Biden is the imbecile idol of the Democratic party
Tuana Le@21:1/5 to
All on Mon Oct 31 18:28:02 2022
Hoa Truong, 31.10.2022
The Democratic Communist Party in America is a den of corruption, treason, and other dishonest issues. Mostly, the Democratic politicians exploit the congress, senate, and the White House to do political business, and monetary affairs, including the
businesses overseas like China. Its reason explains that Democratic politicians are rich, so they use politics as a wonderful place to make a profit. Prominent dishonest politicians and RINOs appeared in the public like Joe Biden (including family
members), John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Newsom Gavin, Liz Cheney (RINO), and many political worms. Moreover, the communist stance becomes the backbone of the Democrats, and the pupils of Karl Marx have no patriotism concerns exposed in the hidden communist
party. The people feel hard to find a patriotic politician in Democrats. Nevertheless, loyalty replaces individual favors, the wing, and corruption.
According to the genocide record, the crimes occurred in communist countries after Lenin transformed the crazy theory of Karl Marx into a reality in Russia called the October Revolution in 1917. The dire consequences counted a hundred million people
killed, and a billion people enslaved, plus the Cold War perpetuated from the Second World War until the early 1990s when the Soviet Union, the cradle of communism collapsed. Therefore, communism is not over yet, the vestige called Maoist remains, and
gathered the vassals like Vietnam, North Korea, Laos, and Cuba transformed from the Cold War to the Cool War. The apes of Karl Marx are worse than animals, even the dog can recognize, and compare the food quantity contains in two bowls. Moreover, the dog
waves its tail to show remorse after doing something wrong to apologize to the owner. Therefore, the communists enjoy genocide and pride the crimes as revolutionary morality. Certainly, the communists have never distinguished between wrong and right, so
the human mind and animal instinct rule out the communists.
The tiger snake and Cobra are venomous reptiles, the communists and mongrel communists in democratic countries including the United States reflect the animals that covered human bodies with viral characteristics. The Democratic Party, the left-stream
media, and the left big tech communication companies are comrades with communists in China and other vestiges. In the United States, the Democratic Communist Party appeared as the real face and activities. Moreover, the Democrats produced the 44th
illegal president Barrack Obama, the first Muslim, communist and black man. The people believe Barrack Obama was born in Kenya, not America, and he should be the first US president to be born overseas. The 46th illegal president Joe Biden attempted the
first presidential robbery in US history. Nevertheless, two illegal presidents of the Democratic Communist Party destroyed the United States to the grassroots and created a world crisis. Actually, two illegal presidents are well-known corrupt politicians.
The Democratic politicians prove the apes covered human bodies when they have never realized the mongrel ape Joe Biden told many gaffs to the public. Instead, they are happy to accept and praise the speeches without the involvement of human minds. The
incident reflects the term when a dog barking and others follow, or the French proverb” Le Mouton de Panurge”. Actually, the hidden bosses of the mongrel ape Joe Biden arranged the teleprompter to control, and command the speech of the ape releasing
from the distorted mouth. It is incredible when Joe Biden told to live up 151 years, and served 120 years in politics. Certainly, the Democratic politicians have not reacted, instead, they tried to protect the speeches of their imbecile idol, mongrel ape
Joe Biden. Particularly, the female mongrel ape Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre always sophisticated the speeches of mongrel ape leader Joe Biden after the gaff was exposed.
On October 28, 2022, during delivering a speech in Pennsylvania, the mongrel ape leader Joe Biden told that he campaigned in 54 states in 2018 to defend Obamacare. Once again, the ape’s speech reflects the animal-covered human body with viral
characteristics that have never been accepted in the United States and the world. Even a student in primary school in the US can know exactly the United States has 50 states. Certainly, if Joe Biden tests the US citizen, Biden failed. The world laughs
plus disdains the so-called label of the US president Joe Biden doesn’t know the numerous states, how could Joe Biden manage the world’s superpower? The incident proves the White House has had no US president since January 20, 2021. Instead, the
illegal president Joe Biden robbed the presidency and the commander-in-chief, so all executive orders and foreign treaties are illegal. Possibly, Joe Biden doesn’t recognize the states in America, therefore, Biden signed the debt, and the lenders
wrongly approved trillions of US dollars for the illegal president and a zombie. However, the Democratic politicians, the RINOs, including the illegal House Select Committee of female mongrel ape Nancy Pelosi have no reaction. Instead, all respect the
speech of their beloved mongrel ape leader. The situation in America is not different from the communist regimes in China, Vietnam, and North Korea. The speeches of leaders like Mao Tse Tung, Hồ Chí Minh, and Kim Il Sung become the golden frame of the
ape herds, despite the communist leaders above committing the genocide.
Despite everyone recognizing the mongrel ape Joe Biden reflects timidity, cowardice, and imbecility. Therefore, the six Justices in the Supreme Court enclosing four RINO Justices, and Mike Pence don’t recognize their imbecile idol Joe Biden has no mind,
including the animal instinct. Nevertheless, 27 medical Dogtors of Harvard and Yale disappeared after the White House robbery, they should hide in an asshole, so they have not claimed their imbecile idol Joe Biden contracted a mental health illness.
The mongrel ape Joe Biden to rule the White House from January 20, 2021, exposes the bush-obscurant constitution of 1871. Certainly, the American people mandated the patriotic President Donald Trump for the second term. Therefore, the six thuggish
Justices and Mike Pence legalized and certified the 46th illegal president Joe Biden to rob the White House, and they kept quiet as a stone while seeing the animal-covered human body control the United States, and leading the world into the crisis
including the Third World War with the nuclear weapons. Certainly, the police have never allowed a drunkard, or drug user to drive a car. Therefore, the mongrel ape Joe Biden is worse than a drunkard, or drug user because Biden has no mind, instead the
viral characteristic. Unfortunately, the Democratic Communist Party, RINOs, and the six Justices in the Supreme Court plus Mike Pence have never recognized the dangerous situation when the presidency and the commander in chief are held by the
presidential robber, a mental health illness, and a live zombie being lost the control.
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