The enemies use Biden and Harris to destroy the US
Tuana Le@21:1/5 to
All on Fri Jul 22 20:00:22 2022
Hoa Truong, 22.7.2022
Certainly, the enemies like China’s Communist Party, the Soviet Union (now Russian Federation), Iran, and others couldn’t defeat the world’s superpower the United States in the military battle, and the US economy leads the global market, the US
dollar becomes the world’s currency favor. The Buddhism fable describes the lion as invincible in the jungle, even after the lion died, no animal dares to eat the lion’s meat, except the worm that can destroy the lion’s carcass. This fable reflects
the circumstances of some countries like South Vietnam had a million soldiers, well-trained and modern weapons plus high spiritual fighting. Unfortunately, South Vietnam lost within 55 days. Instead, at least three years should take South Vietnam (not
sure) as Four Stars General Văn Tiến Dũng, commander of The People’s Army of Vietnam warned the staff before launching the Hồ Chí Minh campaign gathered 20 infantry divisions in March 1975. The Vietnamese people believe South Vietnam’s
President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu was the super espionage agent of Vietcongg terror, he climbed higher, and dived deeper into the South Vietnam Army, and became the second president, the commander in chief. Moreover, before Mr. Nguyễn Văn Thiệu joined
South Vietnam’s Army, he was the former district commander of the Viet Minh Front (Vietnam’s Communist Party-controlled) in Phan Rang province. While the People’s Army of Vietnam invaded with 20 divisions, instead, President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu
disabled the Marine Corps Division, and the Airborn division, and ordered the withdrawal from the First Army Corps, and the Second Army Corps. Eventually, President Nguyễn Văn Thiệu fled on April 24, 1975, with his family and close officials, he
brought a quantity of gold worth about $US 13.5 million (*). Nevertheless, the illegal President Dương Văn Minh was the Vietcong’s under-covered activist and was backed by the Vietcong’s monks in Ấn Quang’s Temple, he jumped into the
government, and handed it over on April 30, 1975. Both Presidents of South Vietnam were the smart choices of Vietnam’s Communist Party winning the strongest army in the region when the commander in chiefs destroyed the army, so the Army of the Republic
of Vietnam couldn’t survive when the commander in chief standing alongside and served with the Vietcong terror. The battles proved the People’s Army of Vietnam lost at least 1,500,000 troops, and 300,000 went missing. The bloody lesson repeats the
situation of the United States that matches the stratagem of Sun Tzu” defeat the enemy by capturing their chief”. From 2008 to 2016, the American people didn’t wake up after the first Muslim, communist, and black President Barrack Obama used the US
taxpayers, and the national strength to kill America by its presidency and the function of commander in chief. The Islamic State was founded after Obama withdrew the US Army in Iraq matched the will of Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden (the idol of Barrack
Obama), and the 44th President Barrack Obama secretly financed, weapons and training for the well-known terror organization in the Middle East. The lives of American servants overseas and the US soldiers were risked when the commander in chief and the US
president Barrack Obama served Muslims by the US taxpayers and the blood of America. The four deaths in Benghazi including Ambassador Christopher Stevens came from the commander in chief Barrack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Nevertheless, in 2013, US President Barrack Obama flagged China’s Communist Party for illegally building and militarizing the artificial island, so China controlled the important marine transport, the annual goods estimate at $US 5 trillion, instead,
Obama raised the mouthpiece to condemn China defusing, and deceiving the allies, the countries in the region. The communist and Muslim, black President Barrack Obama weakened the position of America in the world after creating two arrows to siege the US
in the Middle East and Asia. Domestic, the thuggish President Barrack Obama destroyed the US society through the racial war with the Black Supremacy, and two terror organizations like the Black Lives Matter and Antifa have terrorized the American people.
The thuggish President Barrack Obama elected two terms in the White House that was the plan of China’s Communist Party and the enemies of America.
On January 20, 2021, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden, the closed comrade, and servant of the thuggish President Barrack Obama stormed the White House with the legalization of six Justices in the Supreme Court, the major Justices are RINOs like Chief
Justice John Roberts, Justice Neil Gorsuch, Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Justice Amy Coney Barrett. The last White House robbery was carried out by coward traitor Mike Pence who certified the 306 fraudulent electoral colleges of Joe Biden who just won 477
counties, or 16% while the 45th patriotic President Donald Trump won 2,497 counties or 84%. The White House robbery is attempted by seven persons in the Supreme Court and Senate Speaker made the disaster for America and the world, seven persons above are
the enemies of the American people. Without the major RINOs, the political worm Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris couldn’t rob the White House.
The imbecile, old, mad, and incompetent politician Joe Biden with the terrible record of the tax-worm in 46 years did nothing. Therefore, the treasonous specialist Joe Biden got anything as a stratagem of Sun Tzu” creates something from nothing”. The
people recognize the political worm Joe Biden who corrupted anything and got anything in the wealthy life from the sweat of the American people. However, China’s Communist Party, the mongrel communist Barrack Obama has the smart choice to destroy and
defeat the United States. Nevertheless, the Global Deep State wants to reset the world by destroying the world’s powerful country targeting the new world order. Certainly, the Global Deep State, China’s Communist Party, and the enemies of America
have the smart choice by using incompetent politicians like Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris to fit the destructive career in the United States. Moreover, Barrack Obama knew the incompetent man Joe Biden held vice-president in 8 years, and everyone,
including former Defense Secretary Robert Gates of President George W. Bush and Barrack Obama, former senior CIA official, he published the book” Exercise of Power” wrote about Joe Biden” wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national
security issue over the past four decades”. Therefore, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the best servants of China’s Communist Party and the Global Deep State.
The similar tactic of the Global Deep State, China’s Communist Party, and the enemies of America need the US potential destroyers to defeat the world’s most powerful country by the US presidents like Barrack Obama, and now Joe Biden, and Kamala
Harris. The presidential robber Joe Biden, and vice presidential robber Kamala Harris succeeded in the American disaster with the economic destruction, the oil, gas, and freaking eliminated. Despite the American people paying the high price of petrol,
the highest inflation in 40 years, the Black Supremacy publicly denounces the white people and other ethnic groups. Therefore, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden shut down Keystone Pipeline, used the national reserve oil to destroy national security,
and also provides the oil to China. The presidential robber Joe Biden doesn’t want to reopen the Keystone Pipeline, although everyone wants to because China and others enemies want to destroy the United States. Fossil energy helps China, Russia, and
the enemies to control it and dominate America. The label called climate change used to destroy the US industry, jobs, livelihood, and the global energy crisis. The destroyers like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the smart choices of Barrack Obama, China,
the Global Deep State, and the enemies. The main culprits are six Justices in the Supreme Court and Mike Pence approved the rigged election in 2020, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris robbed the White House and used the presidency, the commander in chief to
destroy the country to the grassroots with the protection of the US Army, the FBI, and CIA.
The US Army has weakened from the thuggish President Barrack Obama who permitted homosexuality and transgender paid by the budget of Defense. Nowadays, the fake commander-in-chief Joe Biden continues to destroy the US Army following the footstep of Obama,
and Joe Biden also uses the risky vaccine mandatory to weaken the world’s strongest army. Everyone recognizes the 46th illegal president Joe Biden and the 49th illegal vice-president Kamala Harris are the domestic thugs to make America worsens ever (
MAWE), why does the US Army blindly comply with the orders of the fake commander in chief Joe Biden? The loss of South Vietnam in 1975 by the commander in chief Nguyễn Văn Thiệu and Dương Văn Minh that is a bloody lesson for the United States.
Everyone knows the house is fired, therefore, they do nothing to save it, instead, the discussion argues about the causes of the fire and the arsonists. Let’s save America before too late, the slogan” let’s go Brandon” will act in the reality
with the term” let’s expel Biden, Kamala Harris, and Democratic Communist Party” in the mid-term congressional election that will be held on November 8, 2022
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