Mid-term congressional election panics Democrats
Tuana Le@21:1/5 to
All on Mon Aug 1 19:41:03 2022
Hoa Truong, 30.7.2022
The Democratic Communist Party sowed the wind, then reaps the whirlwind matches the term of cause and effect. Commonly, criminals must pay the price with the appropriate verdict. The treason, corruption, and other crimes panic the Blue Donkey MAFIA gang
when the mid-term congressional election will be held on November 8, 2022. The doomsday comes closer, the panic rushes, the thugs appall while all solutions failed, and perplexes, the rescue plans are impossible.
Despite the Democrats, the six thuggish Justices in the Supreme Court, traitor Mike Pence, China’s Communist Party, and the Global Deep State succeeded to rob the White House on January 20, 2021 and imposed the political worm Joe Biden, and Kamala
Harris occupied the top jobs. Therefore, the perpetrators in the shadow, the culprits and Joe Biden, Kamala Harris couldn’t rob the heart of the American people and the world. The left-stream media, and big tech communication companies propagate and
mislead the public. However, trust can not rob, and distorted in the era of high technological communication plus the jungle of social media to siege the fake news companies and the left big tech.
When the people hate, the illegal government in the White House faces the people’s hostility. Nevertheless, the United States is not like China, North Korea, Cuba, and other communist countries, so the elections will expel the unpopular candidates and
the mongrel communist party called Democratic Party in America. The multiple political parties defeat the long-term dictatorial government, and the people can change the government, Congress, and Senate. The ballots are the potential weapons to expel the
disgraced dictators in Western, actually the United States. The rigged election’s storm in 2020 temporarily devastated the democratic surface. Therefore, the strong fundament remains, and after the disaster, the people in America will rebuild the
country and restore democracy and law.
The hell of communist paradise imposed by the 46th illegal president Joe Biden increases the people’s abhorrence. Actually, every cent rise in petrol aggravates the situation of Democrats, and every laugh of Kamala Harris costs the loss of Democratic
Communist Patry in the futuristic elections.
Nevertheless, the rallies of the 45th virtual President Donald Trump gathered massive supporters that created more panic among Democratic candidates for Congress, Senate, and states (governors). The MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement grows faster,
faster than ever in US history while the MAWE (Make America Worsens Ever) of Joe Biden, Kamla Harris, and the Democrats are shrinking in every electoral unit, the panic couldn’t hide when the presidential robber, an animal covered human body, Joe Biden,
the ape’s Congress, and the illegal cabinet have fallen into the extreme appalling status. The trifling reactions have not saved the worst is coming, and the people’s tsunami is going to destroy all politicians of the Democratic Communist Party.
However, the illegal House Select Committee failed to apply the public denouncement with the fake and fabricated documents, the decoy witnesses like Cassidy Hutchinson because Democrats couldn’t apply the form of people’s court in China, Vietnam, and
the communist regimes like the bloodshed campaigns, actually the Landlord Reform campaign. The sham riot on January 6, 2021, was arrayed by a political sorceress, female old ape Nancy Pelosi was unmasked, and the false accusation completely failed when
the presidential robbery’s victim Donald Trump vindicated his prestige skyrockets. Instead, the patriotic President Donald Trump won the election in 2020 and also won the people’s hearts.
The Biden War in Ukraine invasion, the monkeypox pandemic, the Covid-19, and variants can not save the Democrats in the mid-term congressional election in November 2022, and the presidential election in 2024. Nowadays, no one trusts the scientific clown,
dogtor Anthony Fauci who talks and distorts the medical career like the MAFIA’s medical official. People worldwide recognize Dogtor Fauci in America, and Dogtor, terrorist Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the World Health Organization are deceitful
medical officials, so the pandemics play political games.
The panic rushes Democratic Communist Party crazily reacts like all kinds of insects struck by the strong stuff of pesticide. The illegal House Select Committee exposed the disgraced clowns, actually RINO, female ape Liz Cheney ruined her political life,
and she will lose her seat in Wyoming. Certainly, Democrats and her new boss Nancy Pelosi can not save, instead, the fate of Liz Cheney matches the term spy” when a hunter recognizes the dog can not do the job properly, a hunter must know how to eat
the dog’s meat”. The status of traitors facing the dilemma while Republicans and people boycotting and Democrats. No one trusts the thugs, it is a disaster for the Democratic Communist Party.
The 46th illegal president Joe Biden and Democrats fall into the extreme panic in the White House’s quagmire can not wade while the political hurricane formed and coming soon, the people have no tolerance for the treasonous party and the corrupt
politicians. After the failure of the illegal House Select Committee, on July 27, 2022, the unlawful Attorney-General, male ape Merrick Garland plans to arrest and prosecute the patriotic President Donald Trump after the rally in Washington D.C. The
funny reasons raise Donald Trump claims the rigged election in 2020, despite the evidence inundated and a thousand witnesses. Indeed, the illegal Attorney-General Merrick Garland applies the bush law of the communist regime. Unfortunately, there is no
room for false accusations and arrests to apply the innocent people, actually, the patriotic President Donald Trump.
The mid-term congressional election in November 2022 is the real fear of Democrats and whoever is involved in the rigged election in 2020 including the left-stream media, and the big tech communication companies. Certainly, the male ape Joe Biden, female
ape Kamala Harris and the illegal ape cabinet will be on the table for an indictment. The Republican candidates for Congress, Senate, and governors win the people’s hearts while Democratic candidates are shrinking into distrust, and waiting to retire
forever in politics. When Republicans control Congress, and the Senate, the fate of Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Democrats will not escape the disaster:
-The bill will introduce to accuse the presidential rigged election in 2020: the evidence and witnesses already proved. The bill easily passed the Congress and Senate. Certainly, the 46th illegal president Joe Biden and the 49th illegal vice president
Kamala Harris will be impeached and arrested for treasonous charges, the presidential robbery charge, and other serious crimes. The illegal cabinet will face a cluster of criminal charges. Possibly, the illegal servants should repay the salary because
they were employed by the illegal government. The panic proves when dozens of White House employees volunteered to give up their jobs to avoid the big troubles after the mid-term congressional election.
-The Democratic Communist Party must pay all costs of the election in 2020 including the legal fees. If they have no capacity to pay, Democrats must file bankruptcy and disband like a business.
-All executive orders of presidential robber Joe Biden are illegal, so the US government can confiscate the assets of Joe Biden, family members plus the criminal charges.
-All foreign agreements must review and scrap. The agreements including the Paris climate agreement will be eliminated.
-The bill opens Obamagate, initially, former President Barack Obama Must pay back $US 152 billion that he bribed Iran to cover the suspicious death of Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden
-The six Justices of the Supreme Court will be impeached by the major representatives voted, and some Justices should commit corruption and treason. The people knew the prominent thuggish Justice John Roberts committed many crimes, including pedophiles.
The fate of traitor Mike Pence will face the Special Committee, and the court will ask Mike Pence to pay for the treason.
-The left media companies and the big tech communication companies, actually Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will be faced criminal charges, actually, he bribed $US 400 million to the judges and polling officials.
The Republicans will do a lot of jobs to clean up the political mess built up a long time ago, actually the era of Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, and Joe Biden. The doomsday comes closer, so Democrats panic and crazily reaction. Unfortunately, the traitors
and corruption will not escape, and the American people do want to arrest all traitors, and the national criminals as soon as possible, so the mid-term congressional election in November 2022 becomes a disaster for the Democratic Communist Party and the
The RINOs and some members of the Democratic Communist Party know the fate. On July 27, 2022, they formed a new political party. The founders are former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang, and Christine Todd Whitman, the former Republican
governor of New Jersey. Possibly, the new party will have some RINOs like Mike Pence, the wing of former President George W. Bush, Liz Cheney, and others who should join the White House race in 2024. The people predict Mike Pence will be the presidential
candidate in 2024 with the support of Democrats and the Global Deep State. Actually, the RINOs plan to reduce the ballots of Republicans, and eliminate the absolute majority of Republicans in Congress, and the Senate to avoid the worst situation after
the mid-term congressional election, and the next presidential election. The sky net and divine justice are waiting for Democratic Communist Party and RINOs, the people’s power is invincible. Let’s go Brandon, and let’s expel Democrats.
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