From Daniel Cook@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 27 04:42:38 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, or.politics, alt.politics.media
    XPost: sac.politics

    Yo, YOU & YOUETTE ~

    I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas Something.

    Being an equal opportunity offender, next year I will pick on
    the White Christians, or the Brown Hispanics, or the Yellow
    Asians, or the Emotional Womens, or... no one... because I might
    not feel like it. Sue me.

    Well, we'll see...

    But with Barack Obummer in the White Grey House, this year, it's
    time to pick on Kwanzaa. Yeah, Kwanzaa, that 100% artificially
    created fake holiday celebrating Black Power (aka Malcolm X-ism,
    aka Socialism, aka Communism, aka Evil). Hokey-Smoke and Hoo-
    Wee! When even "Wackypedia" gets it right, you KNOW it's beyond
    Leftist propaganda spin! And how often does THAT happen, Cat,
    Rat, Shat, Dogg?!

    Have a holly, jolly Kwanzaa
    It's the Black time of the year
    I don't know if there'll be Blow
    But crack that 40 here.

    Have a holly, jolly Kwanzaa
    And when you strut thru the hood
    Say "Hey, yo!" to friends you owe
    But not to those be good

    Oh, sho, the hood's best ho
    Flaunts so you can see
    Some cop, he waits for you
    Cap him once for me

    Have a holly, jolly Kwanzaa
    And in case you're out of jail
    Oh, mofo, have you a holly, jolly Kwanzaa
    With ale

    When I was a young, drunk, White guy hanging out with "The
    League Of Soul Crusaders", we called those big beer bottles
    "Buzz Bombs". But leave it to our less alliterative, less
    creative street Bruhthuhs, to name them after the number of
    ounces they contain: "40s".

    40 ounces of beer in the bomb, 40 ounces of beer. You steal one
    down and pass it around... 39 ounces of beer in the bomb. 39
    ounces of beer in the bomb, 39 ounces of beer...

    Yeah, working more than 62 hours per week, I'm starting to get
    pissed off. And right at "The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year".

    ~ D-FensDogG
    'Loyal American Underground'

    http://stmccpresentsbattleofthebands.blogspot.com/2015/12/have- holly-jolly-kwanzaa-or-have-holly.html

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John Smyth@21:1/5 to All on Fri Dec 27 03:49:52 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.politics.media

    Trump celebrates by having a coke and sucking the cock of a homeless
    nigger. Nick Fuentes got caught in bed by his boyfriend with a nigger

    Shoot an American rightist, save a child from being raped.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From It's Africoon Month Again!@21:1/5 to All on Wed Feb 19 11:08:45 2025
    XPost: oh.general, alt.politics.liberalism, alt.abortion
    XPost: sac.politics, alt.war.civil.usa


    A 19-year-old man, indicted on multiple rape, gross sexual imposition and kidnapping charges, knew his victim, according to court documents obtained by this news organization Friday.

    Zaren Wiesenborn sexually assaulted the victim on at least five occasions over the last few years, the victim told investigators, according to the documents.

    “(Wiesenborn) admitted he liked feeling the power of control over (the victim) and he would do these actions as a punishment toward her for aggravating him,” detectives said in the court document.

    Wiesenborn’s next court appearance will be an arraignment hearing April 10. He remains in the Montgomery County Jail with bond set at $200,000.

    FIRST REPORT (April 5):

    A 19-year-old Dayton man was indicted on several charges after he was accused of kidnapping and raping a 17-year-old girl.

    Zaren Wiesenborn was indicted Thursday on six charges of Rape, four counts of Gross Sexual Imposition, and three counts of Kidnapping, according to a Grand Jury report.

    TRENDING: Thunderbirds pilot killed in training crash identified

    Wiesenborn was arrested in March and currently remained booked in the Montgomery County Jail, according to records. His bond remains at $200,000.

    Additional details about the crime Wiesenborn is accused of remain unavailable.

    We’ll update this page as we learn more.


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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)