XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, or.politics, alt.politics.media
XPost: sac.politics
I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas Something.
Being an equal opportunity offender, next year I will pick on
the White Christians, or the Brown Hispanics, or the Yellow
Asians, or the Emotional Womens, or... no one... because I might
not feel like it. Sue me.
Well, we'll see...
But with Barack Obummer in the White Grey House, this year, it's
time to pick on Kwanzaa. Yeah, Kwanzaa, that 100% artificially
created fake holiday celebrating Black Power (aka Malcolm X-ism,
aka Socialism, aka Communism, aka Evil). Hokey-Smoke and Hoo-
Wee! When even "Wackypedia" gets it right, you KNOW it's beyond
Leftist propaganda spin! And how often does THAT happen, Cat,
Rat, Shat, Dogg?!
Have a holly, jolly Kwanzaa
It's the Black time of the year
I don't know if there'll be Blow
But crack that 40 here.
Have a holly, jolly Kwanzaa
And when you strut thru the hood
Say "Hey, yo!" to friends you owe
But not to those be good
Oh, sho, the hood's best ho
Flaunts so you can see
Some cop, he waits for you
Cap him once for me
Have a holly, jolly Kwanzaa
And in case you're out of jail
Oh, mofo, have you a holly, jolly Kwanzaa
With ale
When I was a young, drunk, White guy hanging out with "The
League Of Soul Crusaders", we called those big beer bottles
"Buzz Bombs". But leave it to our less alliterative, less
creative street Bruhthuhs, to name them after the number of
ounces they contain: "40s".
40 ounces of beer in the bomb, 40 ounces of beer. You steal one
down and pass it around... 39 ounces of beer in the bomb. 39
ounces of beer in the bomb, 39 ounces of beer...
Yeah, working more than 62 hours per week, I'm starting to get
pissed off. And right at "The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year".
~ D-FensDogG
'Loyal American Underground'
http://stmccpresentsbattleofthebands.blogspot.com/2015/12/have- holly-jolly-kwanzaa-or-have-holly.html
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