kalevi@kolttonen.fi (Kalevi Kolttonen) writes:> Hello there!>> Many news sites now say that there has been a terrorist attack in> Moscow. That is a total lie!>> In reality this attack is not terrorism at all, but a disgusting act> of violence orderedby no other than by Putler himself.>> The purpose of this faked "terrist" attack is to incite more hatred> towards Ukrainian people.>> br, KKSo you don't think it's ISIS?
So you don't think it's ISIS?
jdeluise <jdeluise@gmail.com> wrote:
So you don't think it's ISIS?
No way. They try to take credit for the
attack, but Putler is behind it.
In article <utmlkg$3lkem$1@dont-email.me>,
Kalevi Kolttonen <kalevi@kolttonen.fi> wrote:
jdeluise <jdeluise@gmail.com> wrote:
So you don't think it's ISIS?
No way. They try to take credit for the
attack, but Putler is behind it.
Or is just taking advantage of it.
bmoore <bmoore@nyx.net> wrote:> In article <utmlkg$3lkem$1@dont-email.me>,> Kalevi Kolttonen <kalevi@kolttonen.fi> wrote:>>jdeluise <jdeluise@gmail.com> wrote:>>> So you don't think it's ISIS?>>>>No way. They try to take credit for the>>attack, butPutler is behind it.> > Or is just taking advantage of it.Maybe. I have read that US intelligencenow claims that they have evidence suggestingISIS might be to blame after all.I do not know which sources to trust, butif USA says so, it might be actually
*skriptis <skriptis@post.t-com.hr> writes:
l It's a Jewish psy-op.Based on..?
*skriptis <skriptis@post.t-com.hr> Wrote in message:r> kalevi@kolttonen.fi (Kalevi Kolttonen) Wrote in message:r> bmoore <bmoore@nyx.net> wrote:> In article <utmlkg$3lkem$1@dont-email.me>,> Kalevi Kolttonen <kalevi@kolttonen.fi> wrote:>>jdeluise <jdeluise@gmail.com> wrote:>>> So you don't think it's ISIS?>>>>No way. They try to take credit for the>>attack, but Putler is behind it.> > Or is just taking advantage of it.Maybe. I have read that US intelligencenow claims that they have evidence
bmoore <bmoore@nyx.net> wrote:
In article <utmlkg$3lkem$1@dont-email.me>,
Kalevi Kolttonen <kalevi@kolttonen.fi> wrote:
jdeluise <jdeluise@gmail.com> wrote:
So you don't think it's ISIS?
No way. They try to take credit for the
attack, but Putler is behind it.
Or is just taking advantage of it.
Maybe. I have read that US intelligence
now claims that they have evidence suggesting
ISIS might be to blame after all.
I do not know which sources to trust, but
if USA says so, it might be actually be
true. It is just strange why ISIS would
strike in Putlerlandia. Putlerlandia loves
the fucking Palestinian terrorists and
loves islam in general. If ISIS is behind
this attack, they must be crazier than I
ever thought.
*skriptis <skriptis@post.t-com.hr> writes:>> 1+1+1=3isis goes where there's chaos and political instability. These guysmust be eyeing Putin and licking their lips. Almost like journeyman whodrew Pete in Paris.
*skriptis <skriptis@post.t-com.hr> writes:> jdeluise <jdeluise@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r>> *skriptis <skriptis@post.t-com.hr> writes:>> 1+1+1=3isis goes where> there's chaos and political instability. These guysmust be eyeing> Putin and lickingtheir lips. Almost like journeyman whodrew Pete in> Paris.>>> Stop with the fairytales.Please... Putin started a war he was supposed to win in days over twoyears ago. Now his economy is in ruins, his military destroyed and he'sgot 10s of thousands of
CONSPIRACY THEORIST Kalevi needs to apologise
to good Mr.Putin once again!
The Putin regime is crumbling, it's just a
matter of time now.
jdeluise <jdeluise@gmail.com> wrote:> The Putin regime is crumbling, it's just a > matter of time now.I hope so, but it could be that Putlerlandia willbe a dark, possessed center of lies for many morecenturies to come. Evil forces reign supremeinPutlerlandia. Like I have said before: falsehoodsare called truths and truths are called falsehoods.Violence, hatred, delusions and ignorance can befound everywhere in Putlerlandia. Most sane peoplehave moved out of the country, but some of themdid not
Jewish shills use "Putler", no one else.
kalevi@kolttonen.fi (Kalevi Kolttonen) writes:
*skriptis <skriptis@post.t-com.hr> wrote:
Jewish shills use "Putler", no one else.
As far as I know, I am 0% Jewish. But I sure hope that Israel will
destroy the whole Gaza completely so that only a barren desert and
smoking ruins will remain. It is only justice that is bound to happen.
Disgusting. Especially if you believe that the Israelis knew of the
attack ahead of time and chose to look the other way to set up a pretext
for war/genocide.
Putler is what Putler is: a sick, pathetic lying bastard. The country
he has create is among the worst shithole countries that our history
has ever known. All sane people that have money have fled from
Putlerlandia and they will never come back.
br, KK
I'm no fan of Putin, quite the opposite, but this is ridiculous
hyperbole. You're like the (presumably) male, Finnish Court_1 around
here I think.
he says Russia is full of "falsehoods are called truths and truths are called falsehoods" whereas in Finland and the USA a man wearing a dress is called the most beautiful woman of the year and they want to make it illegal to call him a "man" becausethey can't tell you even what a "woman" is! AHHHHAHAHAH!
The Iceberg <iceberg.rules@gmail.com> Wrote in message:they can't tell you even what a "woman" is! AHHHHAHAHAH!
he says Russia is full of "falsehoods are called truths and truths are called falsehoods" whereas in Finland and the USA a man wearing a dress is called the most beautiful woman of the year and they want to make it illegal to call him a "man" because
What can you say...
why are do you want women's sports destroyed
so much and why do you want
a hairy man in a dress being called the most
beautiful woman in the world?
you must be a real sicko, oh yes cos you
even want men with a sex fetish for dresses
doing Drag Queen Story Hour.
But it doesn't have to be a binary choice, right?
Look, the
Palestinians can't even so much as set up solar panels without
being punished. Surely you don't believe all Palestinians are
complicit in the attack, or even most. The response has been too
extreme, imo.
Well, reports from credible sources suggest they did indeed know
of the plan ahead of time and either ignored it or thought it
wasn't serious. What makes you think that's incorrect? Just a
I don't think that Russia is nearly the shithole you make it out
to be. The stuff about Putin I don't disagree with though.
I noticed that only Islam and Christianity think that their religion is necessary for *everyone* to accept, and that they evangelize.There may be exceptions, but I hadn't thought of any other religions that insist that *you* join up, or either die inthis world, or be punished in the next.Odd shit, huh?
Diverging somewhat, but thinking about religions somewhat, and the wars
they seem to have inspired, I noticed that only Islam and Christianity
think that their religion is necessary for *everyone* to accept, and
that they evangelize.
There may be exceptions, but I hadn't thought of any other religions
that insist that *you* join up, or either die in this world, or be
punished in the next.
Odd shit, huh?
you must want women's sports destroyed as that is the inevitable result
of letting biological compete with women.
no we don't have to accept that a biological man is a woman at all, you
nut, cos that's exactly what you said by "falsehoods are called truths
and truths are called falsehoods" - calling a man a "woman" is a total falsehood, you must accept that.
where on earth is it normal for men with a sex fetish for wearing
dresses to be involved with kids?!! you must be seriously warped if you
think that's normal.
in Christianity, evangelism isn't about being
right, it's about saving people from doom.
no you should admit that far worse is Hinduism, cos most of India
practices that and they don't do charity donations.
On 26/03/2024 19:23, Kalevi Kolttonen wrote:
The Iceberg <iceberg.rules@gmail.com> wrote:
you must want women's sports destroyed as that is the inevitable result
of letting biological compete with women.
I am indifferent, I do not care about it at all.
no, you literally must hate women and women's sports, you can't have it
both ways.
you mean 100% biological men, not "women". Please quit with your lying falsehoods.
where on earth is it normal for men with a sex fetish for wearing
dresses to be involved with kids?!! you must be seriously warped if you
think that's normal.
I do not care about what people wear. Men can
wear dresses, women can wear trousers, I do
not give a shit about it.
nobody else does, but you should care about letting sex-obsessed men
wearing dresses near kids, you sicko.
The Iceberg <iceberg.rules@gmail.com> wrote:
no you should admit that far worse is Hinduism, cos most of India
practices that and they don't do charity donations.
Hinduism is mostly all right but it does have its
own defects.
The caste system is pretty bad IMO.
On 27/03/2024 15:22, Kalevi Kolttonen wrote:
The Iceberg <iceberg.rules@gmail.com> wrote:
On 26/03/2024 19:23, Kalevi Kolttonen wrote:
The Iceberg <iceberg.rules@gmail.com> wrote:
you must want women's sports destroyed as that is the inevitable result >>>>> of letting biological compete with women.
I am indifferent, I do not care about it at all.
no, you literally must hate women and women's sports, you can't have it
both ways.
I do not hate woman at all. I enjoy fucking women and I
insist that they are CIS women!
what is a CIS woman?
you mean 100% biological men, not "women". Please quit with your lying
Trans women.
no, they're not women at all, you're just slurring women even more by
where on earth is it normal for men with a sex fetish for wearing
dresses to be involved with kids?!! you must be seriously warped if you >>>>> think that's normal.
I do not care about what people wear. Men can
wear dresses, women can wear trousers, I do
not give a shit about it.
nobody else does, but you should care about letting sex-obsessed men
wearing dresses near kids, you sicko.
They are not sex-obsessed at all.
yes they are they have a sex fetish for wearing dresses, it's why in
their sick depraved drag shows there's always a sexual side, 100% guaranteeed. You're really sicko if you want kids involved/influenced by
that stuff.
On 27/03/2024 15:20, Kalevi Kolttonen wrote:
The Iceberg <iceberg.rules@gmail.com> wrote:
in Christianity, evangelism isn't about being
right, it's about saving people from doom.
Christians are fucking brainslaves and lying,
deceiving priests are their masters.
you keep trying to tell us a biological man is a "woman", you maroon and
you call us Christians brainslaves LOL
look at this: https://www.deccanherald.com/india/indian-chief-priest-sentenced-to-jail-in-singapore-for-pawning-temple-jewellery-1223263.html
Why do you refuse to complain about corrupt India and Hindus?
On 3/30/24 11:34 AM, Kalevi Kolttonen wrote:> The Iceberg <iceberg.rules@gmail.com> wrote:>> On 27/03/2024 15:20, Kalevi Kolttonen wrote:>>> The Iceberg <iceberg.rules@gmail.com> wrote:>>>> in Christianity, evangelism isn't about being>>>> right, it'sabout saving people from doom.>>> Christians are fucking brainslaves and lying,>>> deceiving priests are their masters.>> you keep trying to tell us a biological man is a "woman", you maroon and>> you call us Christians brainslaves LOL> Yes, Christians
On 3/30/24 11:34 AM, Kalevi Kolttonen wrote:
The Iceberg <iceberg.rules@gmail.com> wrote:
On 27/03/2024 15:20, Kalevi Kolttonen wrote:Yes, Christians are brainslaves. So are muslims.
The Iceberg <iceberg.rules@gmail.com> wrote:you keep trying to tell us a biological man is a "woman", you maroon and >>> you call us Christians brainslaves LOL
in Christianity, evangelism isn't about beingChristians are fucking brainslaves and lying,
right, it's about saving people from doom.
deceiving priests are their masters.
The fucking priests and imams are your masters and
you buy their sick lies without blinking an eye.
look at this:Hinduism is not perfect, but is a religion one
Why do you refuse to complain about corrupt India and Hindus?
can tolerate.
OK, kk. But really, who needs any of it?
It gets to be like the debates about the next US election. If you don't
like Biden, it doesn't mean you have to like Trump. Many people cannot comprehend this; neither of the fuckers will do you one bit of good,
except by lucky accident. Religion seems to me the same. If you don't
like Abrahamic religions, it doesn't mean you need to choose another, so
that you can fill in the "Choose a religion" field on the questionnaire.
But yeah, I *do* get scared by loud thunder all of a sudden...
On 3/30/24 12:26 PM, *skriptis wrote:> Sawfish <sawfish666@gmail.com> Wrote in message:r>> On 3/30/24 11:34 AM, Kalevi Kolttonen wrote:> The Iceberg <iceberg.rules@gmail.com> wrote:>> On 27/03/2024 15:20, Kalevi Kolttonen wrote:>>> The Iceberg <iceberg.rules@gmail.com> wrote:>>>> in Christianity, evangelism isn't about being>>>> right, it's about saving people from doom.>>> Christians are fucking brainslaves and lying,>>> deceiving priests are their masters.>> you keep trying to tell us a biological
You think your ancestors were dumb?>>I know what I am and I know what I'm not, skript. If I was *really* dumb I wouldn't have gotten that far...:^)
the CNN anchors are clearly your masters, they give you your orders and
you follow without question like they say "if a man wear a dress, he is exactly the same as a woman" AND YOU TOTALLY AGREE LOL
can't you write "my religion is whatever is the current thing and CNN
tell me"?
that's sicko.
KK, are you to the point yet where you can see that while religion is
utterly worthless as it applies to you, and one is tempted to mock and disrespect those who take it seriously, that religion very often is a
big positive as it applies to many others?
By this I mean there are a lot of people you cannot rely on to follow
basic social precepts--no theft/murder, some level of domestic responsibility, etc.--and a good many of these can be frightened into
proper social behavior if they think that God is watching them, and is planning to kick their ass yet but good in the afterlife. For all eternity.
there we have it! proof your religion is CNN and "the current thing" +
you've proved how "stupid" us religious people are by saying you totally "believe" that "a man in a dress IS a woman" LOL That is literally a
belief cos it not based on any facts but on your MSM book of woke, yes?
Generally those without religion or who dislike organised religion suck
up to the MSM media or Marxism and that is their alternative "religion"
as proven by you KK(sawfish and Whisper seem bit different).
that's not the point, you depraved sicko, you prob say the same about
paedos and call them "minor-attracted people".
On 4/6/24 10:04 AM, Kalevi Kolttonen wrote:
The Iceberg <iceberg.rules@gmail.com> wrote:
that's not the point, you depraved sicko, you prob say the same aboutI never said that. I only said that having drag queens
paedos and call them "minor-attracted people".
reading stories to children is perfectly okay.
KK, in honesty, would you be OK sending you kid, if you had one, to this
sort of activity?
It's not the end of the world if this happens, I agree, but on balance
it probably is more for the drag queen than for the kids being read to.
In that light, it's a sort of self-esteem session for what is arguably
an ill-adjusted individual. And your kid's presence is required to help
this person feel good about themselves.
Now, rest assured that most/many kids will notice that this is a very
strange adult reading to them--unless drag queens come to their home regularly. So what happens when they come home is either a) they ask you
why Madame Pumpadore wears stockings, a dress, much, much more make-up
than Mom, and has hair on his/her/its chest; or b) they say nothing but stew about it silently, trying to accommodate the new model for what to expect from an adult. It'll go right in there with "be nice to granny
and don't take candy from strangers".
Because bear in mind, if the school/library/parks service/church
presents this queen to the kids, that will, in the kid's mind,
legitimize them. They're now an adult, like their teacher and the dentist.
So now you've got a 6 year old kids trying to resolve it on their own,
or they ask *you* to explain it. And for me that would be difficult to
do in an unbiased way because it's contrary to my personal values about gender in the broad society.
So in the big picture, the one I have to live in, I don't see this as a beneficial trend.
no they're men with a sex fetish for wearing dresses. If a wolf came
round your house and said "I only just want to read some nice stories to
your chickens", you'd let them, yes?
On 4/11/24 9:20 AM, Kalevi Kolttonen wrote:
The Iceberg <iceberg.rules@gmail.com> wrote:
no they're men with a sex fetish for wearing dresses. If a wolf cameIt has nothing to do with sex fetish. Just regular
round your house and said "I only just want to read some nice stories to >>> your chickens", you'd let them, yes?
folks wearing dresses and makeup. No need to panic.
You're giving it some thought, then?
yes mostly sex perverts and child molesters!
as Sawfish asked don't you think kids story hour is for their benefits
not the children?!
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