaikar can feel the pinch of what the city
was and what it has become. Its high time now the migration must stop.
Mumbai has always accepted every one with open arms and hence it has
grown but now its bursting. The crime rate is up because of the
migrants and the development is halted cause of non avaibility of
Agree (1)
Kalyan Mumbai says:
February 11,2010 at 10:28 AM IST
This article is so biased. Why Congress dont focus that why people
from UP and Bihar have to migrate. Even we (Maharashtrians) dont hate
anyone but if someone comes from UP, Bihar since his land is taken by landlord, and he along with his few friends start selling 'pakoras' on footpath in front my balconies, what should I do? To be frank my
neibour who is originally from UP is also fed up of these junks. And
its the reality.
Agree (4)
Recommend (1)
kiran kulkarni says:
February 11,2010 at 10:30 AM IST
The biggest step that should be taken to improve the relations between
Hindus and Muslims in India is to understand the root cause--which is
nothing but few (or most) of you supporting Pakistan. I am a proud
Hindu and I will respect any Muslim who is a proud Muslim. However,
this does not matter to me as long as we all are Proud Indians. We do
not need "ambassadors of Islam" as so called Mr.
King Khan ‘SRK’ claims to be. We need ambassadors
of India to make India a stronger, safer and prosperous place.
Agree (2)
priya says:
February 11,2010 at 10:41 AM IST
Dear all
I read a few comments and then felt that the topic was just taken away
form what it was. Before pointing fingers at others we should first
make sure that we are correct ourselves. We all are Indians first.I
belong to Delhi and a lot of delhites have problems with workers
migrating from UP and bIhar, even I dont seem to like it. I talked a
few people about it and then found the real cause of troubles. Why
should I hate them?? R they competing with me for my job?? IS ther
traffic because of them ?? or dot ehy pick up stuff from the same shop
before i reach there....or bec they clog the hospitals??? The answere
to all these is NO. They are usually labour class. They cant afford
what we all are looking forward to. They cannot compete with us for
anythig. Then why hate them . rather they r the ones who r workers at
any constrauction, building raods, cleaning sewages...basically jsut
helping us with what we dont want to do ourselve. Saying this, I dont
mean to say that there are not educated people from UP r bihar. The
educated ones mix up so well with the original delhites that m sure no
one has anything to complain about them... But the issue is not
resolved yet. There are homeless people dying on roads....who dont
have even food. Is it their fault?? If only our govt could provide
these people with shelter or job, they wouldnt be bothering us. If the
govt cant do that, then they should have somehow restricted their
migration to delhi, telling them clearly that the govt is unable to
take care of them. Overall, m sure people wud have less things to
complain about.
Something similar is happening in MUmbai.....when indinas are attacked
in australia, its racism...but when northe indians are atacked in
mumbai, its labelled as figting for our own people....none of the
thackerey's came forward to fight for their MUMBAIKARS on 26/11. Where
were they. ??? There are people in the iNdian army who do not belong
to mumabi but were figting for them....Y??
Disagree (2)
priya says:
February 11,2010 at 10:48 AM IST
MUMBAIKARS if feel that they can handle everything by themsleves, then
return the rets back to INdia. WHen kasmir wants freedom its wrong but
when mumbai wnats it...its accepatble. In this democratic country
everyone is aloowed to make a comment, If SRK says somehting, then y
is he made wot apologise to someone...he has alwaya apologised to the
mass if he did something worng. Who is thakarey. Is he our moral
Has he done anything for the one poor ones?? stop blindly fowwlong
stupid like them bec u feel he is doing good for mumbai. he is doing
al this nonsense to stay in limelight, win in elections ad them eat
away all the money he is given for area development. he wasnt loyal to
his uncle thakcrey....he isnt loyal to his nation ( the nation who
preaches us to love everyone) then u think he;s loyal to u
people....non sense....people pls wake up...lets stop fighting amongst ourselves. IF U R GOOD ,THEN SUCCES WIL COME RUNNING AFTER YOU...u
dont need any reservation for that.......pls lets be united n stand up agiasnt such politicans who r trying to divide the counrty....
Disagree (2)
mohan says:
February 11,2010 at 10:51 AM IST
Who has commented this might have very filmy mind.Even also he thought
of SRK & other leaving Mumbai.Also he called Mumbai Meeca due
to SRK................
What yaar.., what is in your mind?
Was not Mumbai/Bombay there when no one know SRK?And also Mumbai is
not only for bollywood but for more than that.
Well i am not against SRK also i admire him,but the way this man has
written this blog need ignorance,how much a good editor he may be!
Ragini says:
February 11,2010 at 10:55 AM IST
The day is not far when Bollywood will shift to Noida. Credit will go
to SS and MNS
Agree (3)
Anana Parmarkar says:
February 11,2010 at 11:00 AM IST
Also,statements made by Rahul Gandhi like "All Indians are one", "Indians should be free to live in any part of India" do not mean a goddamn thing.These are just pandering statements made for the cow belt masses and do not take into account
the finer aspects of mass migration and it's impacts on communities.
Agree (3)
sachin says:
February 11,2010 at 11:23 AM IST
mumbai will never become kolkatta.We will not have problem who goes
and who comes in.We are capable to take care of ourselves.If entire
film industry goes to Delhi it will be welcome step for us.Atleast
marathi culture will be saved which is getting ruined day by day..
Agree (3)
Disagree (1)
harvard gomes says:
February 11,2010 at 11:31 AM IST
qhy r u cesnoring comments liek a fascist and pretending to be holier
than thou? . so publish this.hey suraiya where do u and toi hide when
mms makes comments like muslims have first claim on resources and when
hindus were cleansed out of kashmir .now dont axe this like a
fanatic.atleast sena does not lecture and then do the same thing that
they lecture against.u guys pretend to be concerned about rights and
then suppress the opposite view whcih is far more truthful than yours
unless u can rebutt it.and if u axe this u are a hypocrite and atleast
the sena is not.
u r both a fascist for censoring this and a hypocrite which sena is
Agree (3)
kRUSH says:
February 11,2010 at 12:11 PM IST
Agree (2)
Disagree (4)
Piyush says:
February 11,2010 at 12:15 PM IST
The Shiv Sena has no right to represent the marathis in a wrong way.
And who elected these stupid narrow minded people? I'm myself a
Marathi and totally oppose the thoughts of shiv Sena. It's time for
the government to ban the Shiv Sens who is deteriorating the image of Maharashtra.
Disagree (3)
Recommend (1)
Shah says:
February 11,2010 at 12:16 PM IST
Its a time for Youth of India to get together. Vote right people.
Throw out goons, corrupt, and dictators, who want to divide India for
their cheap interests.
Mumbai is beautiful and Indian Youths should take responsibility to
make other parts of India too like Mumbai. Educate more and more
people you know around you. Enable them to take right decision.
Don't be afraid of these cheap goons. They are too little to take over
power of current Indian Youths.
Agree (1)
amol nikam says:
February 11,2010 at 12:38 PM IST
why shahrukh is so adamant?why he is making statements that doubts his national integrity?when ipl made it very clear that no pak player will
play in this edition,why shahrukh is going in public and showing his
pak prem?in u.s.he says pakistanis r good neighbours,what he wants to
say ?its ridiculous!u r so called brand ambassitor of our country and
u r saying this?why?only becouse ur film should make money outside india?shame on u shahrukh.
Agree (4)
mandar says:
February 11,2010 at 12:45 PM IST
Mr writer
Nice article. But its all hyped media hype..
I am maharashtrian, indian first ..Mumbai is safest for all------but
we dont welcome migrants anymore .
SRK Why he is so fond of pakis? IPL or no one cares if pakis are thr
or not . wat it SRK;S family was present during 26/11 or stuck in that
event would he be again have red carpets for pakis
We will not forget or forgive for 26/11 it was attack on india.
To all my friends migration is issue..
wat senas saying locals should get or 100% prefrence in jobs wats
wrong in that?
SRK ABU AZMI STAYING IN MUMBAI For 20 years and u cant speak marathi?
thats shameful
intention is not to learn .
Instead of blaming senas why cant all wise ppl blame bihar up's
exortion poor castism poor mindsets bad politics naxalits
bihar up are most backward states in india. why cant central govt
SRK Should stop barking as he is just actor not god as media is showcasing.should be careful in future about commenting on pakistan.
Agree (3)
Unmesh says:
February 11,2010 at 12:47 PM IST
The media is unncesarilly spoiling MNS's image. They have not said a
single word in this issue. And if SRK is deeply hurted (because of nonselectivness pakistani players in IPL) then why did he choose Shane
bond & didnt pick up any of the Pakistani player? He still has
a time & cancel the tie with other foreign players &
replace them with pakistanis. He himself has invited the controversy & has to face it. One should be extremely conscious (about his
words) when you speak in Mumbai. It is not only the capital of
Maharshtra but also the homeland of Shivsena & MNS. Nobody has
a power to challenge Bal thackeray & I think SRK will have to elaborate to Shivsena chief about what he has said.
Agree (4)
sandeep says:
February 11,2010 at 12:53 PM IST
we talk about Indians being attacked in Australia and feel hurt about
it, but look at our own country what shiv sena is doing to devide
india is that not racism ?
Agree (1)
Disagree (3)
iNDIAN Fighter says:
February 11,2010 at 12:56 PM IST
He will not approve i think so
the article has been deleted many times....!
Shah says:
February 11,2010 at 01:00 PM IST
Its a time for Youth of India to get together. Vote right people.
Throw out goons, corrupt, and dictators, who want to divide India for
their cheap interests.
Mumbai is beautiful and Indian Youths should take responsibility to
make other parts of India too like Mumbai. Educate more and more
people you know around you. Enable them to take right decision.
Don't be afraid of these cheap goons. They are too little to take over
power of current Indian Youths.
Agree (1)
Disagree (1)
Yogesh Shastri says:
February 11,2010 at 01:07 PM IST
Dear Jug,
A lot has been written about Sena's hatred and Rahul's love for India.
SRK's comment about Pakistani players is also being debated
intellectually. For a moment, I urge all readers to take a pause, stop
and think.
Why these issues arise at all? These issues arise, because common man
is frightened.
He is frightened of SRK inviting pakistani players as some might carry
AK-47s with them (You know I can't trust them after what happened at
Kargil and Mumbai. Look at what thier home minister is saying day in
and day out.
The common man is also frightened of Rahul visits. He can also look
into the great Rahul deception. You can do whatever when you are
surrounded by Z-plus security personnel. But what about getting beaten
by Sainiks while trying to make a daily living, without an ATM card?
The common man is also frighetened of whether he will be able to
survive in this Mayanagri with escalating prices and deteriorating employement opportunities. He also worries if his next generation
would be able to get a decent job or even education with the
reservations being done in educational institutes and jobs.
Go on Mr. Jug Suraiya. You don't have an inkling on what common man is
going through. Step out of your beautifully decorated and creativity inspiring penthouse and get the grasp of reality. Address the real
issues like poverty, unemployement, illiteracy and apparent
appeasement of certain communities. Quashing or curbing Sena or the
likes is not the solution, as you might already know. Educate people
and give them enough to feed thier families and you know, you'll have
solved a range of problems from naxalism to vandalism. But then it
would not make an intersting article, would it Mr. Jug ? ...and I am Sid Harth
Congress Raj: Mumbai cabbies must know Marathi, have 15-year domicile
Express news service
Posted: Thursday , Jan 21, 2010 at 0443 hrs
Migrants to feel the heat
Maharashtra’s Congress-NCP government today stoked a new controversy involving identity politics by mandating that all applicants for new
taxi permits should know to read and write Marathi, besides
reaffirming an existing rule that they also have to be residents of
the state for at least 15 years.
Although the decision applies to the entire state, it is seen as
mostly relevant to the capital Mumbai where the government has allowed
55,000 taxis to operate in various categories, including the
ubiquitous black-and-yellow Premier Padminis or Fiats which have long
been icons of the city.
However, of the 55,000 permits, only 31,000 are in use officially. And
more than 25,000 of these are the ordinary black-and-yellow variety. A majority of these ordinary taxis are known to be driven by migrants
from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, who were at the receiving end of an anti- migrant campaign by Raj Thackeray’s Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) launched in 2008.
The timing of the decision, which was passed by the state cabinet
today, was surprising. Observers reckoned a political motive was
apparent, but it was not clear what it aimed to achieve. The Congress-
NCP alliance came to power barely three months ago with a bigger
mandate, and is now firmly in the saddle for five years.
Some Congress sources, however, said the move smacked of an attempt to
push the MNS on the backfoot, and strengthen the government’s pro-
Marathi credentials at a time all major political parties in the state
are trying to boost their organization and have launched, or are
planning to launch, major membership drives.
State Transport Minister Radhakrishna Vikhe-Patil, the prime mover
behind the decision, said that Wednesday’s decision would be applied
when the 24,000 permits that have been lying dormant come for
New permits, he said, would be issued only to air-conditioned services operated by fleets and are known as fleet taxis under various brand
names as the government wanted to encourage such services. Mumbai has
a handful of companies offering fleet taxi services who employ
hundreds of drivers from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, although existing
drivers will not be hurt by the new rule.
The new permits would be charged Rs one lakh and would require the
cars to be brand new air-conditioned vehicles, with equipment such as
radio phones and electronic meters with a printer. They would also
need to have a back office or a call centre to support them, he added.
“The permit owner should also know to read and write Marathi,” Vikhe- Patil said.
“We had given taxi owners the chance to renew dormant permits and had
set a deadline of March last year. But very few people came forward to
renew them. Since these permits were lying with us, the decision to
renew them was taken,” Vikhe-Patil said. “These permits would be
issued to fleet taxis and not the regular black-and-yellow
taxis.”Principal Secretary (Transport), C S Sangitrao told The Indian Express that although 24,000 permits were lying dormant, only 4,000
would be renewed this year and all of them would be issued to fleet
A L Quadros, head of the largest union of black-and-yellow taxis in
the city, saw the government decision more as a move to phase out
ordinary taxis. “The government is playing dirty games. Why are they promoting fleet taxis? We have also agreed to start a call centre,
we’re gradually upgrading the fleet to newer models,” he said.
While the Shiv Sena and the BJP welcomed the move, state Congress
spokesman Anant Gadgil sought to downplay its political implications
by saying that the party was only extending a rule that existed in
various other sectors in the state. He also said that the rule did not restrict the permits to Maharashtrians and they were available to
anyone living in the state for 15 years and could speak the local
The MNS did not react to the move and said Raj Thackeray would likely
speak about it on Thursday.
Cab linguistics
By: ashok | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 14:50:11 PM
Sad, regressive, unIndian.
Congress Raj: Mumbai cabbies must know Marathi, have 15-year domicile
By: jagadishachappa | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 14:36:28 PM
where is rahul gandhi.the young political leader.langauge should not
be a india that to in karnataka any one can survive without
local language.i think in karnataka also sme procedure should be
implemented for the sake of votesssssssssssssss.
British Policy in india again
By: Mohammed Ismail | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 14:32:56 PM
what is happeing in Mumbai that is not acceptable in india every
citizen had the right to leave where the want to leave and speak which
ever the language the want that means throw all the maharastians from
all the state who are settle there ..what the Goverment wating for
tomorrow the may want seprate state like mumbai the goverment wating
that to happen..
Congress of all the parties!
By: Parth | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 14:28:51 PM
A person doing business in any state has to learn the language spoken
there to boost his business. After all he has to deal with the people
there who mostly speak a particular language. If he doesn't, he will
have to suffeer. But making it compulsory is simply a nonsense.
Strange that such a thing is being devised by Congress, a party that
is national and claims to be most accommodating. If Congress stoops to
divide the people thus for votes, it is most unfortunate for the
country. The step must immediately be withdrawn in the party as well
as national interest.
By: romesh.sharma | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 16:52:52 PM
Mr Parth,It sounds as if you have some doubts about Congress politics
for you say"If Congress stoops to divide the people"while creating divisions,haterd and animosities among people through colourful means
is the only Major policy of this socalled National Party.congress had
been stooping and will stoop to cheating and everything from where/
whom they can get support/votes.Congress before couple of decades had
some political morals but now this is a kind of mafia,a cabal of
traitors governing India.No morals scruples,no pride,no principles,no agenda,no patriotism but trait and deception covered under white lies
is their character.
Need reform
By: Kalhad | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 14:15:44 PM
Indian National Congress, we are thankful for your long service to our nation, its high time to take retirement. Country need a strong
national identity and people who can propagate it. Those who have
narrow outlook need to teach lesson. Is any blood running in our nerve
or it water only. Talk is of no use, we need action. Arise O Bharat.
time running out fast. Morons are looting Bharat Mata. Is it the same
country of shivaji, bhagat singh, vivekanand or we are just creatures,
burden on the Earth.
Nothing wrong in knowing/respect local language
By: Ketan | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 13:57:14 PM
I just do not understand why someone in his sense need to oppose this.
CM has just said new permit holders should know local language. He has
not asked to not to speak any other language. I mean how on the earth development of cities, countries can stop by knowing the local
language. It does not stop you to speak/learn other things. Nothing
wrong in knowing/respect local language
Nothing wrong in knowing/respect local language.
By: ketan | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 13:55:04 PM
I just do not understand why someone in his sense need to oppose this.
CM has just said new permit holders should know local language. He has
not asked to not to speak any other language. I mean how on the earth development of cities, countries can stop by knowing the local
language. It does not stop you to speak/learn other things.
Re: Ketan
By: Avinash Baranwal | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 15:20:02 PM
Because, Mumbai is not run in Marathi only. The working language in
Mumbai is english and not marathi. When why to spend time on sth which
has not impacted anything adversly? As far as local culture is
concerned, how come speaking another language pose a threat to Marathi culture? is marathi so weak? The fact is Ketan, we should spend time
in productive issues and not counter-productive. Does it goes into
your head???
By: MANASH SHARMA | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 12:59:42 PM
It is just dividing the country.For a citizen of INDIA whole country
is his own,he can move any where and do any job,this things are
horrible and surely this will be a obstacle in development of state.Government should take into consideration many other critical
issues rather then wasting time in making such silly laws.
Discrimination against Indians in their own country
By: Ramaguru Prasad Jakkala | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 12:49:06 PM
Is it not discrimination of Indians in their own country? Do we have
any right to question other countries that they can not discriminate
against Indians in jobs or business opportunities? Until we realise
that migration of Indians within India is freely allowed we will
continue to suffer. We tried keeping checkposts to avoid movement of foodgrain across states etc. All wasted effort and did not yield any
results. Which was not the case in old India where people had the
freedom to move from anywhere to anywhere within India even though it
was ruled by many different kings and kingdoms. Today's politicians
for their own selfish gain bring out topics like this to our notice
but we need ignore them. Passing a law is easy, can it be implemented?
Does the Government has the man and machinery to implement it in
spirit? When it comes to laws, India has all laws which the best of
countries may not have, but it is only the implementation where we
fail miserably. I feel this is a stupid idea.
For Unity as Indians
By: sudha asthana | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 12:48:02 PM
All of us are First Indian than Marathi, Gujrati, Panjabi etc. etc. No
need to excitement from this dicision.Please think positively & be
cool, When We go to earn our livelywood, we have to increase our
knowledge about the situation, place, environment as well as the
residents. Out of these the local language also is required to learn,
so that we can adjust in their culture & get love from them. Marathi
language is also our an Indian language. To learn any local language
is not so bad as it will be benficiery for us , because who are
residing there long period, they will learn the local language
automatically. We should learn all the Indian languages with the International language also. When & where we live without knowing
their language how will we understand there intentions & goodwill or
bad will. For safety purposes we should learn every local language
where we like to live as there will be our parental language. So we
should learn our mother tounge & parental tounge also.
No Progress......
By: Mukesh | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 12:39:39 PM
Congress and Rahul Gandhi saying we want to develop a new india. Now
this is a way to develop???? If you want to develop make English
compulsory not a regional language..
Divisive Move - Mr. Jose
By: suhas | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 12:37:23 PM
I would like to ask Mr. Jose. Why all you people are worried. It shows
that your intension living in MUMBAI is not clear. Why you oppose
local language (only Marathi). Why you all are not oppossing begali,
telgu, kerala etc etc local language, where all sing are mention in
local language. Maharashtra had accomodate all the people coming from
india. You all have to respect the Maharashtra and Maharashtra
dicisive move
By: democrat | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 14:07:24 PM
Mr.suhas, will you name any state where this type of rule is existing.
By: democrat | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 12:34:19 PM
This is totally wrong & central govt. should uimmidiatly intervene.
otherwise this will give further rise to regionalism being advocated
by ss/mns.I fail to understand who prohibits locals from driving
taxies.who is state govt to force locals to drive taxies ,if they are
not intrested. This indicates that tyhe state govt is interfetring
with the fundamental rights of the citizens. It is the poloticians who
have created all the mess which INDIA is facing today. The post-
indipendence leaders consilidated INDIA as one & todays politicains
are breaking INDIA in pieces with their this type of sense-less deeds.
Dirty Games
By: Neha Shah, Mumbai | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 12:30:55 PM
the congress seems to be delighting in playing dirty games, following
the adage of divide and rule. It is high time indians stop allowing
these jokers to rule us and divide us on basis of vote banks. they are
not interested in the progress of the state, just progress of thier
personal wealth. the time is right to show these corrupt politicians
the true meaning of democracy, where power lies with the people..Jaago
Ugly Decission
By: Sathya | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 12:28:02 PM
It's an ugly decision made by the congress to snub MNS and shiv sena.
It is clearly showing that congress is heading towards vote bank
politics. It is against the fundamental rights of the citizen of
India. Mumbai had not developed by itself , though it is the economic
capital of our country and it is situated in Maharashtra, "MUMBAI"
belongs to all and every Indian has the right to get settled and toil
for a better life in Mumbai irrespective of the state which he belongs
to and the language he knows . If the UPA govt does not want the
people to migrate for making better opportunity in Mumbai, let them
create better opportunities to every citizen throughout India . It's a
humble request to the UPA govt "Our enemy is different". Let us unite together and face the challenge rather than seperating people based on
the their diversity.Let us stand for "UNITY IN DIVERSITY"
Congress Raj: Mumbai cabbies must know Marathi, have 15-year domicile
By: JB Padhi | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 12:25:53 PM
Everything is okay. One must know the local language from customer's
point of view. BUT the domicile clause should be withdrawn; after all
taxi driving is not a Govt job! It is hard labour. Anyone having a
driving license can drive a taxi anywhere in India. Today I may be a
highly skilled well paid employee but for some reason if I am out of
job then I can always drive a taxi for which I don't need anybody's permission. The CM of Maharashtra should immediately remove the
domicile clause. Driving license is valid all over India. Further more
no State has ever told anyone to have their domicile in order to
travel in their respective State!! What are we coming to?
marathi agonies
By: ahirrao | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 12:23:33 PM
have you ever commented in the same volume against what is happening
in belgaum for last 51 yrs
Perfect Decision
By: P N Mishra | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 12:22:04 PM
See If your are stay in perticular state last 10 year & you want to
continue in like Maharshtra, Tamilnadu Panjab or any other . you
should know the local speak & write. you must accept local speak.& if
you want speak Hindi only then this is not fare to speak only in
Maharashtra state it is all over india. but it is observing that only Maharashtra targetng about local speak. what about south india no
press people want intersted to check in south india side they are not
ready to speak in Hindi then why this people targeting only marathi
people & politions .
Improve ur English first
By: saurabh kumar | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 14:46:32 PM
well besides talking about Marathi or Hindi u need to improve ur English...nobody can figure out what you are trying to say..."Local
speak" - where did this come from?!hahahaha
Improve ur English first
By: saurabh kumar | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 14:46:17 PM
well besides talking about Marathi or Hindi u need to improve ur English...nobody can figure out what you are trying to say..."Local
speak" - where did this come from?!hahahaha
Mumbai Cabbies
By: V arind | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 12:21:31 PM
PM Mr.Manmohan Singh is not a domicile of Assam, nor Sonia Gandhi a
domicile of Rai Bareily not even Rahul Gandhi's place of domicile is
Amethi. Therefore is it not funny and strange that three ruling guns
can get elected from places which are and were neve their places of
domicle while poor migrant needs to be domicile of Maharashtra for 15
years to get a license for TAXI? Apart from Domicile issue does PM
know Assamese, and Sonia and Rahul know Bhojpuri? Congress/NCP is
playing Marathi card in the garb of Domicile and language and people
have to gird up their loins to face tackle this menance.
By: Lata | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 12:19:45 PM
This is ridiculous. I hope there is someone to take this up. What if
other states implement similar rules. In that happens where will the
Marathis go.. And comes to the question of where does a Marathi belong
to? There are Marathi's in Karnataka also. Mr Rahul Gandhi are u
listening ???? I am sure governments have better things to do like
checking increasing prices, poverty etc. I feel disgusted as an Indian
that I am helpless and unable to do anything..
Time to be tolerant.
By: Kailas Kenjale | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 12:17:43 PM
Observations -1.Majority taxidrivers in Mumbai are non maharashtrians.
2.When you try to speak to them in Marathi they make sure that the
reply is in Hindi. 3.Hindi and Marathi both are official languages of
this nation.3.We respect Hindi and do not expect that anybody who come
here as a tourist or who is on a short business tour , need to know/
speak marathi .But we need to differentiate between a guest and a
family member. When Maharashtra has accepted you as a family member it becomes your duty to reciprocate. You are free to talk in any language
at a private place like your home;but it is a minimum expectation that
as a resident of this state at public places you should respect the
official language of the state as well.
Who travel most by Taxi
By: Sanjeev | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 12:16:05 PM
Who travel most by Taxi, is the question to ponder upon. Its mostly
the traveller, who may be from other city, other state, other country.
So once the taxi driver is well versed in marathi, and has been 15
years in the state, will he be trained to talk to Hindi and English
speaking people, then its a good move. If no, how do you expect the
traveller to come to the city, or suggest the traveller to learn
marathi and then only come. This move could harm the city's motive of
been the business centre. Govt, should think, if we are uniting the
country or dividing, where they have the rule in the state. There are
other political parties, who lost been too close to the state language people, they only disowned them. Please stop fuelling the issues which
lead to nowhere. Taxi is for travelling, and is mostly used by the
people who are new to the place. If one knows marathi well to speak to
Taxi, he can take a bus or train.
Congress in Maharashtra has always played the double games
By: Naim Naqvi | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 12:15:40 PM
Congress in Maharshtra has always played the dubious games. Its worst
than Shiva Sena and MNS. The two saffron outfits play their cards
open. It was Congress that founded Shiva Sena under V.P. Naik.
Congress which has taken no action at Sri Krishna Commission Report.
It is Congress who is behind the MNS DRAMAS of Marathi Manus. Of all
the states run by Congress, Maharashtra is worst ruled state. Time to
time they remind the Marathi Manus that what we speak in Delhi is not
the same what we want in Maharshtra. In Delhi we just speak under some compulsions but our heart is in the right place. It may be
reservations for Maharashtrians in jobs in Mumbai or the Marathi
language for cabbies, they always test the waters. Congress in
Maharashtra changes colrs with the wind. It's a simple matter between
taxi driver and traveller. Knowing the city is more important. Not all Maharshtrians travel in taxis. It was a silly but cunning howler of
Cong Maha. I think Sonia Ji must have read about it.
Congress in footsteps of Raj Thackeray
By: Varind | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 11:58:49 AM
The real image of Congress/NCP has emerged in Maharashtra. Therefore Congress/NCP government in Maharashtra should be charged under the
same IPC sections in which Raj Thackeray has been charged. Besides,
where are hose fox like cunning politicians who were abusing Raj at
every minute and now they are all like timid rats and keeping mum. Jai
Let's make things straight!
By: Bala | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 11:58:21 AM
Every state should be given the status on par with Kashmir so that
this kind of issue will not be described as anti-national. Having an
Hindi population or any other language population among the majority
Marathi population will only lead to further fragmentations of the
country. It's a wise decision to demand the long time dwellers to
learn the local language.
Divisive politcs by dirty politicians.
By: MT John | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 11:56:44 AM
Unless Court interferes and stop this menace/prevail upon dirty politicians,our motherland is going to get disintegrated.Students are instigated elsewhere for the vested interests of these dirty
politicians and for students these acts of vandalism are thrill and
By: vishal | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 11:55:04 AM
The decision taken is very good. Why everybody always keen on migrant.
Why not consider local people here. Has anybody guts to go in any
south and without knowing local language run taxi there? It is
necessary- if they dont know local launguage how will they communicate
to local people and understand signs on road.. Do this in Tamilnadu -
u will find taxi driver nowhere?
Good move
By: ram | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 11:43:01 AM
This is a welcome move. As a taxi driver, the person should know the
local language, the routes and important places. This is a pre-
requisite to perform their daily jobs effectively without troubling
their customers. I wish, however, that the government would focus on
the comprehensive requirements for making sure the person is fit for
the job; than harp on the language aspect alone.
In maharastra only marathi should be allowed to live else should be
thrown out....this is real congress a partry for unity?
By: Ashwini | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 11:42:48 AM
It is just first snap, later on they will say only Marathi will allow
to live in Maharashtra, what about the Marathi leaving in other
states. It is the party which started giving reservation in the name
of cast/subcaste/religion for the betterment of people. Still the
downtrodden who really need it is deprived off. They talk about child
labour, but most have child home servant as can be easily exploited.
Everyone in this country is looking for tomorrow but not able to see
day after tomorrow, actually this type of activities may help one or
other party but is a dangerous phenomenon for country on whole.
NRM ( Non residential Maharastra )
By: Kamal Digarse | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 11:32:09 AM
This decision is totally wrong & unlawful. Where is a unity? Where is
a fundamental right? What is different between Australia & Maharastra? Australia are taking preventive action to make good environment for
Indian , here Indian state like maharastra making rule%u2019s for non- Marathi to not drive cab in Mumbai. Good Na.
Another Dirty Game
By: Jai | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 11:32:06 AM
This is all about to play a dirty game by Congress-NCP government.
Congress has forgotten those commitments that made for AmmAdmi. Doing
such kind of politics only congress can divide this country and discriminating between peoples.
Fuel to MNS
By: A Mumbaiker | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 11:31:41 AM
Cabbies should speak the language that their passengers understand and
not what the state government would want them to!! This is a bad move
by the government and will only provide fuel to the MNS movites.
Hamare Mumbai
By: M.K.B.NAMBIAR | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 11:30:31 AM
We are waxing eloquent about the indignities indian cabbies are
experincing in Australia and wants the India government to set it
right when in our own backyard attempts are made to esure that only
one particular group takes up the cabbie job and we are unable to do
anything about it except is a case of "physian heal thyself
Cheap Government
By: Nishit Desai | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 11:25:16 AM
What a shame? Are we going back to the 16th century. There is only 1
Country- India and every one has full right to settle down in any part
of the country and carry out business anywhere. Congress is a master
in dividing India when it created Bhindranwale in Punjab and terrorism
in Kahmir and Assam. The LTTE is also a Congress creation. Is the
party creating another such trend in Maharashtra. Is the learned PM
and Ms. Sonia sleeping or is it serving their purpose in Maharashtra
by countering Raj Thackeray. The Congress really creates such bunch of
cheap Chief Ministers. These people need to take lessons from Gujarat
where all are welcomed with open heart for the simple reason that it
creates opportunities in the state by creating more jobs and revenues.
Alas the Congress crooks do not have any business mind. Wake up Mr.
Chavan and learn to kill farmer's suicides including in your own belt
rather than indulging in such cheap dirty games.
This is violation of constitution of India
By: Malay | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 11:24:41 AM
The constitution of India lists basic right of free opportunities to
any body anywhere without any discrimination. The govt. of Maharashtra
has violated the constitution of India by passing restrictive order of Marathi and 15 years residency to be eligible to become taxi driver in
MH. If any body acquires voting right from anywhere, then it should be sufficient for him/her to prove the residency for govt. related job opportunities. In fact taxis are private business not even a govt.
good decision to boost local language
By: tushar | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 11:24:31 AM
good decision .. now Marathi people can do at least taxi driving job.
or migrants will understand the importance of native language. they
will understand what Marathi passenger/police wants say. :)
what about national language
By: saurabh | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 14:52:10 PM
Mr. Tushar..there is nothing to feel happy will just fuel
the hatred for Marathis,..well Cab drivers should learn
Marathi,correct,very correct! but what about Marathis learning
Hindi...come on,its our national language,give some respect to it
Marathi Manus
By: Ankur | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 11:19:58 AM
Looks like maha govt does not want any of marathi manus to rise beyond
Taxi driving..Why not put same rule on starting all business, ask
Ambani's; Birla's to leave they are not Marathi Raj's Kid
should only read in marathi school, why should they go to premier
schools and ruin Marathi asmita
Violation of the Fundamental Rights
By: fajish | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 11:14:54 AM
This is definitely violation of 'Right to Freedom & Right to Equality'
Right to Freedom: * To freedom of speech and expression; * To assemble peaceably and without arms; * To form associations or unions; * To
move freely throughout the territory of India; * To reside and settle
in any part of the territory of India; * to practise any profession,
or to carry on any occupation, trade or business. Right to Equality:
There shall be equality of opportunity for all citizens in matters
relating to employment or appointment to any office under the State.
No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex,
descent, place of birth, residence or any of them, be ineligible for,
or discriminated against in respect of, any employment or office under
the State.
Should not be compulsive
By: Niraj | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 11:14:29 AM
What I think should be mandatory is that the driver should know the
city routs and places, marathi is a added advantage.
Marathi Taxis
By: Anunay Kumar | Thursday , 21 Jan '10 11:07:08 AM
Hindi speaking states should remember the mischief being done by
Congress when the next Election comes.( Bihar in October ) In the
meantime hindi speaking taxi drivers can move to Australia. We want to
make Mumbai the second Shanghai, politicians would make it into
another Nalasapora.
...and I am Sid Harth
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