The people in Virginia will expel communist Wexton
Tuana Le@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Jul 15 20:48:06 2022
Hoa Truong, 14.7.2022
The gang has no members is like a crab has no pincers, a political without member becomes the ghost party. China’s Communist Party does need the henchmen in the democratic countries, actually, the henchmen in Western, including the United States would
help China carry out the global hegemonic ambition as the stratagem of Sun Tzu” defeat the enemy by capturing their chief”. The White House robbery on January 20, 2021, needed the henchmen like four RINO Justices in the Supreme Court with Chief
Justice John Roberts, Justice Neil Gorsuch, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and Justice Amy Barrett to dismiss the lawsuits filed against the rigged election in 2020, and the crucial henchman Mike Pence exploited the position of Senate Speaker to certify the
306 fraudulent electoral colleges of Sleepy Joe Biden. Nevertheless, the Congress and Senate are controlled by the Democratic Communist Party, so corrupt king, treasonous specialist Joe Biden robbed the presidency of the patriotic President Donald Trump
with the protection of Democratic congress, Senate, and the major Justices in the Supreme Court, and the 46th illegal president Joe Biden, and the 49th illegal vice president Kamala Harris is confident to rule the United States with the bush law. The
American people were humiliated when the White House has no president and vice president, instead of the presidential robber Joe Biden, and the vice presidential robber Kamala Harris. The world and allies distrust the US and laugh at the farting zombie
Joe Biden and the laughing zombie Kamala Harris. After January 20, 2021, the locomotive’s America train was robbed by Blue Donkey MAFIA gang with the bandit members are the Democratic Representatives and Senators become the solid constitutional
fundament guarantees Joe Biden avoids the impeachment based on the 25 Amendment, and Joe Biden continues to sell the US for China’s Communist Party, recently, Joe Biden donated the US reserved oil to China while Hunter Biden does the business in the
mainland. The treason and corruption of the 46th illegal president Joe Biden are protected by Congress, Senate, and the major Justices in the Supreme Court.
The United States is humiliated by the White House robbery on January 20, 2021, the corrupt politicians of Democrats, and RINOs transform the national services into a political business. Every Representative of the Democratic Communist Party is a corrupt
politician, and Democratic Representative Jennifer Lynn Wexton of the 10th congressional district of Virginia has been involved in the thuggish affairs of the presidential robber Joe Biden, the treasonous policies.
The people in Virginia know Representative Wexton represents the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang in the district, she does nothing to help the people. Instead, she endorses the kneeling congress to pay the respect of felony George Floyd, the public denouncement
focusing on Donald Trump, the former White House aides like Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro, including the white people and other ethnic groups like Asian, Latino, and the white students. Representative Jennifer Lynn Wexton and Democratic congress back the
hell of communist re-education camp applied in Washington D.C with 750 innocent prisoners incarcerated after the sham riot created by Democrats and political sorceress Nany Pelosi arrayed on January 6, 2021. Moreover, Jennifer Lynn Wexton supports the
illegal House Select Committee, a form of people’s court in the communist regimes. Nevertheless, society has not safe, the border was unleashed and the Democratic Congress and Senate do want to disband the police force, then Black Lives Matter with
Antifa authorized to terrorize the people as the Public Security Guards in China, Vietnam, and other communist regimes. Moreover, the people pay the highest price of petrol, and the highest inflation in 40 years while the American people are suffering
the horrible hell of the communist paradise of mongrel communist Joe Biden with the support of the Democratic Congress, and Senate. Therefore, the Democratic politicians don’t mind about the people, instead, Democratic politicians collect the money for
the mid-term congressional election that will be held on November 8, 2022. Particularly, the mongrel female communist Jennifer Lynn Wexton collected millions of dollars for the campaign. The rumor spreads about the monetary campaign of Wextons is up to $
US 4 million, and more when the campaign is going on. The people believe the Global Deep States, actually, the leftist billionaire George Soros, probably China’s Communist could provide the finance for her campaign.
Former Navy Seal Colonel Hung Cao comes from the victim’s family of Vietcong, he experiences the sly tactics, and the barbaric methods of the communist, including the mongrel communists like mongrel ape Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck
Schumer, and the mongrel communists in Congress like Jennifer Lynn Wexton. The bloody experiences of former Colonel Hung Cao will beat the mongrel communists in the Congress. He will represent the Virginia people to restore justice, the equal opportunity
in Virginia, the parents of white, and other ethnic groups are confident when their children have no public denouncement of the Black Supremacy. Everyone lives matter, not black lives matter after the mongrel communist Jennifer Lynn Wexton was expelled
from congress.
Whoever pays the highest petrol, fears the Black Lives Matter, Antifa, China to colonize America, the public denouncement and the dire consequences made by Joe Biden, the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang, they will expel the mongrel female communist Jennifer Lynn
Wexton on November 8, 2022, and Hung Cao will represent the people’s interest with the patriotic politicians of Republican Party to beat the mongrel communists in the Congress. Certainly, Hung Cao always stands alongside with MAGA (Make America Great
Again) movement to destroy the MAWE (Make America Worsens Ever) of the Democratic Communist Party is led by the 46th illegal president Joe Biden, and the thuggish Democratic Congress including Jennifer Lynn Wexton.
After the White House robbery occurred on January 20, 2021, the Amerian people including the residents in Virginia have had enough of the disaster created by the mongrel communist Joe Biden, and the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang. The hell of the communist
paradise of Joe Biden focuses on impoverishment. Let’s go Brandon, and let’s expel Wexton on November 8, 2022.
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