XPost: soc.genealogy.medieval
This file contains embedded SVG. It is a tree composed with the Dia
editor saved as SVG. SVG is a dialect (for want of a better term) of XML
and XML is text so it should be possible to embed in a newsgroup posting.
The lines as saved are too long for internet message format but can be
split. To do this I set the right hand margin of the Bluefish XML
editor to 60 characters, opened the .svg file, selected
Tools>Format>Split at right margin and resaved the file.
To try viewing the file copy the lines between the lines of equals signs
(but not the lines of equals themselves), paste into your text editor of
choice and save with a .svg suffix to the file name.
It should be possible to open with whatever application you have to view
vector graphics files. If you don't have anything download the
appropriate version of Inkscape from inkscape.org
The tree is the first few generations of Lawrence Kaye, 1st son of John
Kaye of Woodsome assembled from Glover, Flower and Dugdale.
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